
Good Reads

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Silent Factory @silentfactory · Feb 15, 2019 · edited: Jun 9, 2024

Economic Nationalism Is Suicide 
Our inability to think globally pushes us further into a world of growing jingoism and martial confrontation.
By Jamie Merchant

The Art of the “One-on-One”
John O’Reilly reflects on this fundamental organizing tool, and how to do it right.
The one-on-one meeting is the quintessential tool of the organizer. The one-on-one meeting is used so frequently in organizing campaigns that it’s usually abbreviated by organizers tired of typing it out (such as myself) simply as the “1on1.” To understand what makes a good 1on1 happen, it’s worth delving into detail about some components which make up the 1on1 and how to understand them.


The Importance of Elsewhere - In Defense of Cosmopolitanism
By Kwame Anthony Appiah


Nation-State, Nationalism and the Need for Roots
By Yavor Tarinski




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