
- Simplified the workflows selection and moved some workflow elsewhere. MODE.I (1) can do now all the injecting, editing, extracting, batch processing, quick info, of two files, one file or a folder with files.
- Direct mode now redirect to MODE.I (1)  (when you drag a file on the bat file, or file association)
- Added colored text to some part of the script. You must add this exe into your tools folder. https://github.com/alecmev/cmdcolor/releases
- Added more info in the rpu summary about the first scene cuts and incorrect values(L5, scene cuts) will now be in red.
- Merged (6-7) with (7-3) and input can now be a folder with png images, new files needed in the tools folder:
- (1) can now inject/resync HDR10plus from mkv/ts/m2ts/hevc (supported only raw .json input before). If input has DV and HDR10plus, add ''forcehdr10plus'' in filename
- (1) can now inject HDR10plus and DV at the same time if the json file is the same path/name as BL input. (hdr10plus json already must be in sync)
- (4-2) can now mux raw BL.hevc/El.hevc.
- (7-2) Manual mode can now export frame within the script(with hdr metadata) and can calculate the delay for the 2nd input. Will loop forever as long as you enter a frame number.
- (2-3) Can now transfer scene cuts from one rpu to another. New file needed in the tools folder: 
- (2-5) Added resync options to EDL maker
- (8-2-5) Can now deliver 600 and 1000nits trim pass from DV (line 171) default= 100nits
- (6-4) Added L8 Hue and Saturation Vector Fields plotting.
- Bugfix: (2-3) Transfer rpu levels didnt work if the RPU source input was not in the script output path
- Bugfix: MP4 muxer (NEW), didnt work in the latest version.