
otomatic.ai review

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amade @amade · Jun 8, 2024

 otomatic.ai V2 tutorial: Generate AI content for your WordPress sites

Search in article automatic ai is a service that offers you to generate AI content on your WordPress site let's discover together how in a few clicks we will be able to generate text content images and articles for your internet sites to generate your content you will therefore having to go through the creation of titles for the creation of titles we will therefore add keywords keywords which will therefore correspond to these same titles two ways of doing here to be able to generate titles the first being to select your keywords and 'add your keywords directly into the text box the second method consists directly in generating a list of similar keywords using Ia, just enter your main keyword and click on Generate which will have the effect of generating a list with a completely semantic link a similarity of each keyword which will simply correspond to a title once the selection of your keywords is completed you will simply need to generate your titles your titles once generated you will therefore be able to add or modify each title page or post you can find different options here such as for example the volumes calculated on the main keywords of each title the keyword volumes here are calculated from the loscan API you can also find a button which will allow you to rewrite each title to develop additional content on your titles or simply the possibility of deleting a title you will also be able to modify your title directly in the text box once your modifications are completed you can simply go to generate your content concerning the generation of your text Ia you will first be able to discover the Connect web once this option is activated it will allow you to generate your content using data retrieved live from the internet you will then be able to select your model you will have the choice between GPT 3.5 turbo gpt4 or gpt4 turbo you can also manage the length of your text by selecting short text medium text or long text finally you can activate the external link option to retrieve and directly integrate external links into your content in advanced mode allows you to directly create your prompts live on your generations so you will find here the.

parameters necessary for the creation of your prompt the available variables which will allow you to retrieve the different modules that you have configured it is also possible for you to directly retrieve the prompts that you have created in the section of your prompts the generation of Bayer persona will help you allow you to target your ideal type customer automatically will generate by default a buyer persona based on all the titles that you have sent it is possible for you here to be able to update in order to generate a new buyer persona or here simply to add in the text field of additional information concerning your Bur persona this new added data will be used to generate your content in a much more precise way the generation of imagesia will therefore allow you to add images to your content add a featured image or add images in your content here you can select the number of images as well as the sources of the images you will therefore have the choice between images generated in AI thanks to Dali or stable diffusion or directly from comm spage or pexwell image banks you will be able to find the different options by clicking on each service you will also be able to add copyright under the images the personal profiles Ia will allow you to select the editor of your content firstly we will choose the writing style which will be used to write your text then we will select the profile that you have created upstream to write your content the generation will be taken into account from the elements that you have given in the profile the specialty or work and the style of the profile the profiles allow you to optimize your text and better target your content generation it is therefore possible for you to integrate social networks into your content so you can add article in your content at the top of your content in the middle of your content at the bottom of your content or simply randomly it is also possible for you to integrate social networks such as Facebook x Instagram or TikTok videos the EMBs add in your text correspond to your content your WordPress settings once you have configured your content you can therefore define whether you want an article or a page if you select a page and you wish to add it as a child page you can here enter the ID of the parent page you can also manage the status of your article if you have generated several titles and therefore if you wish to generate several contents in bulk mode you.

you will simply be able to automatically associate your publications in each corresponding category you will also be able to generate automatic tags which will be related to your title you will also be able to add tags manually concerning the SIO parameters you will be able to rewrite a related title automatically from the yos SEO plugin you can also generate a description automatically thanks to lia you can then move on to planning your publications it is therefore possible for you to plan your publications in advance or publish all of your publications at once if you wish publish your publications at once you simply have to check everything publish then click on launch my generation if you wish to plan your publications select the number of articles you wish to send per day then select the publication days then the ranges times in which you wish to post your publications once these parameters are configured you just have to click on launch my generation you can therefore generate a site architecture simply from a simple keyword to do this you simply have to type the keyword on which you wish to develop your site once your keyword has been typed click on Generate your automatic site architecture you have therefore generated an architecture based on your keyword the pages are therefore classified into parent page and child page since these titles you have the possibility of monitoring from the Allo scan app the volume based on the main keyword you therefore have the possibility of retouching your titles by hand if necessary from these options you can also move the pages as you wish or directly manage page levels you therefore also have the possibility of being able to develop different levels on existing pages by clicking on develop this page once developed you will therefore create different child pages which will be housed under the developed page once you have configured your architecture site you can simply access the generation of content by clicking on Generate my content in your projects you will therefore have the possibility of being able to modify or delete content that you have generated if for example you wish to modify content you will simply need to access to modify simply re-configure your content save and here regenerate your content you will also be able to delete the generated content and check the logs in order to see if the process went well the automatic internal linking of the articles you therefore allows you to integrate similar posts into your articles you will be able to call similar posts in different ways and from different sources from the same categories or from similar tags you can manage the number of contents displayed you will also be able to manage the order display randomly or by publication date finally you can manage the position by selecting the top of your article in the middle of your article and the bottom of your article in the template section you will therefore be able to add a title a list or grid display mode to manage the number of columns that you wish to display and the elements to display the featured image the title the extract you can also manage the number of characters in the extract finally you can interact with the theme by selecting the color of your title of the extract or the background color the automatic internal meshing of the pages allows you to link the pages together between your parent pages your child pages as well as the surur pages you will be able to therefore display the number of contents displayed as well as the position in which you wish to display your links at the top of the page in the middle of the page or at the bottom of the page concerning the templates there also you can put a title to manage the mode display in list or grid manage the number of columns as well as the elements displayed image in the spotlight An extract title you can manage the length of the extract you can also modify the theme by changing the color of the title of the extract or background autotooling is a module that allows you to automatically create internal or external links thanks to lia start by creating a link you simply need to enter a URL to generate the anchors on which you want this url to be clickable all the keywords included in this text field will therefore link the google.com page if you wish to link an internal page to your site you simply need to either enter the URL of your page or come and select it directly it is for you of course possible to modify the keywords in the text field or to add the keywords you want to target yourself.

target you can define a maximum number of keywords to add in your publications and the type of post article or page the link options allow you to send the link to a new tab to activate the follow or the No follow or if you want to offuse a link this module therefore allows you to add different clickable keywords to a desired page automatically the management of your takes allows you to generate prompts to use in the advanced mode of generating your content you can therefore directly name your prompt to enter in the system and in the user your prompt variables are therefore available variables which therefore correspond to the content generation options you can also select the model on which you wish to send your prompt you can therefore create as many templates as you want the generation of profiles will therefore allow you to create create profiles for writing your content you can find on this page all of the profiles that you have generated and to create new profiles for the writing your comp to generate a profile i select a new user or an existing WordPress user you will need to create a WordPress user by simply entering their name a password an email and the role you wish to define for them then proceed to the creation of the profile we are therefore going to create a profile Ia here we are therefore going to put the first name an age and in order to optimize the content a profession a passion or a hobby you can also define a style to your profile once this information has been entered we will therefore generate a biography a biography has therefore been generated you will obviously be able to complete it manually this biography will therefore be used for the creation of your content which will have the effect of directing the content in the direction you wish to give it we will therefore move on to the generation of the avatar the generation Ia of your avatar therefore corresponds to the name, age as well as the passion or profession of the profile that you have entered the profile is therefore linked to a WordPress profile and can therefore be defined as a author to finish click on Generate my profile yesterday the services allow you to add the different services with which you wish to work so you will find here the possibility of being able to put your corresponding API keys on the generation of your text the generation of image image banks modules like allo scan for the volumes of your keywords different services will be added gradually like Amazon affiliate to generate income directly from your sites.

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