Anytime you hear about inflammation you may think it’s something terrible everyone should avoid. The truth is, all inflammation isn’t bad. Think about the last time you had a finger cut or viral infection. Acute inflammation helps your body fight off illnesses and makes healing quicker. (1)
Chronic inflammation is the culprit that you want to avoid and there are more causes than you might think. Chronic inflammation happens when your body continuously sends inflammatory cells like it would when there is a threat of illness, but there is no infection present. These cells can attack tissues and different parts of your body, causing pain and damage. (2) If you want to avoid the health conditions that can be caused by systemic inflammation, your chiropractor in Macomb, MI is eager to help and talk about some simple changes you can make that could dramatically improve your life. We’ll discuss that and the causes of inflammation in this article.
Causes of inflammation
When it comes to inflammation, you need to know the different causes so you can avoid them. There are some usual suspects, but there are hidden dangers, too. Environment pollutants These are cleaning chemicals, beauty products, chemicals in your office, lotions, and laundry products. The interesting thing about this phenomenon is our ancestors didn’t have any of these chemicals and were never exposed to some of the harsh products we readily use today. (3)
If you’ve ever walked into a store selling perfumes and colognes, you may have experienced a reaction from the strong smells. Many people get headaches and start sneezing. That happens because your body is reacting to the chemicals. It is simply not healthy to expose yourself to chemicals, and they can cause chronic inflammation.
Excessive alcohol and drug use
Alcohol can be poison to your body. Now, we aren’t telling you that having the occasional celebratory drink is bad, but if you consume excessive amounts, it can inflame your body, causing intestinal, liver, and brain inflammation. (4)
Drug use is a huge issue today and we don’t mean only the illegal kind. Pharmaceutical drugs can cause inflammatory reactions and pollution. They can quickly wear down your liver and kidneys and your body can become toxic from taking them long-term.
Food sensitivities
Food sensitivities aren’t the same as allergies. These can even be healthy foods your body doesn’t like, like strawberries or certain vegetables. Reactions may take hours and some people don’t feel them until the next day. You may notice a small rash, itchy skin, or throat. (5)
Sugar is one of the worst things for your health. In our practice, we often recommend the Heal Yourself Cookbook and diet guide because it removes sugar from your diet. It’s amazing how much better some people feel from reducing sugar. Many people feel healthier when they reduce carbohydrates because it lowers their sugar intake.
Bad fats
There are some unhealthy fats you should avoid, like seed oils. Canola, vegetable, corn, and peanut oils are all inflammatory. Instead, you should consume healthy fats, like coconut, butter, olive, and avocado oil. You want to remove the hydrogenated oils that can cause problems with brain function and cellular inflammation. (6)
We know life can be stressful, but chronic stress can inflame the body and wear you down fast. There are ways to reduce stress in your life, including exercise, meditation, journaling, and socialization. Find something that works for you and helps you slow down a bit and be more present.
Oxidative stress
Oxidative stress can be caused by any of the issues above, which can lead to disease. One of the most important measures you can take in addition to a healthy diet is to incorporate some quality antioxidants into your vitamin routine. They can help reduce free radical activity and support healthy immune function. (7)
Results of chronic inflammation
If you don’t mitigate your exposure to chronic inflammation there are some things that can happen as a result. Many people have illnesses that take months or years to uncover.
Autoimmune issues
Many patients we see have autoimmune issues, like arthritis, and think they got it from their parents or as a result of getting older. (8) Then, they visit their primary care doctors and get medications that may exacerbate the problems and cause kidney or liver damage.
Mitochondrial dysfunction
When you have cellular inflammation, you can’t get nutrients into your cells properly, which can cause mitochondrial dysfunction. You may experience things like chronic fatigue.
Major diseases
Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more illnesses often start with chronic inflammation years before they are uncovered. We believe these can be avoided if you learn how to manage inflammation.
Some physicians don’t think fibromyalgia exists and others may say there is nothing you can do for it, except to medicate the symptoms. Unfortunately, they don’t work on reversing it or figuring out what has caused it. Inflammation can be the main reason you experience diffuse pain and reducing it can decrease or completely remove that pain. (10)
4 Easy Ways to Reduce Inflammation Today
When you want to start reversing chronic inflammation, you need to begin by cleaning up the areas that cause the most inflammation. Lifestyle adjustments can make big improvements in pain because they reduce chronic inflammation.
Cellular detox
If you want to keep yourself healthy for years to come, a cellular detox can help. If you don’t have healthy cells, you may experience liver issues, toxicity problems, and oxidative stress. When toxins attach themselves to your cells, it interrupts the natural processes that create energy, and deliver nutrients and glutathione to the cells. In essence, it creates the perfect storm for illnesses and diseases.
A cellular detox can remove those harmful environmental toxins, restore your liver health, and decrease oxidative stress. A cellular detox is the absolute best way to reduce inflammation in your body.
Clean up your diet
Fill your daily diet with healthy fats and remove all seed oils. Eat whole foods that only contain one ingredient. Don’t consume heavily processed foods, which can make you feel bad and lead to chronic inflammation.
Use natural products
Get rid of harmful cleaning products and items that come in contact with your skin. They are loaded with dangerous chemicals that can wreak havoc on your health. Fortunately, there are many healthy products on the market today that are natural and don’t have additives and chemicals that can cause inflammation.
Spend time in nature
When we think about how much stress we have today, sometimes it can be because we feel isolated and spend too much time on our electronic devices, mindlessly scrolling social media. One of the healthiest ways to reduce stress is to take a walk outside and enjoy nature. It can have a calming effect and pay dividends for your overall well-being.
Changing your lifestyle
Reducing inflammation is centered around making positive lifestyle changes. These aren’t practices that will cost you a ton of money and be difficult to manage. It can be the simplest steps with consistency that make the biggest impact. If you use these tips, you can see incredible differences in reducing chronic inflammation and feel better than you have in years. We frequently help patients with inflammation and know how to use the correct protocols that pinpoint your unique health goals. We’d love to hear from you, so your chiropractor in Macomb, MI for more information on how to decrease inflammation and change your lifestyle with practical ways to become a wellness warrior.