
Update 2020 : Google 1649ish - the first 16 centuries did not exist !

Humans are not older than 1649ish !

January 11th, 2020

Nico Haupt nicohaupt2@yahoo.com

"Noone was crazy until //1657.0 !"


This website is censored by google !! :-(

(occasionally updated since then)


Apprx. 5 years ago i started with a bunch of articles at justpaste.it or checkthis.com about calendar fakery, occasionally also based on the phantom time hypothesis (Illig) or New Chronolgy (Formenko).

It finalized into 5 books, among them "google 1649ish", with some alphabetical references !

I still stand by my words. I bet 2 Milions $ worldwide that i'm right.

Among my main arguments had been the lack of a telescope for at least 1608 years,

which seems to be utter nonsense.

Also there was a lack of paintings about nature, fruits, vegetables, the sun or the moon.

Plus tons of other missing motives !

And what about missing diseases or medicine ?

For instance the german word "ansteckend" (contagious) didn't show up in literature until the 17th century !

Also contagious as in "to spread from one to another (rumor, etc.)" is only from 1650s !

Or missing professions, missing inventions, missing words and meanings ?

How can you explain this away ? Also why didn't etymology start earlier ?

There is also an inconsistency in the history of prostitution ! And why did the idea of police or fire department start so late ? I will come to that later.


Both ancient and medieval times did not exist !

The alleged roman empire did not exist and is a complete fabrication !

F.i. one of the oldest cities of Germany, formerly spelled Neuß, is mostly based on "excavation scams",

among them by Hugo Borger in 1963, from Rheinische Landesmuseum Bonn (1820).

Most likely the real history of Neuss started at around //1658.5,

within the so called "Kölnischen Krieg", possibly some false flag !


Here is a new list of keywords, which will again make the case. Enjoy :-)

PS: Before you read this, check out my references about alleged early wars, in reality made up by so called falseflagpainters ! Also please read the real history about women at https://experimentalfeminism.tumblr.com/ !

For better understanding :

There was no 13, 14, 15, 16 century nonsense.
These were parallel journals with events [†fictionalized or not].

The alleged years "00|01" - "10|00" are in reality :
~001st day after 1649'ish - 1,000th day after 1649'ish
"10|01" - "16|48" is
~001st day after 1649'ish - 648th day after 1649'ish
"14|00" - "16|48" is
//164x.0 - //1664.8 ;
"13|95" is ~395th day after 1649'ish
"14|95" is [btw. ~495th day after 1649'ish -] //1649.5
"15|95" is [[btw. ~595th day after 1649'ish -]] //1659.0


America was discovered at around //1649.2.
Australia was invaded at around //1650.5
Afrika was first mapped //1657.0.
It was discovered at around 1250 days after 1649ish.
China started with the Ming Dynasty at around //1664.4.
At around //1649.5 Germany created the Reichsreform.
At around //1650.8 without papal coronation Germany created the first imperial title.
Germany invented the first fabricated war between //1661.8 to //1664.8 !


Both alleged ancient and medieval times did not exist ! The collection of the seven world wonders is actually based on the writings by fabricated personality Herodotus, but wasn't available until around //1649.4.

Also the antiquarian didn't exist in literature before around //1660.0.

The word colony with the meaning "a country or district colonized" is only from around //1661.0.

National is from around //1659.0. The german word Neujahr (New Year's) is from 17th century !

The expression medieval is even younger, only from 1825 !

Does that make any sense for you ?

Universe is from around //1658.0, also not mentioned in the bible.



Earliest painting about dreams, only from 1655 by Antonio de Pereda

Allegedly one of the oldest texts about dreams is the Upanishads, but it doesn't seem to show up until the collection Oupanekhat in 1656 !

Also the greek author Antiphon about dreams wasn't known until Eduard Maetzner (1838).

The White Book of Rhydderch is most likely from //1657.3, the Mandukya Upanishad wasn't documented until the 19th century and so on... The word dream doesn't show up in literature until //1658.0.

Btw, also the ideas of frames were first allegedly only used by the church. For all other painters, it started as late as 17th century.

Yet another bullshit !



Apparently there also was no joke before 1649ish !

It is even not mentioned in the bible yet. In literature, it shows up as late as

1660s, with the verb, as in "to make a joke".

Same to the noun, as in "a jest, something done to excite laughter" ! ;-)

Compare also with the german word Spaß as in ‘Scherz, Unterhaltung, Vergnügen’ (17th century).



What is a logical explanation, that there wasn't any "hello" before 1649ish ?

How did people greet each other then ?

According to etymology, hello doesn't even show up before 1848 !

It is based on "hallo" (1781), "Halow" is from around //1650, "Halloo" was created earlier before this.

Also the german "holla" is from around //1650 !



It's interesting, that one of the oldest societies is called "Religious Society of Friends" (aka Quakers),

as late as shortly after 1649ish, in the 1670s !

This is the same time, when a "friend" was also mentioned in literature, according to etymology.

The idea of friendship came up in the alleged ancient times, but only by Aristoteles,

however the related writing, "Nikomachische Ethik" didn't come out completely until 1837 !

Some earlier excerpt was also not around 1649ish.

Also during the alleged medieval times, friendship wasn't covered more than one, two times !

There is the "Rolandslied", but once again it wasn't covered until 1886!

In reality it possibly wasn't described until Michel de Montaigne (//1653.3 – //1659.2),

in his essay "Über die Freundschaft" !!




The history of the tomato is also obscure, allegedly discovered by "fabricated personality"

Hernán Cortés (1649ish - //1654.7) !

Why would this vegetable show up so late ?

It was described first in literature at around //1654.2, followed by Mattioli and Camerarius

at around //1658.6.



There seems to be zero case of coma until the reference Hippocratic Corpus from //1652.5 and Thomas Willis, who described it in De anima brutorum (1672) ! Also Galen, a fabricated personality, wasn't published until //1652.9 (De curandi ratione).

Of course, because Humans did not exist before 1649ish !


Brain research

Which brings us logically to this. The alleged earliest ideas about the brain had been linked to the papyrusCON from Edwin Smith, who allegedly bought it in 1862 !

Also the myth about Alkmaion is some bulk, which doesn't show up until 1870 !

It appeared in some collection of lies, called "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", edited by William Smith.

The word remind is from 1640s, reminder from 1650s !

Compare thsi with the real history of pharmacy which started as late as around //1649.7, with the book Circa instans, allegedly some medieval writings.

Most likely brain research started with this :98f6004d4a64b070e829120bba8b715b.jpg

Anatomia Mundini, by fabricated personality Johann Dryander (//1650.0 - //1656.0).



German word for "penetrate".

There seems to be no clear history and etymology for the word "eindringen" before 1649ish !

It is also linked to "einbrechen" as in "break in".

Penetration is also used in medical and sexual context, see also "vagina" and "pregnancy" !

Apparently the Einbrecher (burglar), as in "‘whoever intrudes violently and attacks someone else's property"

did not exist before around //1650.1.

That seems to be also the case for the military use of "penetration".

Think about also of the word "invasion", as in "an assault, attack, act of entering a country or territory as an enemy".

Nothing of that mattered before 1649ish.

Does this make any sense ?



Not in use before 1649ish, especially in paintings !

The sense of "the art of drawing solid objects on a flat surface so as to give appearance of distance or depth" is attested at around //1659.0 ;-)



Also Illusion as in "deceptive hope, self-deception, pretense of something that does not exist" wasn't used in literature

before 1649ish !

Furthermore the bible mentions "illusion" only once.



Same to dimension. It's only mentioned twice in the bible !

The sense of "bulk, size, extent, or capacity" is from around //1652.0.



Older than the english word "secret" !

"Secret agent" is first recorded 1715, the word "secret" seems to show up exactly at around 1649ish.

Think also about the "confessional secret". Allegedly it was first used by Johannes Nepomuk in the alleged medieval times. However he wasn't illustrated until around //1660.2 and mentioned first by chronist  Václav Hájek z Libočan,

most likely also some "fabricated personality", who "died" around //1655.3 !

Instead the first persons, who dealt with the "confessional secrets" have been Henry Garnet, who died at around //1660.6 and Johannes Sarkander , who died at around //1662.0.

Also secret societies (Geheimbünde) didn't exist until 1737, with the free masons in Germany !



There is nothing about the word "nothing" as in "no thing, not any thing, not something" in literature until around //1660.0 !!




How is it possible that noone researched or discovered the elements before the 17th century ?

It started with Etienne de Clave, most likely a "fabricated personality", who wrote around //1664.1 

about the first definitions of elements. This was followed with Robert Boyle in 1661 

with the title The Sceptical Chymist. However historians claim there was also

the medieval times and the alleged alchemists. But these also didn't study the elements !

Element No.1 hydrogen wasn't discovered until 1766, by Cavendish at the University of Cambridge

(possibly since around //1654.6.

This sems to me some huge smoking gun, but the majority of sheeple prefer fake history :-(



It doesn't make any sense, that aviation started so late !
That would have been some idea by Leonardo Da Vinci at around //1650.5,
althôúgh this wasn't known until 1797. His personality was "fabricated" anyway.
Before there was also just vague stuff.
Starting with alleged ancient Abbas ibn Firnas, he was actually not known until writings of
historian Ahmed Mohammed al-Maqqari (born at around //1663.2).
This was followed by alleged medieval Eilmer of Malmesbury, as described by William of Malmesbury 
almost 100 years later, but also his work wasn't really released until around //1659.6 !
The alleged man-carrying kites by ancient Yuan Huangtou was another fabrication,
somehow made up by Joseph Needham in 1978.
Therefore instead aviation started as late as 1670 with Francesco Lana de Terzi !



Why would it 1770 years, to invent a lighter (Charles-François Dumouriez) ?
Skip the reference of the "Ötzi", some "excavationScam" from 1991,
where someone allegedly found some remnants of a punch lighter nearby ;-)
Same counts for the ideas of Archimedes from Syrakus, his writings didn't appear
until around //1649.7 !



This important word, possibly used in every 3-4th conversation, in the sense of an "admission or acknowledgment of guilt made in court or before a magistrate" apparently did not exist before around //1657.0 ! Also the related german word "Geständnis", as in "durch langes Stehen an Qualität verlieren, verderben", mhd. "abestān, abestēn", auch "absteigen" (vom Pferd/from the horse), Abstand m. "Distanz, Entfernung"  isn't older than 17th century, "das Ablassen, Aufgeben von etw. around 1650. So what kind of b$ should allegedly have happenend between humans in any discussion, fight or war *before 1649ish ?? 



Heya, exit wasn't used in literature until around //1653.0 !
Before you ask, "entrance" as in "act of entering" is from around //1652.0
The sense of "door, gate" was first recorded at around //1653.0.
Meaning "a coming of an actor upon the stage" is from around //1660.0 !


fall (v.)

It's also very odd, that nothing was fallen until around //1657.0 !
This verb is based on the proto-Germanic word "fallanan".
The sense of darkness, night is from around //1660.0.
Meaning "to be reduced" (as temperature) is from 1650s. 
Meaning "die in battle" is from around //1657.0 !
Compare this with to fall in love from around //1652.0s
and to fall asleep from 1649ish ;-)



As in "agreement in terminal sounds", as late as around //1656.0 !


circle etc.

Also the history of the circle and other geometrical forms is falsified !

Officially the first circle was mentioned by ancient fabricated personality Thales von Milet,

however his work wasn't known until Diogenes Laertios, which stuff didn't come out before

This was followed by Platon, however also his work Parmenides, wasn't available until 1865 !

Archimedes "Quadratur des Kreises" (Quadratura circuli) wasn't around until around //1654.4.

Then there was Euclid's Elements, not available until around //1657.0 !

Some connected Papyrus Rhind to the idea is based on some excavationScam by Alexander Henry Rhind from 1858.

Now to the square, possibly first mentioned by Pythagoras of Samos.

On that matter, you only need to know, that some related finding, the Plimpton 322 (an alleged Babylonian clay tablet)

showed up first in 1922, when New York publisher George Arthur Plimpton purchased the tablet from an archaeological dealer, Edgar J. Banks.

Also no authentic writings of Pythagoras have survived !

He showed up first on some falseflagpaintings at around //1651.2.

Finally there is the rectangle. This history is completely obscured. No real author is known.

Also the word didn't show in literature until around //1657.0, then "frenchized", before "artificially latinized", the linked word angle is also not older than around //1650+.

Compare this with the german word "Rechteck", based on "rechte (Hand)", not older than 17th century !!



Apparently there was no (political) freedom before 1649ish !

How can that be without calendar fakery ?

It shows up in literature around //1657.0 with the Meaning as in "possession of particular privileges".

German etymology has nothing about the origin.

Some allege ancient context is only based on the opinion of Johanna "Hannah" Cohn Arendt,

who was only born in 1906 ! The word was mentioned in the bible 24 times.



When did humans have their first ideas ? According to etymology not before the 1640s !



The "Vertraute Gesellschaft", worldwide's first Merchants Association (Leipzig), which still does exist !

Why didn't it start much earlier ?



Here is one of the first smoking guns for my 1649ish-thesis :
The german word "Jahr"(year) can't be much older than 1649ish,
since the verb "jähren" shows up first in that period !
Similar with "bejahrt" and "jährig", "minderjährig" (underage) and "volljährig" (of age)
is even not older than the year 1701 ! 
Compare this with the verb "age", as in "grow up", not older than 1649ish
and the transitive meaning as in "make old" is from around 1650 !
The noun "age" is possibly not much older than 300 days after 1649ish ;-)
Of course, the word "month" comes into mind, but it's actually based on the "moon",
which was originally a word for "a place impossible to reach", but that was even
as late as around //1659.0 ! 
The verb "moon", as in "to expose to moonlight" is from around //1660.0,
the word "calendar" did not exist in the bible !
Think also of the words "binary" and "three digits", both did not exist in the bible as well.
German translations "zweistellig" und "dreistellig" have no clear etymology.
The verb "number", as in "to ascertain the number of" is from around 1650,
german word "nummer" is a bit older, "Numerale" abit younger.
For german word "Zahl" (number) think of "Zahlung" (at around 1650),
and "Zahlwort", at around //1660.0




What about the word "theodiscus" ?
Did you ever hear about it ?
Actually it was the original word for "Sprachen",
or precicely (West Germanic) "languages" !
It was corresponding to (Old) English "þēodisc",
however that word was also based on Proto-Germanic word "þiudiskaz", 
as for the meaning of "popular" or "of the people" ;-)
Interesting, isn't it ?
Theodiscus is also derived from West Germanic "þiudisk" 
from Proto-Germanic "þiudiskaz". The stem of this word, "þeudō", meant "people" in Proto-Germanic !
The word existed in Old English as "þēodisc" ("speech", "public", 'native"), 
then came into Middle English as "thede" ("nation", "people") 
and was extinct in Early Modern English, although surviving in the English place name Thetford, 
as in "public ford" and in the exonym Dutch !
This word finally survived in some languages including German "Deutsch", "Dutch", "Duits" etc.
Officially the word "theodiscus" was first found in a letter written around the 
fabricated year 786 by the Bishop of Ostia, linked to the "Diocese of Ostia",
which doesn't exist any longer since 1914 !
However this place seems to have not being mentioned in literatur until around //1655.5,
in the bull of the pope "Cum venerabiles" ;-)
This was repeated in 1717, in a book by Ferdinando Ughelli and friends called 
"Italia sacra sive De Episcopis Italiae..., then again in 1759 in "Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima...".
Also the word "deutsch"(thiutisk), linked to first names Dietrich and Dietwald is possibly not older
than 1000th day after 1649ish, the verb "verdeutschen" from around 1650, originally "verteutschen",
"Tiutschland" from at around 1649ish ;-)
Related "Pope Adrian I", obviously a "fabricated personality",
was first referenced by Stanley Lane-Poole in "Coins and medals" (1885) !


for bible believers : The word "Belief" is possibly not older than the 200th day after 1649ish,
when it was first mentioned as in "a creed, essential doctrines of a religion or church, things held to be true as a matter of religious doctrine". Before it was called "bileave".
The meaning "conviction of the truth of a proposition or alleged fact without knowledge" is only from around //1653.0.
It was also only 3x times mentioned in the bible !
Also the general sense of "That which is believed" is only by 1714. 
Also the german word "Glauben" doesn't show up in literature up until //1650.0.
So how was the "Belief" possible for at least 1,600 years before that point ? 
That should make you think ;-)



As in english for the word "faden", based on "tere",
as in "spiral ridge of a screw" is oddly not older than the 1670s !
German saying "Geduldsfaden" was based into english "patience",
only 16 times mentioned in the bible, maybe not older than 200 days after 1649ish,
while the meaning "quiet or calmness in waiting for something to happen" 
is from around 1649ish, the meaning "constancy in labor or exertion" from around //1651.0 !  



Here is something more convenient : time ;-)

Nothing is mentioned about this in literature until //1650.9 as an aged bald man (but with a forelock).



The history of books and print is completely falsified ! I already mentioned the papyrusCON.

It started with Johann Joachim Winckelmann after 1760.

It also makes more sense that books and newspaper started at the same time.

Check out the Einkommende Zeitungen from 1650 ! Also "the first book ever printed in Africa" : 
Oddly a //1651.6 Hebrew book about prayer .

Also the first Zeitschrift (magazine) wasn't released before //1659.7, which was the german Rorschacher Monatsschrift, followed by the Journal des sçavans (1665) in Paris, the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in the same year, the 1670 Miscellanea curiosa medicophysica in Leipzig, the 1681 Relationes curiosae from Eberhard Werner Happel, the 1688 monthly Monatsgespräche from Christian Thomasius and the 1689 monthly Monatlichen Unterredungen einiger guter Freunde von allerhand Büchern und anderen annehmlichen Geschichten in german languge !

Check out also the origin of the word "print", as in Meaning "printed lettering" is from //1662.0; print-hand "print-like handwriting" is from 1658. Sense of "picture or design from a block or plate" is first attested 1660s. 

The verb news, as in "to tell as news, report, rumor" is confirmed for the 1640s, while the noun news as in singular is also not older than around //1656.0.

Why also did it take until 1660 for one of the first lexikons, by Gotthilf Treuer: Poetisch Lexicon und Wörter-Buch ?

Also, the saying Word of mouth as in "spoken words, oral communication" is only as old as around //1655.0.

To do something by the book "according to the rules" is from //1659.0.

The poem is from around //1654.0. Write is from around //1651.3.

Lumber as in "timber sawn into rough planks for use" is from 1660s, also mentioned once in the bible.

The alphabet doesn't show up in literature until around //1657.0.


No print without language !

In this context see also this revised history :

language (n.) ;
~290th day after 1649'ish ;
from 'FrenchIzed' "langage" ;
~100th day after 1649'ish ;
history (n.) ;
~390th day after 1649'ish ;
from 'frenchIzed' "histoire" ;
~100th day after 1649'ish ;
sense of "systematic account (without reference to time) 
of a set of natural phenomena" 

"...there was no ancient "Greece", which started around
~300th day after 1649'ish ;
formerly known as or "Yunanistan", 'Angluish' "Greklond" or 'FrenchIzed' "Gregois", based on Old High German word "Chrech"
at around ~200th day after 1649'ish...
...greek language was artificially font-developed by german 'fabricated personality' "Thomas Platter" [//1649.9 - //1658.2] from "Graechen", with his 'printer-buddy' "Andrew Cratander...
the first official kingdom of greece was as late as 1832,
which was controlled by german Wittelsbach und Oldenburg..."

German (adj.) as in "of or pertaining to Germany or the Germans" is from around //1655.0.

German word übersetzen for translate does only exist in literature since the 17th century !



Apparently there was no mistake before 169ish or at least there was no prior word for it !

How is that possible ? The sense of "take or choose erroneously" is from around 1649ish.

Meaning "err in advice, opinion, or judgment" is from around //1658.0.

The bible does mention "mistake" 6 times. Also the german word "Fehler" is only from the 17th century !



One of the most significant colors. It is mentioned in the bible 68 times.

However there is no single evidence that this word existed before 1649ish as in

the meaning "white part of the eyeball". Meaning "white man, person of a race distinguished

by light complexion" is from 1670s; white man in this sense is from 1690s. It is based on the 

german word weiß which is possibly not older than 800 days after 1649ish !


oldest map from Persia aka Iran by J. Janssonius, only from //1664.5 (Nieuwen Atlas)


Special entry in my list, since it recently faced some crisis. Originally known as Persia, it's one of the oldest regions in the world. It would be discrespectful to attack it. 33 times mentioned in the bible. America is possibly only mentioned once, as "the beast with seven heads". However also Iran (or Persia) isn't older than 1649ish.

Skipping the alleged prehistoric references, with at least two linked to excavationScams, one of 1949 (Bisitun Cave), the other of 1974 (Kashafrud Basin), here is the revised history of some highlights:

Islamic conquest of Persia, 633rd day after 1649ish.

End of Timurid Empire, around //1650.7.

Safavid Dynasty, //1650.2–1736.

Tehran as the capital of Iran,1786.



The history of rockets is also falsified. Here is some rerevisionism :

Allegedly invented by ancient china, this can be traced back to the alleged  History of Song.

I once debunked this book, which wasn't known until commentaries of it in around //1654.6 and //1656.1 by Ke Weiqi.

Also the mongols allegedly worked with rockets. But this is based on some obscure deciption called Battle of Mohi.

In the alleged medieval times, fabricated personality Roger Bacon mentioned rockets in his work Opus Majus , but it didn't come out until 1733.

Konrad Kyeser described rockets in his work Bellifortis at around 1649ish.

Then there was Conrad Haas with a description of a rocket, between //1652.9 and //1656.9, followed by Leonhard Fronsperger at around //1655.7, Johann Schmidlap at around //1656.1, then there was Kazimierz Siemienowicz with his work "Artis Magnae Artilleriae pars prima", first printed in Amsterdam in 1650, it was translated to French in 1651, German in 1676 and so on.

Also oddly there was no useof the word explosion before around //1662.0, as in "action of driving out with violence and noise". Meaning "a going off with violence and noise" is from 1660s.


twine and cord

Apparently there was no use of Zwirn und Kordel (twine and cord) before 1649ish !

This seems to be strange that noone used any packing cord !

The history books mention oddly only twine as a belt replacement, e.g. B. with the german, alleged medieval Franciscan Order ! Only in Germany ? Most likely this order was around since 222nd day after 1649ish,

then increased with pope Leo X. at around //1651.7, with the "division of the order" into conventuals and observers.

Also there isn't any famous women known named Cordula or Kordula until Cordula von Fürstenberg,

who officially died at around //1656.1 !



If the wheel was allegedly the first and oldest invention of human mankind,

why did it take soo long until "axle" finally arrived in literature ?

According to etymology, axle as in "pole or pin upon which a wheel revolves"  was first mentioned at around //1663.0 !

Did they build every vehicles with only one wheel until then ?
Some very huge BS factor !! ;-(



A punctuation without any comma ?

Indeed that comma was only introduced as some punctuation mark at around //1652.0,

nativized by around //1659.0 !

Does that make any sense to you ? There is only one explanation, humans didn't write before 1649ish,

because they didn't exist ! The alleged ancient egypts are some huge fraud, please recall also the "PapyrusCON" ;-(



german for "woody ". Didn't exist as some expression before around 1649ish !

Compare this with "Waldung"(grove) as in Waldgebiet, Waldbestand, not before around //1660.0.



formerly (adv.)
Think about this one :
Nothing was used instead of the word "formerly" as "in times past" before around //1658.0, 
also the word "before" (adv.), as in "previous to the time then" did possibly not exist 
before the 200th day after 1649ish !
So what's the fuzz on 1000s of alleged human years before that about ?



It all started with candles. The Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers at around 1649ish, was granted a coat of arms. The verb light with the meaning "furnish light for" is from around 300th day after 1649ish, close to the german word Licht as in "klarer, verständlicher werden".

Compare this with the word night-school from around //1652.0.

The expression in the dark as in "in a state of ignorance" is from 1670s !




The history of Krankheit (german word for illness) is falsified !

The word krank doesn't really show up until the 300th day after 1649ish.

Both kränkeln (verb) and  krankhaft (adjective) appear only as late as the 17th century.

See also some painting from some ill man above from 1656 !

Compare with the english word illness (n.), as in "disease, sickness, ailment, malady" from the 1680s,

earlier it meant "bad moral quality" (around //1650.0).



How about eating ? Apparently there was no word for it before //1655.0,

as in the sense of "corrode, wear away, consume, waste", 

based on proto-Germanic "etan", either ;-)

cooks is actually mentioned first as the "worse potage" by Gascoigne at around //1657.5.

Also "recipe", as in "instructions for preparing food" was first recorded as late as 1743 !



Apparently noone got nervous before 1649ish ;-)

It's also not mentioned in the bible yet !

It shows up first in literature at around 1649ish, as in "containing nerves; affecting the sinews".

The meaning "of or belonging to the nerves" in the modern anatomical sense is only from 1660s !

Also the german word "nervös" (based on "umhüllter Strang des Nervensystems") shows up first at around 1649ish.



Obviously there was also nothing to kotz (german for to puke), as in "sich übergeben, erbrechen" before 1649ish.

The english expression wasn't mentioned in literature before around //1660.0, first recorded in the "Seven Ages of Man" speech in  Shakespeare's (fabricated personality) "As You Like It."



Also the history of Hinrichtungsmethoden (german for Execution methods) is falsified.

Historians claim in the alleged ancient times the first one was stoning, however without any real evidence.

In the alleged medieval times that was followed with hang, strangle with a rope or wheels.

However in newer times this was replaced as late as 1792 with the Guillotine.

Does that make any sense ?


sea captain

If the alleged "ancient Greeks" were such great sea conquerors, why does the bible oddly mention

the "sea captain" only once ?



What about all the dead persons in the alleged first 16 centuries ?

According to historians, there was no cemetery, instead dead people had been buried in front of the cities or in mass graves. So what does art and literature say about this ?

Well there is Wilhelm Werner von Zimmern and his "Zimmerischen Totentanz" (around 1649ish - //1657.5).


Don't trust the archeologyCON, the excavationSCAM (since //1658.6 and William Camden) and the majority of museums !

Here : "Musei Wormiani Historia," the frontispiece from the Museum Wormianum depicting Ole Wormius' cabinet of curiosities ( 1655 ) !



Oldest painting from some birthday - by Benozzo Gozzoli (//1640ish – //1649.7) !



It looks like, there was rarely some birthday in history before 1649ish !

Check it for yourself ! Go to https://www.onthisday.com/ to the birthday section and test it.

Of course they are all "fabricated personalities".

The word also didn't appear in literature until late 1649ish, from "Old Angluish" byrddæg,

as in "anniversary or celebration of one's birth".

The Meaning "day on which one is born" is from around //1657.0. Birthnight is attested from around //1662.0 !

There is no documentation of the german word "Geburtstag".

It also shows up in the bible only 4 times, incl. only 2 persons, related to 3 events, before 1649ish :

Pharaoh and Herod. However noone mentioned Pharaoh until 1699, which was Louis Penicher.

Also Herod wasn't illustrated until Christoffel van Sichem at around //1657.4 !



As a preposition, not older than 1649ish ! Same to german noun "Rund".



Historians claim that in the beginning young boys had no own toys !

Instead they played like girls with dolls ! What kind of bullshit statement is this ?

So what about the missing tin soldier, if there was so much war ?

Oddly this all changed with the "Junge mit Steckenpferd" Holzschnitt in Johann Dryander: Der gantzen Artzeney gemeiner Inhalt... from //1654.2. Funny, isn't it ?

Also toys are not mentioned in the bible !

Also the history of the parlor game (Gesellschaftsspiel) seems to be based on huge lies.

Allegedly "Ur" is the oldest board game. However this claim is based on some excavationScam from the 1920s, by Sir Leonard Woolley, a member of the Palestine Exploration Fund (1865).

Both Go and chess started also after 1649ish, Rochade - the chess strategy started not before //1655.0.

Also the figure "bishop" wasn't introduced before //1656.0. Before it was known as alfil.

On some other board games :

Backgammon wasn't mentioned in literature until 1650, significant rules of Checkers have been introduced at around //1653.5.

Also dominoes haven't been mentioned in literature until "Encyclopedia of a Myriad of Treasures", by Zhang Pu (around //1661.4).

Mühle, the german word for the board game nine men's morris, doesn't show up in literature until the 17th century. The rest is obscured and linked to the alleged ancient egypt.


Please think clearly about this :

Does it make any sense, that humans were walking around almost naked for 1000+ years ?

It is damn cold in the winter !!

Then suddenly they decided to wear heavy armor ? What some huge BS !

Actually the german word "Mode" (for fashion), as in

"time-related taste in clothing, hairstyle, manners, literature, art etc."

didn't come up before the 17th century anyway ;-)

Fashion, earlier spelled "fasoun" is possibly not older than 300 days afzer 1649ish !



How did women get their babies before 1649ish ?

Apparently only by themselves or the stork :-)

Here on so called early references :

The so called Kahun Gynaecological Papyrus is some hoax from 1889, by Flinders Petrie, who was also the first fraudster of Egyptology in the United Kingdom.

The Hippocratic Corpus wasn't known until some latin "translation" from around //1652.5.

The alleged gynaecological treatise Gynaikeia by Soranus of Ephesus doesn't show up until 1838.

The rest is some mystery of all midwives, until James Marion Sims (1813 – 1883), others mention Franz Kiwisch von Rotterau (1814 - 1852).

The word sex, as in Meaning "quality of being male or female"was  first recorded at around //1652.0.

It was mentioned in the bible 77 times.

German meaning "Geschlechtsverkehr" has no history of etymology.

Also: The penis in literature is only as old as //1651.3, //1655.0+ !

The phrase to be in love with (someone) is from around //1650.0. To make love is from around //1657.0 in the sense "pay amorous attention to".

Masturbation as in "deliberate erotic self-stimulation," is from 1711 (earlier as mastupration, at around //1662.0).

Orgasm (n.) as in "sexual climax" is officially from 1680s.

See also the book "Der Swangern frawen vnd hebamme(n) roszgarte(n)" - from "Eucharius Rößlin" (//1651.5).

Handsome as in "having fine form, good-looking, agreeable to the eye" is from around //1658.0.

flirt is from around //1654.0, by around //1656.0 as "a pert young hussey", some Mrs. Flirt is mentioned in 1689 (Aphra Behn's "The Widow Ranter").

To kiss is possibly from around 300th day after 1649ish, to kiss the cup "drink liquor" from around 1650.0, to kiss and tell is from 1690s. Sperm as in "male seminal fluid" from around 300th day after 1649ish, spermaceti - the original name for sperm whale is also from around 1649ish, same to the german word sperma.

whore (v.) as in "to have to do with whores" is only from around //1658.0 .

Compare this with the word wedding, posibly around since 300th day after 1649ish, the wedding cake (recorded from 1640s) and Marriage bed (//1658.0).



German word for sperm. Not mentioned in bible ! Apparently not introduced into literature until 1650s.



There wouldn't be any groups without any separation !

Why therefore was this word only introduced into literature at around 1649ish ?

Also the specific sense of "sundering of a married couple" is attested from around //1660.0 !



If humans are allegedly that old, what about the missing museums ?

There was allegedly this Ennigaldi-Nanna's museum, but this is linked to some excavationScam of Sir Charles Leonard Woolley (1880 – 1960).

Apparently nothing happened until fabricated personality Ulisse Aldrovandi, some naturalist (//1652.2 – //1660.5).

The Museum Kircherianum was opened around 1660, others got predated from 1649ish (Capitoline Museums),

//1650.6 (Vatican Museums),  //1658.0 (Schloss Ambras Innsbruck) and the Royal Armouries in the Tower of London, which is also from 1660.


up and down

Apparently there also was no up and down in history before 1649ish !

Down as a preposition, "in a descending direction upon or along" shows up first at that time.

Down as in "to drive and catch (swans)" is from around //1655.0.



This is one of the biggest falsifications of history.

Before there were flags, humans had allegedly "Vexilloloide" or "Vexillums", once linked to the alleged roman empire.

However their so called signum is based on some obscure work by Auguste Racinet, some custom researcher, who authored many different books, among them "Lʹ Ornement polychrome" (1869–1873).

He was obviously manipulated by the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs, where he had his education. This Ecole can be traced back to 1766 and some porcelain manufactory.

Please keep in mind, that also porcelain isn't older than //1657.5 (Medici porcelain) and 1673 (Rouen porcelain).

The claim that it was also produced in ancient china and japan, is nonsense !

Furthermore Costume history started as late as 1860, pioneer was Hermann Weiß, with his book "Kostümkunde. Handbuch der Geschichte der Tracht..."

In the alleged medieval times, vexillums had been replaced by heraldry, also called Wappenkunde (Research of coat of arms). This myth is based on some cut by Hans Burgkmair der Ältere (//1651.0) and many different Wappenbücher/books about coat of arms, among them Scheiblersches Wappenbuch (1649ish), Virgil Solis' Wappenbüchlein (//1655.5), Jost Ammans Wappenbuch (//1657.9), Johann Siebmachers Wappenbuch (//1659.6)

or Hessisches Wappenbuch from Wilhelm Wesse (//1662.0).


Allegedly around //1649.0 the first flags showed up on sea, compare this with the Hanseatic Maritime Law, which started around //1659,1, the first "sea rights"-writers among them "Richolff" (//1653.7) and others plus the Kurbrandenburgische Marine, which started in 1657 !

The study of flags, was formalized in 1961.

They still claim that national flags started in the late 18th century.

The oldest national flag is apparently from Denmark (//1662.5), which shows up first on some drawing from around 1649ish, from the book Armorial Gelre, however this wasn't known until Victor Bouton: Wapenboeck from 1879 !

Please come to your own decision :-)



Allegedly controlling the world, the first Freimaurer didn't start before around //1653.7.



Since music is one of my alltime topics, i wanted to spend more time on this.

Let's go though it step for step.

The so called "oldest known song" was written in cuneiform from Syria.

However these Hurrian songs are based on some excavationScam by Emmanuel Laroche from the 1950s !

The Double pipes by the alleged ancient Greeks are all based on drawing fakeries on vases, the related history of Polyphony is fabricated, most likely with the help of Jean de Latre's "Lamentationes aliquot Jeremiae musicae harmoniae..", published by Jacob Baethen in Maastrich at around //1655.4.

Indian classical music is another scam. Sources are f.i. the Samaveda, some big fraud from around 1848 by Theodor Benfey.

Also Persian traditional music is based on some lies, which started mostly with Al-Urmawi's work from the so called 16th century.

The biblical Paris Psalter, which contains some pipes, must have shown up at around //1655.7, linked to the history of Constantinople.

Then there is some bunch of bulk from the alleged Medieval music.

Gregorian chant is based on many different fabrications, here only mentioned the Spanish chant manuscript from around //1662.5.

Oddly also the alleged 15th century does count only 8 famous musicians, among them nobodies like Henry Abyngdon or Finn Ó Haughluinn.

The word music as in meaning of "the written or printed score of a composition" is from 1650s !

The word interval as in musical sense "difference in pitch between two tones" is from around //1660.0 !

That should be it for now. Most likely it started with Baroque music with Bach, Vivaldi and co. plus international folklore, unidentified. The Worshipful Company of Musicians received a Royal Charter at around //1660.4.


PS: See also this timeline : .. music violine ; //1654.0 ; //1659.4 (Freiberger Dom ; decoration) 1659 datierter und handgeschriebener Geigenzettel von Jacobus Stainer (Bartolomeo) Giuseppe Guarneri (1698 - 1744) ; Geigenbauer Matthias Klotz (1653 - 1743) Begründer des Geigenbaus in Mittenwald. Antonio Giacomo Stradivari (//1649'ish - 1737) ..



Originally based on Proto-Germanic, possibly the oldest language, named frijōjands as in "lover, friend".

Oddly in the 1670s, as a member of the Society of Friends, Meaning "a Quaker".



Apparently not mentioned in literature until around //1660.0, though already 6 times mentioned in the bible.

Then 1653, the first illustration of "insects" by Jan v. Kessel, who dies in 1679.

That only makes sense if both came up in the same timeframe !

Also the bird is mentioned in the bible 128 times, but not yet the migratory bird.

That brings up the question, what does fly higher than a plane ?

Gutefrage.net does not answer this question !

On all other animals, why don't you start with german word Hundeleben (17th century) and wonder why ?!




If you're still not convinced from what i have to say, why don't you go through the list of all inventions ?


I did that already 5 years ago. The majority of inventors lived after 1649ish, however many are based on fabricated personalities. Before you utter some nonsense about ancient toilet paper from China, you should better deal with my list about chinese dynasties. I went through all of them and every single dynasty before 1649ish had ben based on a fraud. Also China doesn't even have some secret service. Oddly this missing idea is linked to the history of the gangsterism of the Triade, linked to the Qing-Dynastie and first opium trade from over there.

I wrote much more about China 5 years ago, but here is just another reminder :

There was no "Mongolian alphabet" until
//1658.7, when underdocumented "Ayuusch Güüsch"
introduced the "Galik-Schrift" (Али-гали үсэг, Ali Gali üseg)),
followed by "Zaya Pandit" with another variation ;
bef. //1664.8

Asiatic (adj.) ;
bef. //1663.0 ;
'artificially latinIzed', 'GREEK_OP'ed !

Once again also etymology shows, that the word invention, as in sense of "thing invented" is first recorded at around //1651.0. Also discovery is only as old as around //1655.0.


Fashion of the 1680s ?



Are you an 80s fan ? If so, ask yourself: How often did they happen before ?

1880 ? 1780 ? 1680 ? Well, according to etymologists, the word eighties arrived in literature

as late as 1827 ! One more smoking gun for "google 1649ish" :-)


10th century (alleged)

Another special entry ! Only 10-12 "significant people" showed up in europe, in big opposite with other alleged first centuries. For instance i couldn't find any VIP from germany !

Did the century fakers at one point run out ideas ?



There seems to be tons of words missing in literature before 1649ish. I did this research with 100s of them.

One of these words is vagina. It seems not to show up until the 1680s, then artificially latinIzed. Fascinating !

Check out also knowledgeable, information, bee (also not mentioned in the bible), soup, dragonfly, pharmaceutical, bones and many others.

Remember : Hebraic, Greek and 'artificial latinIzed' language
started having being invented at around //1654.1 (BEFORE NOT KNOWN for public);
by 'fabricated personalities' "Thomas Platter" and his printer buddy
"Andrew Cartander", both linked to "huldreich Zwingli",
the author of the swiss-deutsch Bible ("Die ganze Bibel")|"the whole bible

One more hint that we have some century fakery :-)

Oddly there wasn't any bible criticism until 1685, "Histoire critique du vieux testament" by Richard Simon.

See also revised history of the bible :

Johannes Mentelin- Bibel, Straßburg //1646.6
Günther Zainer-Bibel, Augsburg //1647.7
Jodocus Pflanzmann-Bibel, Augsburg //1647.5
Anton Koberger-Bibel, Nürnberg //1648.3
[[[ALL 4 ARE VERY CLOSE to 1649'ish, so i left it like this ]]]

Compare with german word vergöttern, only from 17th century !

btw, also the word buddha isn't older than 1680s !

And this is something for german comedian and ornithologist Wigald Boning !

There were already 19 bird types described in the bible
vs. alleged 1,600 years delay of "ornithology" !


by the way, the atheist is only as old as //1657.0+.

Cult is from around //1661.0 as in "worship, homage" (a sense now obsolete); 1670s, as "a particular form or system of worship".



The word was not in use until around //1656.0 !

As in german word "pilz", it was not in use until around //1656.0 !

Mushrooms are also not mentioned in the bible.

Intoxination is mentioned three times in the bible, only once in the context of wine.



it is first introduced by "Leonardo Fibonacci"
in "Liber abaci", which is protected by
"National Central Library (Florence)" (1714) ;
a first use is from around //1659.8

The alleged ancient Greek and Sumerians did not use or know the zero.



Dinosaurs did not exist ! The whole CON started in 1676, by Reverend Robert Plot and wasn't refreshed until 1819, by William Buckland. I called it FossilOP. Since then the hoax emerged.

Same to the neanderthal man. This scam started in 1829 by Dutch naturalist Philippe-Charles Schmerling in the Schmerling Caves.



A whole life without a dentist ?

According to historians apparently. Allegedly the idea started first with the alleged medieval work Chirurgia Magna by Guy de Chauliac, however it wasn't available until //1649.3. In the alleged medieval times the work of a dentist was done by barbers. This was followed with the late Pierre Fauchard, with his work Le chirurgien dentiste in 1728. Who is believing this nonsense ?



This word was possibly first used at around the 300th day after 1649ish, as in "inadequate, unsatisfactory, worthless; unfortunate", then in at around 1649ish as in "wicked, evil, vicious; counterfeit".

It was actually also rare before the 1640s, and "evil" was more common until c. 1700 as the ordinary antithesis of good. 

Possibly based on "bæddel" and to bædan "to defile."


Based on Old English steorra "star," from Proto-Germanic "sternan" (source also of Old Saxon sterro, Old Frisian stera, Dutch ster, Old High German sterro, German Stern, Old Norse stjarna, Swedish stjerna, Danish stierne). This is from PIE
Astrological sense of "influence of planets and zodiac on human affairs" is recorded from around 300th day after 164ish ! Hence "person's fate as figured in the stars" is from around //1660.0, while star-crossed "ill-fated" is from "Romeo and Juliet" by "fabricated personality" Shakespeare at aroun //1659.2.
Think about also the odd nonsense, that it allegedly took 1609 years, until someone developed the telescope ! ;-)





Why was the production of mirrors allegedly a monopoy by the island of Murano until 1665 ?



German word for twenty. It shows up as late as the 17th century, apparently based on the german word "zweinzug", possibly 800 days after 1649ish !



Krieg is the german word for War. Oddly it isn't mentioned in one of the first encyclopedias (instead only "kriegsrat" is included in the some edition of another lexicon around 1700 ; which means "council for war".
See "Deutscher Daedalus Begreiffendt ein vollständig außgefuhrtes Poetisch Lexicon und Wörter-Buch" *1660.

See also "Kurbrandenburgische Marine" *o: 1657 [first painted in 1684 by "Lieve Pietersz. Verschuier" //1662.7–//1668 !

Compare this with dispute, as in "argue against, attempt to disprove, deny" from around //1651.0.


If "Karl"|Charles is allegedly one of the oldest names (from the alleged "ancient times"), why did it take at least 15-16 centuries, until some female version was introduced ?
Adjective "caroline" became popular "as late as 1650s".

By the way, the nickname is also only around as a verb as in "to give a nickname to" from around //1653.0.

Compare with german word Spitzname from 17th century !


elefant or olyfaunt
Why was the elephant so extremely missing from paintings of the first 16 centuries ?

It also doesn't show up in the alleged first coat of arms !
The word elephant wasn't even mentioned in the very first bible translation, instead there's only a vague reference to "Ivory" ? And what about the missing "tusk"|Stosszahn, if the elephant allegedly came from the mammoth|Mammut ? The word elephant was allegedly re-spelled after //1655.0.



This word did not exist before //1660.0. (neither Shakespeare nor the KJV has it).

Penis is from 1670s.



Obviously lying wasn't known until the impression, give the lie, as in to "accuse directly of lying" , attested from around //1659.0.



The word "border" did not exist in the literature of the first 16 centuries.
As a matter of fact it comes from the polish dialect "granica" (GRENZE, german translation).



One of my alltime favorites ! So what about the missing handbag : "....you want to ridicule this too ?
Then consider the fact that his|torians state, that there was no handbag for wo|men in the first 16 centuries.

Not even for the perfume ? (//1653.0).

Allegedly they were hiding some pockets under their long skirts during alleged "medieval times".
However all for sudden, there was the Pompadour, Réticule, Ridicule (1670s), Ridikül or Handgelenksbeutel.
Is anyone believing this hoagwash ?



Please still  note that the word "church" comes clearly from the West Germanic word kirika, Old Saxon kirika, Old High German kirihha, German Kirche (more in the sense of a meeting house), while the english word "unchurched" wasn't introduced before the 1680s.



The word death doesn't show up in literature until John Donne, letter to Sir Henry Goodere, //1660.8.

Death's-head, a symbol of mortality, is from around //1659.0. Death's door "the near approach of death" is from around //1654.0.

Birth, as in reference to non-living things, "any coming into existence" is from around //1661.0.

German word Todesangst is from the 17th century !

Also the word birthday with the Meaning "day on which one is born", didn't show up in literature until //1657.0.

Compare this with the verb gray, as in "become gray, wither," from around //1661.0.

Furthermore the word funeral" as in "ceremony of burying a dead person" wasn't introduced before around //1651.0.


One of my favorite quotes from 5 years ago :

...the wette|bet is still up :
It started all around 1649’ish incl. atheism (//1658.0),
dualism (~1689/1700 Thomas Hyde ; 1794),
racism (1652 ; *1684 Francois Berner, 1932),
terrorism (*//1652.0 ; 1794 ; 1795 ) and all other ‘bullshitivism’ (1915+)



Why would it take almost 1600 years, until the first actors come up? And no female actors ?

Apparently this only started with Giovanni Gabrielli (//1659.0), Flaminio Scala (//1661.1), Tristano Martinelli (before //1663.0) and so on...


Women's work

Mentioned in literature as late as 1660s.



As in "transposition of letters in a word so as to form another; a word so formed," is only from around //1658.0.



The meaning "contrary in character, of a totally different nature" is only from around //1657.0.



As in a natural expression of amazement is only from around //1651.0.



As in "garment for men, covering the lower body and each leg separately," doesn't show up in literature until around //1661.0, earlier it was trouzes (//1658.0), extended from trouse (//1657.0).



Also the history of this mathematical number is falsified. The alleged ancient greece didn't exist. It was all made up by the first Gräzisten, among them Johannes Cuno (after //1651.0), Sir John Cheke (//1654.3), Johannes Hartung (//1654.6), Nicholas Carr (//1654.7), Jean Dorat (//1656.0), Willem Canter (//1657.1), Isaac Barrow (//1664.0) and many others. Instead the first research on Pi must have been by William Oughtred at around //1664.7 in "Theorematum in libris Archimedis..." and so on.

Mathematics is from around //1658.0 !



With the meaning "a short, informal written communication", doesn't show up in literature until around //1659.0.



As in a "catalogue consisting of names in a row or series," is only from around //1660.0.



Also there was no "Zuchthaus"|Jail until "Rasphuis" in Amsterdam, [painted in 1662 by "Melchior Fokkens" - bio unknown], which existed between //1659.6 - 1815 ; (o:) "15|96"] ; followed 'quickly' (*after conversion) by Bremen (//1660.9), Lübeck (//1661.3), Hamburg (//1662.2) and Danzig (//1662.9).



German word for aliens. The idea is already around since a long time.

However the beginning of this history is falsified. Allegedly mentioned in the ancient work of Plutarch "Das Mondgesicht", but his stuff wasn't around since 1649ish, //1657.9 and //1660.3.

Same to Lukian von Samosata, not available until around //1650.6 (Luciani opuscula/"Ikaromenipp oder die Wolkenreise").

This was followed by Giordano Bruno (after //1658.4) , then also Christiaan Huygens (at around //1665.7) and so on.


As in sense of "watch, perceive, notice" is from around //1656.0, via the notion of "see and note omens."

The meaning "to say by way of remark" is from around //1660.0.



The history of chocolate is also falsified. Not mentioned in the bible, it allegedly shows up first at the alleged ancient Olmeken, however this seems to have been based on some excavationScam from 1920.

Also the Maya did not exist.  Instead chocolate was most likely either introduced by fabricated personality Columbus or later with Hernán Cortés (at around //1652.8), followed at around //1654.4 as some drink, then 1673 

in some coffee house in Bremen. See also german word Schokolade (17th. century) !



Possibly also older and classified than everyone thinks. One hint is the name of chemist Georg Ernst Stahl, who was officially born in 1659, maybe also his father Johann Lorentz Stahl.

There was also Heinrich Stahl at around //1660.0.

German word stählern (adj.) shows up first in literature at around 1649ish.



If the Pyramids are allegedly that old, why did it take at least 1640 years until someone illustrated it ?

In this case it was Wenceslaus Hollar, followed as late as 1676, by Athanasius Kircher.

The pyramids were most likely established with huge ship cranes :

They did exist since late 1640s ("Turmkran in Trier", //164x.x) !

Also, if Egypt is allegedly that old, why didn't they have their own secret service until 1954 !

btw, also Stonehenge wasn't illustrated until //1657.3, by fabricated personality Lucas de Heere.

My take on mummies : They are all fake ! I don't know how to do this, but apparently there had been a lot of forgeries : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummy_forgeries

PS: If you like, please enjoy one of my tracks about this topic, at


BREAKING: africa ['n music] is not older than 1649'ish (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━



On the other hand, electricity is at least as old as the 1640s, first researched in the book "De Magnete, Magnetisque Corporibus...". You will find the same result for cars. I once described 4-6 different kind of early cars, among them the Panzerwagen, the Segelwagen, the "Prunkwagen" (1650), 'the HautschKarre' (after //1659.5) and the "Kolbenmaschine mit Pulverantrieb" from 1673 !

The word computer, as in "one who calculates", shows up first in the 1640s.

In this context check out also the first plane, which of course came from "Eilmer von Malmesbury" ;
~080th day after 1649'ish ;

the next plane came from 
"Salomon Idler" (bef. //1661.0 - //1666.9) ;
classified until the 1770s
close to the Fallschirm|parachute ;
//164x.0, //164x.5 ("Leonardo da Vinci" //164x.2 – //1651.9 in "Codex Atlanticus")

The history of the wheel is falsified. There was even an early version of the bycicle called Elie-Richard-Reisewagen (1690). Also the wheel chair wasn't introduced before "Farflers Rollstuhl" (1655), occasionally confirmed for 1649ish or //1659.5. Furthermore there weren't any glasses (n.) until the 1660s ;
"spectacles", from plural of glass (n.) ;
compare with the fraternity "Brillenmacherzunft in Nürnberg" ; //1653.5 (o:"15|35")

compare also with Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers (1664) !



Humans talk every day about the weather. So why would it take so long to start meteorology ?

Historians state that early theories had been discussed by Albertus Magnus. However, the reference, his book De natura locorum wasn't published until around //1651.4.


It also looks like that there was no mystery (german : Rätsel) before 1649ish !

The claim that the onliest oldest mystery was found in the old-sumerian Lagasch,

is based on some excavation scam.

Then there is the egyptian cat- and mouse mystery, but this was made up in 1858,

with the help of some papyrusCON !

Same to some mystery ideas of Archimedes, not available until around //1654.4, f.i. "Opera".

Also the so called "Berner Rätsel" is based on some fraud.

It is owned by Burgerbibliothek Bern, but nothing was known about it since

Jacques Bongars (//1655.4–//1661.2) and his collection from around //1663.2.

Also in the alleged mediaval times not much was going on until "Straßburger Rätselbuch"

from around //1650.0 !  It was followed at around //1654.0 with "Rätselbuch".


Postal Service

Also odd is the missing history of the postal service. More logically it started around //1649.0 , with the "Niederländischer Postkurs" !


First Beer Browing, //1656.8



It also looks like that there was no mystery (german : Rätsel) before 1649ish !

The claim that the onliest oldest mystery was found in the old-sumerian Lagasch,

is based on some excavation scam.

Also the so called "Berner Rätsel" is based on some fraud.

It is owned by Burgerbibliothek Bern, but nothing was known about it since

Jacques Bongars (//1655.4–//1661.2) and his collection from around //1663.2.

Also in the alleged mediaval times not much was going on until "Straßburger Rätselbuch"

from around //1650.0 !  It was followed at around //1654.0 with "Rätselbuch".



Based on the Proto-Germanic word "thonaras daga-".
German "Donnerstag"|Thursday) ;
possibly based on the Germanic word "Thor".
'Angluish' into "þunor", based on Proto-Germanic word "thunraz" (which sounds like "sunrise") ;
Must be close to 1666, since Thor was fictionalized as
"Odin's eldest son" in the icelandic saga "Edda"
aka "Snorra-Edda" , which was released in the same year.
That info also does count for Wednesday, allegedly based on Odin's day.



german word for anagram, based on the earlier german word Anagramma.

Not earlier mentioned in literature than the first half of the 17th century !

Remember that is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase.



“…why would it take allegedly 1,665 – 1,675 
years, to finally introduce an ‘artificial latinIzed’ 
word for “hungry...” ? ;
esurient (adj.) ;
as in ”inclined to eat" ;


Santa Claus

Most popular around Christmas, odly this person didn't appear in literature until 1773!

I once dedicated a whole book on this issue. Hold on, there was Father Christmas before that,

but it's also only attested from 1650s ! The first 16 centuries did not take place !



The expression film in the original sense of "a thin coat of something" is around since //1657.0.

As a verb since around //1660.0. Not to be confused with filmmaker, 1859, the successor of Camera Obscura, possibly around since Gemma Frisius’ //1654.5 book De Radio Astronomica et Geometrica, Gerolamo Cardano in a //1655.0 book De subtilitate, vol. I, Libri IV, Giambattista della Porta in the //1655.8 first edition of his book series Magia Naturalis, Athanasius Kircher's Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae (//1664.6) and others.

For a film, one needed an idea (original meaning "mental image or picture" is from around //1661.0, sense of "result of thinking" first recorded 1640s. Or f.i. memories, see memorize from around //1659.0.



Also the history of the Tora is falsified. Most likely it started like this :

"Raschi" aka
"Rabbi Schlomo ben Jizchaki" 
his work not published until //1653.9.

earliest.idea of "Pentateuch"(Tora) 
~400th day after 1649'ish

Torah (n.) 
bef. //1660.0
Zohar (n.) 
first 'tora_poney':
Henning Bernward Witter (1683 - 1715).

first'ish (rabbinic) "Tora" :

Also originally the "jew" was a profession, first ilustrated by Jost Amman (//1656.8), followed by the jeweller.



Also the history of psychology is falsified. Let's go through it step by step.

Allegedly it was first covered by Platon, however his writings didn't show up until //1657.8,

by fabricated personality Henri Estienne.

Aristoteles' work "De anima" wasn't available until Wilhelm von Moerbeke, at around //1649.7.

There was also Thomas von Aquin, but his writings didn't appear until Super Physicam Aristotelis, //1659.5.

Nothing happened during the alleged medieval times and Descartes was as late as //1663.0. (res cogitans) !

Juan Huarte de San Juan wrote at around //1657.5, Johann Thomas Freigius at around //1657.4, Marko Marulić at around //1650.9, then it took until Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1649ish - 1716).

Needless to say, the word psychology (n.) is from 1650s, as in "study of the soul".



The word hotel didn't show up until 1640s.



Also known as the escapement of the clock. This important part wasn't introduced until 1685.

Some historians claim, that there was an ancient Ankerhemmung in some astrological clock,

allegedly developed by chinese Su Song, but that appears to be another big lie.

Btw, the first modern mechanical cuckoo clocks came out between 1650 and //1662.9 !


Nothing was known about this dude until 1960, based on sinologist Noël Needham, obviously manipulated by the Royal Society, where he was also working for. He also stated that the alleged ancient china developed the book press, the compass, gunpowder, hanging bridges and the toilet paper.

He continued this scam later also for the UNESCO !



Which brings us to the second. The first clock based on seconds was introduced at around //1658.5 by Jost Bürgi.

The word second itself seems to be defined since 300th day before 1649ish, followed by the impression Second sight at around //1661.0.

Once again there is another story.  There was also fabricated personality Al-Biruni who allegedly described the second. However this wasn't known until 1927 and Karl Schoy, who started his lies about "Arabische Gnomonik" in 1913. Schoy was influenced by his teacher Heinrich Suter, a tool by the Königlich Dänische Akademie der Wissenschaften (1742).



Based on the word vikingr, made up in 1801 by English historian Sharon H. Turner !



Nothing is known in literature about islands until around //1659.0, before it was known as yland, possibly since 300th day after 1649ish. Also peninsula is from around //1653.0.




Lucky fox ! Noone was hunting him until literature mentions fox-hunting in the 1670s.

One more hint that all animals lived alone before 1649ish !

What does the bible say ? :

"Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom."



Also the history of magicians is falsified. It looks like one of the first magicians was Reginald Scot, who released  The Discoverie of Witchcraft at around //1658.4. The word magician also appears in literature as "practitioner of legerdemain" at around //1659.0. The anatomie of Legerdemain was released at around //1663.4.

Compare with the first german Zauberkünstler which was Joseph Fröhlich (1694 - 1757).



This word is possibly around since 300th day after 1649ish.

The Meaning "imitation, copy" is from 1690s. Sense of "the faintest trace" is from 1651 or around //1658.0.

Compare this with the german verb schattieren in the context of painting, which german etymologists traced back to the 17th century, same to the Schattenspiel !



Actually it took until 1705, Jean Marius, a purse maker by trade, created the modern portable umbrella.

Also here is some alleged ancient idea by fabricated personality Alkuin. Again, nothing is known until this dude until 1875 and Ernst Ludwig Dümmler's lexikon Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie.

Same to the sun umbrella, which wasn't introduced until Maria de’ Medici (//1657.5 - //1664.2). 



Nothing is known about a focus until the "1640s". Introduced into English 1650s by Hobbes.



As in to "cause to begin acting or operating" is only from 1660s.



Apparently there was no garbage as in "refuse, filth" before around //1658.0.



As in "force of expression", not known in literature until around //1659.0, as in broader meaning of "power" in English, first recorded 1660s. 



What about prepositions ? Here with in, "that is within, internal," not known until around //1659.0.


Why was the profession fleischer (butcher) illustrated so late in germany ? (//1656.8).

Butcher as in figurative sense of "brutal murderer, one who kills indiscriminately or cruelly" is attested from around //1652.0.

Also the pan wasn't painted until around //1655.4, in the "Hausbuch der Landauerschen Zwölfbrüderstiftung".



Not known until around //1653.0.

Also the phrase a week, as in eight days a week was early recorded at around //1654.0.

Calendar is from the 17th century. Before it was spelled calender, as in "cloth-presser".

The german word Vergangenheit for past was originally known as "verlauffene Zeit" and changed also in the 17th century.



I skipped this time the history of coffee, which is a bit obscure and originally known as wine, which is another hint that also alcohol isn't that old (//1654.0).

It looks like the business of cigarettes started in England at around //1658.6.

Compare this with the german word Raucher (for smoker), which also didn't show up in literature before the 17th century.

Compare this also with snuff, which was either introduced //1649.6, as described by Romano Pane or //1656.1 in France. The world's first snuff factory, the royal tobacco factory in Seville, Spain, was founded in 1677.


The SanskritOP is some CON, which was artificially created by some germans, among them Franz Bopp (1827).

I covered it a lot in my books. Don't trust it either ! The original meansing showed up at around //1661.0 and meant "put together, well-formed, perfected".



There seems to be also no wider mentioning of the first professions until Jost Amman and Hans Sachs illustrated them, published in "Das Ständebuch" from around //1656.8.

Also, the saying to be out of work "unemployed" is not mentioned in literature until around //1659.0.

To make short work of is from 1640s.



Noun as in "something shaved off", not mentioned in literature until around //1660.0.

Shaver: Meaning as in "shaving tool" is from around //1655.0.

Compare with beard, which is mentioned in the bible 18 times.



Soldier Instructions

So far i covered specific missing paintings, literature, words, names, inventions, accessoires (handbag !), which brings me back to the alleged wars before 1649ish. What about missing instructions for soldiers ?

Introducing fabricated personality Johann Jacobi von Wallhausen. He was the first dude, who published almost a dozen books about Kriegskunde/customized War.

Among them after //1661.4 : Feuerwerk, ABC der Soldaten, Kriegskunst zu Fuß.., Kriegskunst zu Pferdt.., Archiley-Kriegskunst.., Corpus militare.., Romanische Kriegskunst and many others.

Both Roman and Mongolian Empire did not exist !

Please see also Oranische Heeresreform, described by Justus Lipsius (//1654.7 - //1660.6)

See also my former revised nu|chronology of life guards (not to be confused with body guards), which started as late as  //1649.7 with the "Swiss Hundred Guard" ("Cent Suisses") etc.

Also the word army, as in meaning "body of men trained and equipped for war" is not older than around //1655.0.

Uniform (adj.) is not older than around //1653.0. It is also not mentioned in the bible.

See more logically the history of the Bataillon, which started with the Hugenotten, at around //1656.0.

Check out also "Allart van Everdingen" (//1662.1 - //1667.5), //1664.5 "Lukasgilde"
apparently responsible for the very first illustration of weaponry production business.

"Darstellung der Geschützgießerei der Familie Trip in Södermanland" ;
protected today by "Rijksmuseum Amsterdam" ; .
aka "Waffenproduktion in Schweden" ; //1664.0, //1664.4.

Still not convinced ? Please let me know at nicohaupt2@yahoo.com.

So far noone could debunk me in the last 5 years. 2 more items to go !



Also the history of the police started way too late !

Officially it was created by the government of King Louis XIV in 1667 to police the city of Paris.

Not older is also the history of jails. The so called first "Zuchthäuser" had been created in Bremen (//1660.9), Lübeck (1661.3), Hamburg (1662.0) and Danzig (//1662.9).

The earliest related painting above is from Rasphuis in Amsterdam, established at around //1659.5.

The word police is from around //1653.0. It's also not mentioned in the bible yet.

Crime as in sense of "any great wickedness or wrongdoing" is from around //1651.0.

German word Verbrechen is from the 17th cenntury.

The burglar is from around //1654.0.

Also in America, the first sheriff (from Proto-Germanic "skizo") is believed to be Captain William Stone, appointed at around //1663.4. The word sheriff also shows up in literature in the 1660s.

Paris followed with some police force in 1667 and so on.

America is as old as europe and the rest of the world. The Columbus story was a CON. Most likely this continent was discovered by the Kurbrandenburgische Marine before 1657, also mapped first by German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller at around //1650.7.


Fire Department

Also the history of the fire department is falsified. Occasionally linked to the Roman Empire, most likely it only started at around //1661.5, above painted by Salomon de Caus.

In America in 1678 the first fire engine company went into service.


History of mental diseases

The history of mental disease is also based on some conflicting nonsense !

In the alleged ancient times, only reports from Cicero (Gespräche in Tusculum), Aulus Cornelius Celsus,

Soranos von Ephesos and Aretäus von Kappadozien are known.

However, Cicero's book seems to have not being released until 1984 !

Aulus Cornelius Celsus' first work De medicina only came out at around //1652.8.

Soranos von Ephesos wasn't published and "translated" until Johann Christian Huber : Die Gynäkologie (Peri gynaikeiōn) from 1894 ! Finally Aretaios seems to have been yet another "fabricated personality!

Nothing about him was known until "Die auf uns gekommenen Schriften des Kappadociers Aretaeus", 1858 !

In the alleged medieval times, there are allegedly reports about "Narrenkäfigen, Tollkästen und Dorenkisten",

but in reality this is based on Peter Monnik (at around 1649ish).

Actually the first „Hôpital général“ is only from 1656 !




Apparently there had been no reports about meteorites on earth before 1649ish !

This started as late as 1751. The related research started in 1777, by chemists Fourgeroux, Chadet

and Lavoisier in Journal de Physique, linked to some fallen object from 1768.



This word also seems to have been ignored before 1649ish !

It was first mentioned at around 1650, as in "an inspection of military forces" .

Sense of "process of going over again" is from 1656.0; that of "a view of the past, a retrospective survey" is from around //1660.0. Meaning "general examination or criticism of a recent work" is first attested 1640s !



German for right/left. In germany, this word shows up only as late as in the 1640s,

based on "älter rechter Arm". Same to "links", linked to "auf der linken Seite".



Also the history of fashion is based on some nonsense !

Nothing is really known for the alleged ancient times, just some vague description.

Of course, in the alleged medieval times, most people were allegedly running around in armor ;-(

Same to dying with purpur, only vague claims before 1649ish !



No fart before "Clatterer or clatterfart, which wyl disclose anye light secreate",

mentioned by [Richard Huloet in "Abecedarium Anglo-Latinum", //1655.2 !


Among the many suspects for centuryFakery had been the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, the earliest language academy, which still does exist, the first Lukasgilden (among them many falseflagpainters), fabricated personality Giorgio Vasari -the first art historian, linked to the Medici Family, Accademia di San Luca (//1657.7), Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture, Royal Society aka Königliche Gesellschaft (1660), "Salomon Schweigger", the potential author of the Koran in 1659, the Catholic Church or better Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation (since 1663), the first english Worshipful Companies etc., in newer times also the UNESCO, originally based on the ICIC.



Still not convinced ? You should better believe "me" ! ;-)

Why was the word "me" introduced so late, as in erroneous or vulgar use

for nominative (such as it is me), its is attested from only around //1650.0 ?



So what about the word "word" ?

The original meaning "promise" was in Old English, as was the theological sense. In the plural, the meaning "verbal altercation" (as in have words with someone) dates from around 1649ish !

Does that make any sense ?
Word-for-word "in the exact word or terms" is also from the same time period !

Again, "Word of mouth" as in "spoken words, oral communication" (as distinguished from written words) is from around //1655.0 !.

The "message" is possibly not older than 300th day after 1649ish,

the religious sense of "divinely inspired communication via a prophet" is from around //1654.0,

Also the german plural of words, as in "Wörte" started only around 1660.0.

So what kind of word was then  before "word" ?



German word for "circle", f.i. for the face (Gesichtskreis), didn't start before the 17th century !

Also the directions for north, south, west, east were introduced at the very same time ;-)

"orientation" (n.) is even from 1839, also not mentioned in the bible yet  !

Compare this also with the first drawing from this, as late at around 1649ish :



German word for "centre", f.i. in "auss dem Centro der erden" didn't start before around 1649ish !



German word for "leader" isn't introduced until around 1650 !


If you did enjoy this article, then please check out also :

North- and South Pole does not exist !

OR why "south-", "n o r t h pole" and "magnet" is only as old as //1651.3, //1652.7, //1655.0+ etc.



For further confusions humans introduced at least 50-100 other calendar systems but the documentation is very obscure. The gregorian calendar started potentially around //1658.2.

Same to the odd history of coins ! Alledgedly they "disappeared" during the alleged medieval times, instead humans used the so called Brakteat, but the definition wasn't known until the 17th century.

I came to the concludion that coing started with the "Schreckenberger Groschen" and the "Münze in Frohnau", later known from Bergstadt Annaberg (//1649.2), first illustrated by Hans Hesse in //1652.1.

Also see here the corrected history of banking :

343th day after 1649'ish: 
italienische GEschaefte (“Peruzzi”) mit Bankbusiness

348th - 392th day after 1649'ish: 
“…Improvements by de'Medici family…”
397th day after 1649'ish: "Banco Medici"
407th day after 1649'ish: Genua Banco di San Giorgio
462th day after 1649'ish: Perugia Leihhaus Monte di Pietà
472nd day after 1649'ish: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena

1656 Palmstruch-Bank 
(schwedisch: Palmstruchska banken; Stockholms Banco)
“…von Johan Palmstruch gegründet; erste Notenbank der Welt...”


Peace :-)



Nico Haupt aka ewing2001 aka mc nicomedy2010 aka nicohitler aka nicointelpro aka nicolumbo aka megalomanico etc.


Sources : google, wikipedia, etymonline, biblegateway, dwds


PS: Here is one review of my book google1649ish :

Philip Mejia: Often the book Google 1649'ish: Or Weltfrieden is Possible Within 20 Minutes will bring someone to thenew experience of reading some sort of book. The author style to describe the idea is very unique. In caseyou try to find new book you just read, this book very ideal to you. The book Google 1649'ish: Or Weltfrieden is Possible Within 20 Minutes is much recommended to you you just read. You can also get thee-book in the official web site, so you can quicker to read the book.


Anyone who wants to illustrate this article as some comic strip, please respond to nicohaupt2@yahoo.com.

Anyone who wants to sponsor that, the same :-)

"Actually there are only two cultures around : Germans and Black is(c)landers. Every other nation was made up !" Mc Nicomedy2010

Update May 2020 :

There are only 5 countries worldwide !
Every other is making it up and they are incorporated since the 1920s !

by Dick Kurz aka ewing2001 aka Nico Haupt etc.

It's actually America, Europe, China, Africa and Australia !
Russia is Gazprom since 1965, named State Gas Concern Gazprom in 1989 !


Furthermore this will change after 31 December 2020,
and England will become the 6th country in the world !

check out also https://www.amazon.com/nico-haupt/e/B00IQ8BMIM%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share

The author was formerly one of the first researchers for the 9/11 No Planer Evidence,

which also influenced Ace Baker's 9/11 The Key and Simon Shack's SeptemberClues !

He also released an early article on the 7/7 Falseflag in London and tied the real conspirators

to Bombardier, Metro UK and other. Furtermore he was 2 years member of the nukelies.com forum,

archived at http://www.big-lies.org/nuke-lies/www.nukelies.com/forum/1-welcome-do-nuclear-bombs-exist.html .

He also released 5 books on calendar fakery (from the google 1649ish series),

check out the Updates at https://justpaste.it/google1649ishUpdates .

Before he lived 15 years in New York, he also had an own radioshow called Netzkraut and wrote for

TELEPOLIS and DE:Bug ! He also was "Landesvorsitzender"

in NRW for Christoph Schlingensief's art party CHANCE 2000.

His imdb entry is at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3426316/ .



Please check out also

Corona Virus is a hoax ! It doesn't exist at all !




What else you need to know :

1 Earth, Moon and Sun are all flat !
Sometimes the moon appears twice, but the Youtube videos with it,
seems to have all disappeared !
There also is no north- or south pole !
2 Humans are not older than 1649ish !
3 There is no space flight !
Noone was ever on the moon, Uranus and Pluto does not exist !
There are no satellites in space and the ISS is bluescreened !
4 9/11 : No Planes hit the Towers !
It was all cgi and tv fakery !
Watch 9/11 The Key https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY9FJGfq470
and September Clues
6 Google (Earth) was part of 9/11 !
Facebook is a front of google !
7 Cancer is not a disease, it's a fungus !
It can be healed with vitamin b17 and some drug of Mexico !
8 Corona Virus does not exist ! It's all made up !
It's a big cover-up of a pending recession, which was at least predicted in 2018 and 2019.
It's to introduce new laws, vaccinations and surveillance apps.
9 There is no War on Terror !
It's all a scam. most alleged terror attacks are all false flags with crisis actors and fake blood !
10 Same to many wars, it all started with falseflag paintings !
12 The cold war was a hoax !
The Berlin Wall was built with the knowledge of both west- and east germany !
Also the ending was scripted !
13 Many pop stars had been deathened, which means that they survived under a different name !
14 Climate Change is a hoax !
It's a distraction from at least 70 years weather modification weapons !
15 Dinosaurs did not exist ! Same to the ice age or little ice age in Holland !
16 Nukes don't exist ! Also nuclear technology and nuclear submarines are a scam !
17 There are only two cultures : Germans and Black is(c)landers !
All other nations had been made up !
18 God is a woman and is black !