A harmonic drive gearbox is a type of gearbox that uses harmonic vibrations to transmit power. It is often used in high-precision and low-backlash applications, such as robotics and medical equipment. A harmonic drive gearbox from UK Harmonic Drive can provide accurate power transmission.
To select the right tool, read the following paragraphs.
Lubricant, Seals and Motors
Once unit size and configuration is complete, there are still a few steps to be addressed. Most manufacturers provide an option to ship the harmonic drive gearbox filled with lubrication. The default is to ship units empty and let customers fill them on site for most. Some manufacturers will recommend a second set of seals for applications with a vertical shaft down. Finally, because many gearboxes are eventually mounted to a C-frame motor, many manufacturers will also offer a service to integrate a motor onto the gearbox and ship the assembly as a single unit.
Ambient Temperature and Environment
Higher ambient temperatures increase internal pressure, which will require an increase in the service factor used. High or low temperatures can require different seal materials and lubrication viscosities.
The environment in which the harmonic drive gearbox will function is also essential to consider while sizing. Harsh environments can increase wear on the unit. Dusty or dirty environments often require special material to prevent corrosion or bacteria growth. Food or beverage plants require specific FDA compliant coatings and oil. Vacuum environments will require special grease and heat dissipation considerations since there will be no air for cooling. Failure to account for these environmental features can result in a gearbox that cannot support the application properly. All of these aspects must be considered when sizing a gearbox.
Service factor
The starting point for most gearbox manufacturers is to define a service factor. This tool adjusts configurations based on the input type, hours of use per day, and any shock or vibration present in the application. An application with an irregular shock, such as a grinding application, will require a higher service factor than a uniformly loaded one. Similarly, a unit that is used intermittently will see a lower factor than the one used 24 hours per day.
An application with an irregular shock (a grinding application, for example) needs a higher service factor than a uniformly loaded one. Likewise, a harmonic drive gearbox that runs intermittently needs a lower factor than one used 24 hours a day.
Class of service
Once this factor is determined, it will define a class of service. A harmonic drive system driven by a plain AC motor driving an evenly loaded, constant speed conveyor 20 hours per day would commonly have a service class 2.
A gearbox paired to a plain ac motor driving an even load. This information comes from charts from gearbox manufacturers that list types of service. The design engineer must know input horsepower, application type, and target ratio to use these charts.
Overhung load
Once a unit size is selected, the gearbox manufacturer’s catalogue or website will provide a value for the maximum overhung load permissible for that size unit. Suppose the load in an application is higher than the value allowed. In that case, the gearbox may need to be upsized to account for the overhung loading.
After the designer picks a size, increase the gearbox size to withstand the overhung load if the load in an application exceeds the allowed value.
While there are some common mounting configurations, manufacturers of a harmonic drive system offer a wide range of options for each unit size. But there are many other choices. Such options as mounting feet for either above or below the body of the gearbox, hollow outputs and input and output configuration are all possible. All gearbox manufacturers list their mounting options and dimensional information in catalogues and websites.
Gearbox manufacturers offer many options for each unit size. A flanged input with a hollow bore for a C-frame motor combined with an output shaft projecting to the left may be the most common mounting, but there are many other choices. Options include mounting feet that may be placed above or below the body of the gearbox, hollow outputs, and input and output arrangement. All gearbox manufacturers list their mounting options and dimensional information on websites.
Using a harmonic drive gearbox offers plenty of benefits. By considering the details listed above, finding the ideal product would be fast and simple. This item would last long and operate quietly and smoothly.