
Top Haunted Places in Assam | Spooky places in Assam

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jonakaxom @jonakaxom · May 27, 2020


Top Haunted Places in Assam | Spooky places in Assam


Assam, the place which is known for the red river and blue hills, If you are searching for assortment while picking your vacation goal, this could be the ideal spot. Here we present to you the top 10 most spooky places in Assam. 


1) Valley of Death for Birds, Jatinga

Jatinga Haunted Place | Most Haunted Place In Assam
Near Guwahati there is a spot called Jatinga, this town is well known worldwide for its unexplained wonder of mass fledgling suicides. The greater part of the transient flying creatures visiting the region never leave the town. The mass suicides happen on a particular 1 mile by 600 feet piece of land between 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM on the moonless evenings of September and October. This marvel is said to have rehashed a seemingly endless amount of time after year without a break for over a century. 


2) Haunted Lodge, Jorhat 

Horror Place In Jorhat| Haunted Lodge In Assam
Inhabitants hear sounds, shouts, and crying clamors originating from within the house when this spot has been abandoned for a considerable length of time. Numerous individuals who have attempted to mock the spooky tag, have adventured into this spot to unwind the riddle behind the occurrences, subsequent to visiting they have discovered different kinds of images at better places in this house, these images will offer shudder to a typical man. 


3) Haunted House, Guwahati 

Guwahati Haunted House Location
As per the legend, this house was under the control of an individual who rehearsed magic. After the demise of this individual, whoever attempted to settle here couldn't live calmly as the soul of this individual would pester and upset each and every individual who came to remain here. 


4) Bogijuli camp 

Bogijuli camp Haunted Or Not | Haunted Picnic Spot In Assam
It is in the Nameri backwoods save and has been accounted for some peculiar happenings. A lady can be listened to chuckling and crying uproariously, however, nobody is to be seen. There is a bamboo forest close by and once in a while unexpectedly commotions of bamboos falling can be heard however as common nobody is found there on examining. 


5) Evil soul, Guwahati 

Guwahati Haunted Area | Horror Place In Guwahati
According to the legend, a person from Guwahati got hitched to a young lady from another locale. Following a couple of days, the young lady consistently had dreams of phantoms assaulting her, soon her wellbeing decayed and she had wounds all over her body. Specialists couldn't discover the purpose for this, so at last, the spouse took her to a Tantric. The Tantric discovered that the weird things were being brought about by an abhorrent soul, this soul was enamored with the kid and it was attempting to enter the body of the young lady to fulfill her wants. The Tantric prompted them to move to another spot and afterward, the issue was unraveled.