Can we change the world?
Can modern anarchism change the world?
The ideas of anarchism have been present in all cultures from ancient times to the present day.
They were a reflection of the desire to gain freedom in a world enslaved by demoralized elites. I learned the most about anarchism in the Encyclopedia of the Polish Scientific Publishing House, to which I also refer you - link:;3869141.html
[Greek, 'rulelessness'],
a political doctrine and social movement opposing all public authority, calling for the abolition of the state and its replacement with a stateless system based on spontaneously emerging associations of producers and consumers free from any coercion.
Anarchism considered freedom to be the supreme value and rejected all authorities. Anarchist ideas appeared in all historical periods, and their traces can be found in ancient philosophy, especially among some Greek sophists, cynics and stoics, who had a negative attitude towards the institution of the state. The first modern thinker to express anarchist views was W. Godwin. Anarchist ideas reached their mature form in the 19th century, mainly thanks to P.J. Proudhon (the first to use the name anarchism), whose concept of mutualism (mutual aid) and postulates of federalism and self-government opened the way to the development of doctrine and movement. Anarchism has never been coherent and uniform in terms of politics, theory or organisation. Chronologically, it can be divided into individualist anarchism, collectivist anarchism and communist anarchism; in the later period, these trends appeared together. Individualist anarchism was initiated in the late 18th century by Godwin, and developed by Proudhon and M. Stirner . Individualist anarchists opposed not only the state, but also society, the nation, and the family, claiming that they were the source of coercion and enslavement of the individual. They denied the social nature of man. They sought freedom outside of society, glorified "healthy egoism" and the cult of one's own "self". They believed that the highest law for man should be his own benefit. The development of anarchism as a social movement coincided with the popularization of collectivist ideas. Collectivist anarchism was initiated in the second half of the 19th century by M.A. Bakunin. It predicted the liquidation of private property and its transfer to the disposal of freely created collectives (production communities, both in cities and in the countryside). He developed an anarchist critique of the state, calling for a social revolution, the direct goal of which would be its liquidation and the realization of the ideal of a stateless society. He believed that revolution could also be prepared by a secret conspiratorial organization, whose task would be to bring about the outbreak of revolution. To achieve these goals, Bakunin established a secret conspiratorial organization in 1864: the International Brotherhood, and in 1868 — the International Alliance of Socialist Democracy, which joined the First International. A sharp personal conflict with K. Marx and fundamental differences of a theoretical, programmatic and organizational nature meant that at the congress in The Hague (1872) Bakunin and his supporters were expelled from the First International. However, they did not recognize this decision and from 1877 they convened congresses of their own international. From that time on, the anarchist movement developed in the fight against the socialist movement; it had supporters mainly in Italy, Spain, Roman Switzerland, France and Russia. At the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, communist anarchism took shape and soon began to dominate the anarchist movement. The main theoretician was P. A. Kropotkin, in addition to E. Malatesta , S. Faure, J. Grave, E. Reclus . They tried to combine the anarchist slogan of absolute freedom with the principles of the communist economy: joint production and equal distribution of the produced product. In tactical terms, they emphasized not terrorist actions, but agitation and propaganda. Kropotkin systematized the assumptions and goals of anarchism; the communist anarchism he presented is the peak phase of the development of the doctrine. The doctrine and movement of anarchism became the starting point of terrorist activities in the second half of the 19th century, especially in 1880-1900, directed against representatives of state power (including assassination attempts on the President of France M. Carnot, Emperor William I, President of the USA W. McKinley ). The action of individual terror caused severe repression against anarchism (in many countries special laws were passed declaring anarchism a crime). At the beginning of the 20th century, when terrorist activity collapsed, anarchists began to look for new solutions and allies, changing their tactics, including establishing contacts with the syndicalist movement ( syndicalism ).
In Russia, Bakunin's ideas were present in the Narodnik movement ( narodniki ), but at the beginning of the 20th century, supporters of anarchism formed their own groups, active during the revolution of 1905–07. In July 1917, together with the Bolsheviks, they carried out an unsuccessful coup, in November they supported the Bolshevik coup in Petrograd ; in the civil war they fought against the "whites", especially in the south, where the guerrilla army of N. Makhno operated (a relatively active group of Ukrainian anarchists, Nabat , was associated with him ). The Bolsheviks, who fought larger anarchist groups and forces, tolerated supporters of anarchism operating in the councils of delegates and in the central executive bodies until early 1922. From mid-1922, all non-Bolshevik political activity was effectively banned. Some anarchists emigrated, the rest suffered repression (according to their data, over 100,000 people were repressed in the 1920s and 1930s).
Anarchism was the strongest in Spain; it dominated the workers' movement, and also had supporters in the countryside; in 1927 the Iberian Anarchist Federation was founded ; after Franco's military coup, the anarchists sided with the republic; at the same time, they tried to implement their program. Anarchist workers' militia units took over almost all of Catalonia and a large part of Aragon, where under their influence communes began to form. They were defeated in the summer of 1937 by the communists, who fought with the anarchists for political influence and believed that the republic must first win the war and only then change property relations. The anarchists fought until the very end on the front near Madrid. After the war, they were persecuted and never regained their former importance.
After World War II, many anarchist groups were active in Western Europe, but they were numerically weak and their activities were limited to publishing magazines and bulletins with minimal reach. The International Anarchist Federation was founded, the first congress of which was held in Paris in 1949 and in London in 1958. Despite the decline of the idea of anarchism in its orthodox form, its individual components can be found in the views of ecologists, representatives of the so-called new left and leaders of the student rebellion of the 1960s . Contemporary terrorism benefits from the experience of anarchism .
In Poland, the ideas of anarchism did not find a wider group of supporters. They influenced the ideology of the Polish workers' movement in the early stages of its development; activists of the Second and Third Proletariat were also influenced by them. Views similar to anarchism were propagated by E. Abramowski and L. Kulczycki. Anarchist organisations (including the Group of Anarchists-Communists International) carried out armed attacks during the revolution of 1905–07, mainly in Białystok, Warsaw and Łódź; in 1908–13 the group of Revolutionary Avengers was active, formed from part of the PPS Combat Organisation; the main theoretician of Polish anarchism in the early 20th century was JW Machajski . Contemporary anarchist groups appeared in the early 1980s, mainly in large cities, in youth circles (they were particularly active in the years 1987–89); At that time, the following groups were founded: the Alternative Society Movement (1983), the Anarchist Federation (1989), the Polish Political Party (1989); from 1987, the Orange Alternative was active in Wrocław (and similar groups were also created in other cities), known especially for organizing street happenings.
F. RYSZKA In the circle of collective illusions , Warsaw 1991;
D. GRINBERG The Anarchist Movement in Western Europe 1870–1914 , Warsaw 1994."
Can modern anarchism change the world?
Thanks to life experiences supported by a thorough education in natural sciences and the humanities, I became an anarchist rejecting all authorities. This happened thanks to learning about the ignorance of Polish and world elites ( often supported by ill will) during my 68 years of life. The ignorance and ill will of elites aimed at maintaining power and maintaining societies under the control of state elites causes the incapacitation of citizens forced to live in vile social systems. I lived in a communist system and currently in a capitalist one and I do not find my place in them. I want to create a modern anarchism by Bogdan Jacek Góralski that will change the world. Local collectives (operating in all countries) sharing their achievements and supported and supplied by the non-profit global ethical business and scientific organization POL-CAT joint-stock company are a remedy for the anti-humanism of modern political and social systems. I have written a lot about the detailed solutions of the modern anarchism of my project, which will free the masses of people from the terror of modern elites and I refer you to my online publications. Ethical and spiritually free people from all countries, unite under the banner of modern anarchism, which will allow everyone to live with dignity and justice.
Warsaw, October 26, 2024, time 20:35 Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Czy współczesnyny anarchizm może odmienić świat?
Idee anarchizmu obecne były we wszystkich kulturach od starożytności do współczesności.
Były one odbiciem pragnienia uzyskania wolności w świecie zniewolonym przez zdemoralizowane elity. Najwięcej dowiedziałem się o anarchizmie w opracowaniu Encyklopedi Polskiego Wydawnictwa Naukowego do którego i Was kieruję -link:;3869141.html
Dzięki doświadczeniom życiowym popartym gruntownym wykształceniem przyrodniczym i humanistycznym stałem się anarchistą odrzucającym wszelkie autorytety. Stało się tak dzięki poznaniu podczas 68 letniego życia ignorancji elit polskich i światowych często popartej złą wolą. Ignorancja i zła wola elit nakierowana na utrzymanie władzy i utrzymanie społeczeństw pod kontrolą elit państwowych powoduje ubezwłasnowolnienie obywateli zmuszonych żyć w podłych systemach społecznych. Żyłem w systemie komunistycznym i obecnie w kapitalistycznym i nie znajduje w nich swojego miejsca. Chcę stworzyć nowoczesny anarchizm by Bogdan Jacek Góralski, który odmieni świat. Kolektywy lokalne ( działające we wszystkich krajach) dzielące się wypracowanym dorobkiem i wspierane oraz zaopatrywane przez działającą bez zysku globalną etyczną organizację biznesowo-naukową POL-CAT joint-stock company to remedium na antyhumanizm współczesnych systemów polityczno-społecznych. Napisałem wiele o szczegółowych rozwiązaniach współczesnego anarchizmu mego projektu, który uwolni masy ludzkie od terroru współczesnych elit i odsyłam Was do lektury moich internetowych publikacji. Ludzie etyczni i wolni duchowo z wszystkich krajów łączcie się pod sztandarami współczesnego anarchizmu, który wszystkim pozwoli żyć godnie i sprawiedliwie.
Warszawa, dnia 26 Października 2024, time 20:35 Bogdan Jacek Góralski