
Does yoga help in hair growth and anxiety?

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onlinehealths @onlinehealths · Jun 10, 2021

As a human our universal problem these days is the hair loss problem. How many products have you used to treat your damaged hair properly? How many diets have you changed to give your hair proper nutritions? 

I guess so many things we have used on our hair to control the damage of the hair loss. But have you tried yoga to prevent this problem? Yes! You read it right! Yoga, with many other thousands of benefits, can also help in preventing hair loss and other hair problems.





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Do you know what are the root causes of your hair problems? If not, you will definitely find out in this article.


Hair problems these days


We are a generation that goes through many life problems, be it mental or physical. The prevalence of mental issues, such as anxiety and depression, in the world are increasing at a very high rate and speed. Which can cause several hair problems like hairfall, dandruff etc. 


The most prevalent problem related to hair is hair loss in people. People are so stressed by their problem of constant hair loss that is affecting their life in many ways. Other than this, some other hair problems are as follows:


  • Head lices: This is a contagious problem which can happen to one person by coming into contact with the infected person. A tiny insect takes place in a human’s hair and sucks onto their blood then lays eggs in their hair that results in itching in the scalp.


  • Hair loss: Hair loss can be caused by an Autoimmune situation which is known as Alopecia Ariata. The immune system mistakenly stops hair growth hormones for an undetermined reason that results in hair loss. Other than this, depression, anxiety, tension or stress can also cause big hairloss.


  • Dandruff: Dandruff or Seborrhea is a very common but non-contagious problem. It can get worse in winters or when a person is stressed about something very much.


  • Split ends: When hairs break into two ends, it is called split ends problem. It makes the hair rough and damaged.


  • Frizzy hair: As we can know from the name of it, the hair becomes frizzy like a fuzzy or uneven texture. It can be caused by humidity, damaged hair or genetics.


These are only a few hair problems, many more hair problems are there but these are the most common ones.


Causes of hair loss


Several factors can cause hair loss in a person. Some of the factors of hair loss are listed below:


  • Hereditary hair loss
  • Age
  • Alopecia Areata ( an autoimmune disease)
  • Cancer treatment
  • Childbirth
  • Illness
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Tension
  • Wrong hair care
  • Hairstyle pulls
  • Using chemicals on your hair
  • Hormonal changes
  • Scalp infections
  • Dandruff
  • Medication
  • Thyroid
  • Not taking enough nutrients which are important for hair


These are some of the factors which can cause hair loss. There are many other causes that are not listed in the above list.


How to treat hair loss by Yoga?


There are several ways to deal with hair loss problems. Such as meditation or eating a healthy diet. But did you know yoga can also help in hair growth speed and prevent hair loss? Yes yoga has many benefits including preventing hair loss issues. 


Yoga postures that help prevent hair loss


Yoga keeps your body calm and away from the stress and anxiety or any depression which enhances our hormones in several ways. There are many postures of yoga which you can perform everyday to treat the hair loss. 


  • Balayam Yoga Mudra: This posture in simple words is rubbing the nails. It is a very simple and easy way to reduce hair loss. A person needs to do it only 5 to 10 minutes a day continuously to see results.


  • Pada-hastasana Yoga: It is also known as Standing forward bend. It heals and rejuvenates the body. With the help of this asana head gets blood circulation when it goes down the heart. As a result, it provides oxygen to the hair cells and makes them energetic.


  • Parvat-asana: In simple words it is known as mountain pose. As other asanas it gives a hike to blood flow to the scalp which gives nourishment to the hair roots.


  • Vajrasana: Also called diamond pose. It is the only asana that is performed after eating because it helps in digestion. And improper digestion can lead to several issues including hair fall issues.




Yoga has so many benefits that we cannot write all of them. These benefits also include preventing hair fall problems which are the most common issue in every second person in this world. Hair fall can be caused by several reasons such as depression, anxiety, stress or any tension or load on mind.


Yoga helps calming your body which reduces anxiety levels. Thus, it results in reducing hair fall issues. Perform yoga on a daily basis and enjoy its unlimited perks.