
How To Get Rid of Interstitial Cystitis With Natural Health Treatment

Interstitial cystitis(IC) is a health condition that is often mistaken for urinary tract infection (UTI) but it is not an infection, it’s basically a chronic condition causing urinary bladder pressure, pain and sometimes you may experience pelvic pain too. Women are more prone to be diagnosed with IC than men.


IC can be diagnosed through medical history & bladder diary, urine test, pelvic exam, cystoscopy, biopsy, urine cytology, and potassium sensitivity test. Once diagnosed, start taking Baba Ramdev health package for interstitial cystitis along with the following lifestyle changes.


Natural Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis

Here is the list of lifestyle changes you need to do in order to treat interstitial cystitis naturally.


Appropriate water intake

We are all so busy in our lives that we often do not even realize our thirsty moments resulting in inadequate water intake. It leads to dark yellow, concentrated, and more irritating to our sensitive bladder wall.


Drink adequate water (at least 6-8 glasses a day) to reduce pain and discomfort during urination.


Heat or cold therapy

Heat or cold packs are used to reduce muscle tension and/or discomfort. Whereas cold packs are used to reduce heat or burning sensation on the perineum or vulva.


Diet modifications

Diet is one of the most important factors that influence your medical condition. You can get 60-70% relief by just changing your diet. First of all, if you are a junk food lover, you need to stop eating it right away. It causes irritating bladder and discomfort quickly. Moreover, foods/beverages that are high in acid and/or caffeine often trigger IC and prostatitis symptoms.


Meditation & stress management

Stress usually triggers IC. Many IC patients tell that they experience worse symptoms during stressful periods. Your mental health is directly linked with your physical health.


Try taking proactive steps to release your stress, such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness. All these stress management practices really work to calm your mind and help you face your health condition in a better way.


Bladder training

Bladder training (or timed voiding) is a process that is used to help retain the IC patient’s bladder who struggles with urgency and frequency. Essentially, patients are provided a timed voiding schedule that is steadily increased over some time to enhance bladder capacity.


Ayurvedic medicine pack for interstitial cystitis

Try all these natural ways to treat your IC along with the Patanjali medicine pack for interstitial cystitis which has Ashwagandha Churan, Shilajit Rasayan, Chandraprabha Vati, Bang Bhasma, Gokshuradi Guggulu, Kahawara Pishti, Makardhwaj, Tribang Bhasma to reduce your symptoms of interstitial cystitis such as it sort problems about reproductive tract, prevent infections, improves muscle tonicity and enhances stamina in the body.


The Conclusion

All you need is to take care of your body as a whole. Treat your mind with good thoughts, positive vibes, a sound environment, and mind-relaxing practices such as yoga & meditation. On the other side, take care of your diet to keep your physical health on par. Start your transformational journey with Baba Ramdev health package for interstitial cystitis.