
Garage Door won’t open or close with remote control


Your remote control has one job to do; open or close your garage door, whenever you need it done. Is that so much to ask? Not for most of the time, but once in a while that trusty remote just doesn’t seem to work. Have you noticed? It’s always at the wrong time! Maybe you are coming home during a rain storm and can’t wait to get inside where it’s dry and warm. Or, you might be trying to open your garage up to accept a furniture delivery. No matter what your reason, your garage door opener is expected to work on demand and with no issues. When it doesn’t it can throw your schedule (and your nerves) off! That’s why Kennesaw Garage Door Repair has put together this post. We are sure that you’ll find our opener remote tips helpful and easy to follow!


Your remote is NOT your opener!

You’d be surprised how many folks actually think that it is! Your remote control sends a signal to your opener system and tells it to open or close; that’s it. So if your opener stops working, you aren’t in for a complete opener replacement – you just need to make a few simple adjustments that are easy and not expensive.


Do this first

This one is a real “no-brainer” and the most logical choice for finding the cause of your non-working remote; the battery! Most people know this and will check the battery’s condition first. Use your home battery tester if you have one. If not, don’t stress, there’s an easy and free way to get it done. Simply take your remote battery to a nearby Kennesaw, GAWal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowe’s or Best Buy and they will test it for you on the spot while you wait. There’s no charge and no obligation to buy anything; it’s just a courtesy.


Ok, next!

Your next step is to check your battery terminals. These are inside the remote and in older units, they sometimes become slightly loose.


Read more on: http://www.kennesawgaragedoorrepair.com/news/Garage-Door-wont-open-or-close-with-remote-control.html