
Ghost Mannequin Services | Ghost Mannequin Photography

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Image2VectorGraphicsIndia @i2vgraphics · Mar 12, 2022 · edited: Mar 19, 2022

Ghost Mannequin Services

Garments are generally shot on mannequins as it allows their shape to be retained properly. But mannequins appearing from clothes don’t look good in final pictures. That’s why apparel manufacturers want them to be deleted before the photos are used for e-commerce sale. We are a team of well-trained and experienced separate team for ghost mannequins services that work meticulously to remove every trace of mannequins from given images.


Ghost mannequin photos corrected by our graphic artists can make the garments shown in your images look brilliant. The professionals that work on these photos have long experience in dealing with the same job and know perfectly which tools and techniques are best for it. Our team utilizes 3D floating methods for enhancing the details of the apparel superbly.


Ghost Mannequin Services


Why Should Apparel Businesses Invest in Ghost/Invisible Mannequins Services?

Garment businesses must invest in mannequin removal services to make their products look fascinating. And this investment will not just raise their sales figures but will also make their brand look more promising and reliable. Let’s see how our invisible mannequin services can benefit you:-


Enhances the Look of the Apparels-

Indubitably, the garments in the images look better in the absence of mannequins. It allows shoppers to have a look at the garment from different angles.


Allows Proper Reshaping of the Garments-

When apparels are in mannequins, image editors can face some constraints while editing them. But images without mannequins allow graphic artists to edit them as required which reflects in the augmented appeal of the final photos.


Leaves Entire Focus on the Garments-

When you want your customers to pay complete attention to the products, why to distract them with mannequins? After all, all you want to sell is your apparels. So, get rid of those unwanted mannequins that can make shoppers lose focus from the product.


Facilitates Different Views-

By removing mannequins from your products, you allow your customers to view the garment from different angles. They can conveniently have clear views of the product from different angles when mannequin is not attached to the apparels.


Offers Good Cost Savings-

The best alternative to ghost removal is getting the apparels shot on models, which supposes to be very costly due to the high fees of professional models. On the other hand, shooting garments on mannequins and then got mannequins removed by professionals give brilliant results at comparatively very low cost.


Shortens the Overall Duration-

The makeup of models takes very long which makes the entire photography process very time-consuming. Sometimes shooting may take weeks to complete due to such delays. But when shooting garments on mannequins, you don’t have to face such issues and a lot of time is saved which can be utilized for promotion and branding.


What Factors Make Image2VectorGraphicsIndia Reliable?

Brilliant Image Quality: Photos we provide are full of life. Our professionals edit them to make them captivating for your customers.


Quick Turnarounds: One of the prime reasons behind outsourcing jobs is time savings. We understand it well and provide retouched images in very short turnarounds, usually within 24 hours.


Affordable Services: Our aim is to provide superior quality services to customers at prices they find affordable. That's why we have kept our prices quite competitive.


Free Quotes & Samples: If you are a new customer, you can request a free quote and send us a few images to be edited for free. If you find our work good, you can hire us for your project.


Original Source of Content: https://www.image2vectorgraphicsindia.com/ghost-mannequin.html