
Your Maintenance Guide to Boiler Service


It is a hassle when your boiler breaks down. This will surely fill you up with inconvenience and feelings of despair. Why? You will have a very cold winter without your boiler. Plus, you might already feel the need to have a new boiler when it becomes beyond repair. This is the reason why you need to maintain the condition of your boiler at all times. Boilers are very helpful. When they are not working well, it might cost you a big amount of money to repair it. It is also very expensive to replace. Here are tips for you to prolong the life of your boiler.


You should do an annual gas boiler service Altrincham. This is a way of ensuring the life of your boiler. An annual service will let you see issues immediately. Thus, your boiler lasts longer. It will function more effectively. This tip is important. You will see developing and even minor faults. This is to prevent serious or complicated faults from arising. It will also prevent any fatal issues which can lead to your boiler being unserviceable. Winter is already a stressful month. So, free yourself from additional stress by servicing your boiler before winter comes.


Check and maintain the pressure of your boiler. You have to allot time to check the pressure of your boiler. Do this even if you think that it is still in good working condition. This is a sign that something is not working well in your boiler. Check your boiler manual for the recommended pressure level. Maintain the pressure of the boiler. Do not add something to it. What will happen then? The pipes will burst. As the boiler is used, its pressure eventually goes down. That is the time when you can add more pressure to maintain the normal pressure level.


 What is your boiler’s flame color? You have to turn on your pilot light. Then, when it is on, check the color of the flame. This step ensures that your boiler is in pristine condition. Usually, the color should be blue. If there are any changes, call the local plumber. When the color turns yellow, there is something wrong. The gas boiler service Altrincham will ensure that your boiler’s flame color is blue. This will prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.