
Bob Gunn Termite Control Solutions

termite control solutions Brisbane


Protect your home from termites with professional inspections and treatment. Call Bob Gunn Termite Solutions today.

Brisbane is prone to slow-spreading infestations of invasive West Indian dry wood termites. Unlike subterranean termites, these pests do not need contact with soil to survive and can cause expensive structural damage.

Discover top-rated local pest control experts on Oneflare for a fast and affordable solution to your termite infestation. Get a free quote, or compare prices and reviews to find the right service for you. To know more about Termite Control Solutions, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.

A termite reticulation system is a network of underground piping that’s placed around the perimeter of your property. It’s loaded with termiticide and then refreshed regularly to create a chemical barrier that’s effective against termites. Often, this system is installed during pre-construction, before your garden beds are laid and concrete paving is poured.

Using the patented TermX system, Best Termite Control places pipes across the ground and then fills them with liquid termiticide. It’s a robust solution that meets Australia Standard 3660.1 for new construction and protects penetrations, the perimeter, and control joints.

The TermX reticulation system is easily refreshed with the help of a specialised pump, which eliminates the need to lift pavers or dig up soil. It is also a cost-effective option when compared to other termite protection options. By conducting regular inspections, and refilling the reticulation line with liquid termiticide when necessary, homeowners can maintain the longevity of their home’s protection against costly damages caused by termites.

This system uses monitoring stations and a termite bait to intercept foraging termites before they reach your home. The monitoring stations are placed around a property at 10-20 foot intervals, usually near areas of suspected termite activity such as tree stumps, damp soil or woodpiles.

The stations are filled with cellulose material laced with slow-acting insecticides. Foraging termites discover the bait and carry it back to their colony where it is consumed and spread to other members, ultimately wiping out the entire nest.

Unlike liquid soil treatments that repel and disperse termites, this system eradicates them completely, preventing future damage. The Exterra system also includes a ‘pre-baited’ station where the timber attractant is replaced with a termiticide rod called Sentricon Always Active, impregnated with hexaflumuron which inhibits the production of chitin, which is necessary for producing the hard outer shell of the termite (moulting). It only takes a few weeks before this new bait matrix impacts termite feeding and eliminates them.

With over 130, 000 Australian homes affected by termites each year, preventing costly damage to your property is a top priority. Termite reticulation systems, paired with regular inspections by a professional pest control expert, can unlock protection from these destructive pests.

TermX is a pipe system that, when buried around or underneath a structure or incorporated into new construction during the pre-construction stage, can be recharged with chemical to create a termiticide barrier. When a termite attack occurs, the reticulation system will be charged with enough reticulation to saturate the soil with treatment and prevent the termites from getting through the barrier and causing damage to your home or business.

The reticulation system is impregnated with termiticide and laminated on the top and bottom, preventing the chemicals from escaping into the building. This means no need to drill holes into floorboards to inject the termiticide and avoids stains. The reticulation system can also be used in conjunction with other physical or chemical barriers to provide a comprehensive termite management solution for your property.

Termite barriers are a preventative method for protecting your property from the damage caused by these voracious wood-eaters. Our team of professionals can install a physical or chemical barrier around your home or commercial building, depending on your specific needs.

A physical termite barrier works by blocking the entrance of termites by creating an impenetrable layer that they cannot pass through. It involves drilling unnoticeable holes in the slab, external paths, driveways and expansion joints, and then filling these with non-repellent termiticide. The soil is then replaced. To know more about Termite Control Solutions, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.

A chemical termite barrier is a more efficient alternative to a physical one. It involves drilling unnoticeable holes and then injecting a registered termiticide (Termidor) into the ground beneath the slab, external paths, driveways and excavation joints. This termiticide will then contaminate the termites, which will carry it back to their nest to kill off the entire colony. Termidor has been used in Australian homes for 21 years without a single product failure, and it comes with a termite warranty for your peace of mind.