
10 Ways To Look & Dress Like A Gentleman

look gentleman

Becoming a gentleman involves dressing appropriately so one can enter a new social group or formal event. In terms of men’s Clothing, the main problem is that they either strive too hard or don’t want to take any chances. On both sides, the stakes your clothes say a lot about who you are. If you want to dress like a gentleman, you can’t just follow the rules.


There are some appearances that can be pulled off by bankers and lawyers as well as tycoons but maintaining a trendy and decent appearance is an uphill battle that is difficult to win. Well, don’t worry, our top 10 tips for dressing like a gentleman will put your mind at ease.


A Pair Of Long Pants


It’s actually fairly straightforward. It’s only a matter of making sure they cover the back half of the shoe. You don’t want ankle swingers, nor do you want trousers that drag on the floor, so make sure that your trousers come down to the proper location on your shoe.


Properly Dress a Shirt

shirt to look like gentleman

Choose a shirt that will stand the test of time as well as the tide of washes before buying it.Note that there’s more to this than meets the eye. This means that you should have at least half an inch of shirt cuff visible below your jacket’s wrist when wearing sleeves. In addition, the collar tips should rest against the shirt’s body.

The Perfect Tie

tie for gentleman look

A tie’s quality should be checked before buying it, and the simplest method to do this is to handle it. In addition, feeling the material will give you an excellent indication of the material’s quality and the lining utilised, both of which have tip of your tie should be in middle of your belt when knotted, and it should be drawn tight so there is no gap at the top where your tie meets your collar opening.

Add a Jacket

A jacket completes the gentleman look. It is without a doubt the most important piece of clothing you should own. Consider your options when it comes to selecting the perfect jacket.If you want them to sit properly over your jeans’ pockets, make sure they’re the right length and fall right on your shoulders.

Buttons On The Jacket

three button coat

On a Jacket with three buttons, always button the middle one. Doing up the top one isn’t required, but it’s suggested to Use only the top button if your jacket has two. Unbutton it only when you are ready to sit down.

A Pair Of Fresh Socks

shocks for gentleman look

When it comes to your socks, make sure they’re not too loud, but also that they match the color of your pants, not your shoes. They should also be long enough so that you don’t reveal any leg when you’re wearing them.

The Shoes

shoes for gentleman look

The way a man takes care of his shoes tells a lot about him. As long as he takes good care of his shoes, he’ll probably be able to take care of anything. As a rule of thumb, the shoes you wear with a suit should be brogue, semi-brogue or high quality shoes, and they should be shined daily using real shoe polish (almost too military standards). You shouldn’t wear them for more than two days in a row.

Texture Is a Must

texture of coat

Color and pattern are crucial, but if you truly want to take your outfit to the next level and want to dress like a gentleman, consider adding some thoughtful textures. Adding them to your closet will give you yet another stylish string to your bow, allowing you to easily elevate ordinary outfits to the next level.


accessories for gentle look

It’s possible to dress conservatively, when you accessorize properly, regardless of whether it’s your decision If you’re like watches, invest in a decent, multipurpose one; upgrade anything you wear a lot, including belts, shoes, or spectacles; infuse flare with highlight bits of color and pattern on scarves, pocket squares, or jewellery. These are the things that people tend to notice. The things you wear are only a backdrop.

Get Right Fit

fit clothes

Wearing nice clothes that don’t fit is pointless. Too short, too long, too huge, or too small make even a superb clothing look shabby. Do not buy anything if it does not fit properly, especially across the shoulders and around your chest. Or, as irritating as it is, stop wearing shabby clothes it is not the part of gentleman dressing.

As long as you know how to dress like a gentleman, you can break any rule you want. As a result, you won’t even be reliant on anyone for cues.