
Ins and Outs to gain popularity on YouTube




Are you aware of the fact that almost 5 billion YouTube (Google Jamboard) videos are feasted on by people every single day with more than half of the views being watched from mobile devices?



The widespread popularity and stocking up of new ideas and inspiration on YouTube (Google Classic site) are fueling at a lightning speed of 300 hours of videos (Google Forums) uploaded every single minute. In short, Ideas are spreading much quicker now!



But with this extensive fame (Google Presentation), people now more than ever are shifting to the ”video learning app” merely not just for entertainment purposes but also to make a few side bucks from their comfort and preferred niche. Therefore, to stand out amongst the crowd with your channel is somehow going to be a hard nut to crack but definitely not an impossible one.
Well, this is what the article is just meant for-------- 3 golden rules to make a way for you amongst a million other influencer (Google Drive).



1. Be well researched
Firstly, don’t forget that there are a million other YouTubers (Google New Site) competing with you, so symphonize your videos (Google Forms) in tune with what viewers like to watch. As each video you deliver needs to be unique from the rest. Create them keeping in mind your best ideas and secrets, thus not failing to surprise and attract new viewers every damn time.



2. Keep your video length short
Now moving ahead, learn the art of expressing and delivering your ideas in brief. As researchers have proven that the attention span for humans is usually short. Thus, the purpose of your videos (Google Spreadsheets) should be to grasp viewers divided attention and then to maintain it till the end of your deliverance. Expressing creativity in a fleeting time is undoubtedly challenging, but those who are successful enough in crossing this hurdle, have won half the battle.



3. Be regular with updates
You need to be consistent and regular with your stuff, as viewers prefer a channel whom they can rely on for new ideas and inspiration. Therefore “done and over” rule does not make one marketing king here on YouTube (Google Map). So set a fixed time let’s say a new video for the youtube channel (Google Image) every Wednesday and in between keep the viewers engaged by maintaining their curiosity. This can be done by giving sneak peeks of new products, give away, and organizing fun activities every now and then.



Summing up
Chances are that you will not earn overnight fame and become the next Justin Bieber, but with commitment and proper planning know that everything can be under reach, even a million subscribers (Google Earth). As every new endeavour requires patience, so does gaining subscribers (Google Drawings) for your YouTube channel.



The key here is to stay focused despite a thousand challenges being thrown at you----- there will come times when you will feel like giving it all up but remember even famous YouTubers (Google Document) like PewDiePie and Ray William Johnson didn’t have it any easy! But what made them differ and stand amongst the crowd was undying confidence in themselves and a mindset to make it big. At the end of the day, when all’s said and done, remember that” if they can, then even you can”.