Since the beginning of time, humans have engaged in sexual activity for purposes other than procreation. By the end of the 19th and 20th centuries, people were using all sorts of ancient and home-made birth control methods to prevent pregnancy. Let's see how our ancestors avoided pregnancy sexy body message.
9 Ancient Forms of Contraception
Before the contraceptive movement, which became intently associated with the feminist movement, ladies trusted homemade homemade barrier methods using animal intestines; and various other sperm-blocking ingredients that have been inserted directly into or onto the genitals to prevent pregnancy.
Are you wondering what kind of contraceptives women used in ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece or in mediaeval Europe up to the end of the 19th century? After reading this list, you may be grateful that you were born into the world of modern birth control female to male body message.
Honey and acacia
documents from 1850 BC shows us that some of the most popular birth control methods in ancient Egypt involved the use of honey, acacia fruit, and acacia leaves as natural spermicides. Women mixed honey with acacia fruit and dipped fluff or cotton into the mixture.
Using perhaps the least hygienic contraceptive ingredient, the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians mixed crocodile skin with other ingredients to make a pessary, a block that was inserted into the vagina male escort job.
This is not the only mention of the use of animal excrement as an ancient contraceptive.In historic India and the Middle East, humans further tasted elephant dung to save pregnancy.
Ancient civilizations around the world used heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic to prevent pregnancy. Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, and Chinese women drank liquid mercury, liquid lead, or arsenic, or a combination thereof, to prevent conception. Unfortunately, these toxins can also lead to kidney and lung failure and brain damage.But they acted like a contraceptive personal care!
They also soaked cotton or fluff in the juice of this herb and inserted it into the vagina to prevent pregnancy.
So valuable that it can be used as currency due to its weight and is even more valuable than silver. The plant died out at the end of antiquity personal care products.
Olive Oil
To prepare the ancient contraceptive compound proposed by Aristotle, women in Greece used olive oil and cedar oil to reduce sperm motility. This would give them time to rinse or bathe after sex to reduce the risk of pregnancy delhi escort.
The citric acid in lemons was previously believed to have spermicidal properties, making this fruit an effective form of birth control. Women soaked sponges or cotton balls in lemon juice and inserted them into their vaginas. It would act as both a cervical barrier and a spermicide delhi escort service.
It is said that Casanova, a famous Venetian womanizer who lived in the 18th century, made a hood for the necks of his sexual partners out of half a lemon.
Up until the early 20th century—before birth control was legalized in the United States—women used toxic cleaning products like Lysol in their toilets. There have been many poisonings and even some deaths related to douching with Lysol.
In the 17th century, the earliest known condoms were made from animal membranes, including bladders and intestines.Condom use may go back even further, to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, but evidence is lacking mumbai escort.
We know that condoms were first used to prevent the spread of disease.
Until modern contraceptives were invented, women relied on all sorts of old contraceptive methods with conflicting results. Some were even dangerous, including the use of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic, which prevented conception but also led to organ failure and brain damage.
The first intrauterine contraceptive was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. In the decades that followed, many other birth control methods were developed, including sponges, cervical cups, and condoms (not those made from animal intestines).
In modern medicine, contraceptive options are regulated and tested for their effectiveness and safety. We've come an extended manner from crocodile dung, and now human beings can select from quite a few start manipulate methods, including navi mumbai escort service:
Of course, other birth control methods don't require any devices or procedures.These include methods based on fertility awareness (FAM), withdrawal (traction method), and external course (sexual stimulation without penetration).
Every contraceptive method has advantages and disadvantages. You can choose one method for a while and switch to another whenever you find it necessary mumbai escort service.
Fortunately, we are no longer stuck in old forms of contraception that not only make us shiver but also cause many nasty infections.A salute to modern medicine that keeps animal feces close to our genitals.Visit and start earning.