
20 fun things to do at home during lockdown

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Gadgetgram @Gadgetgram · Nov 9, 2021


From playing poker online or with family, learning a new cooking recipe, among others, certainly, the lockdown took its toll on everyone. At first, coping with the stringent restrictions was very difficult. People needed time to adjust. Talking about adjusting, it's a matter of sacrificing your fun pending when the lockdown eases out.

While many Canadian cities are gradually reopening, the effect of a pandemic can still be felt every day. Some offices are yet to be fully operational, and many employees still work remotely. While this has the advantage of allowing you to work at your own pace, it could also turn out to be a boring routine. Here are 20 exciting ways to spice it up!

Learn A New Language

Now is the time to learn that language you have always wanted. With access to YouTube, Duolingo and other tools, you can easily keep yourself productively busy.

Learn To Play An Instrument

Here is your chance at learning how to play that instrument you always wanted. With dozens of online resources at your disposal, you can learn how to play the violin, guitar, keyboard or any other instrument.

Learn To Play An Instrument

Remodel Your Home

This is your chance to do the thorough cleanup that your house has been longing for. You have all the time in the world to look at things, purge out old stuff and rearrange to give your house a different look.

Play Casino Games Online

You can still play your favourite games from your phone or PC while at home. According to Michele Thomas, a proven iGaming expert, there are dozens of games, including poker online, blackjack, slots, roulette and scratch cards Canada gambling fans can enjoy.

Create Your Board Games

Board games offer the perfect companion to pass the time while also helping the brain stay active. You can spice it up by creating your own board games. The best part is that you get to make your own rules which makes it a lot more fun.

Read Books

When was the last time you read a book? Whether you are reading fiction for fun or a motivational book to help set you in the mood for the never-ending challenges ahead, there is always something to learn from reading books.

Read Books

Improve Your Cooking Skills

What better time to cook than during the lockdown? You can try out new recipes from recipe books or YouTube.

Improve Your Cooking Skills

Revisit Your Closet

Getting your closet sorted out can be a difficult task that requires a lot of time and patience. Fortunately, you've got all the time in the world. Rearrange it, see what fits and what doesn't, and help people in need by donating your old clothes to charity!

Listen To Audiobooks

There are dozens of apps and websites where you can enjoy access to thousands of free audiobooks and short stories. The best part - you can listen to them while doing something else, like cooking or working out!

Write A Book

Every story is worth writing about. The Lockdown came as a surprise, and the ups and downs are worth writing about. This could be an opportunity for you to explore your untapped writing skills.

Write a Book

Work Out

Now you've got all the time in the world. With access to several fitness apps and videos, you can easily work out daily from the comfort of your home.

Workout at Home

Listen to podcasts

Tired of watching TV or reading books, podcasts offer another entertaining alternative. You can access thousands of podcast resources online and select any that suits your mood or preference.

Listen To Music

Lay your back on the couch, close your eyes and listen to some soft tunes while you meditate. Or you can put on your dancing shoes and bust out your moves while also burning some steam. Create playlists on Spotify or Apple Music and enjoy!

Listen to Music at Home

Take Courses Online

There are dozens of online courses and certifications to explore. Several universities in Canada now offer online courses where you can start and learn at your own pace. Even more, there are dozens of other options like Edx, Udemy and Coursera.

Take Virtual Tours

With Google Arts and Culture, you can visit several historical sites from the comfort of your home, and that's super exciting. Explore locations like the Canadian Museum of History and the Royal Ontario Museum.

Update Your Resume

When was the last time you revisited your resume to add that new skill or update your professional network on LinkedIn? This is your chance to add your most recent certifications and skills.

Learn To Code

Coding is one of the most sought-after skills of the 21st century, and you can put yourself on the wanted list by improving your coding skills. There are dozens of online videos and courses for free.

Learn to Code

Give Your House A Facelift

Now is the best time to put those DIY skills to use and give your house a different look. Certainly, there is no better time to give your house a facelift.

Play Video Games

You can never get bored playing video games. Some games also allow you to play with real opponents, including multiple users making it even more fun. Here's a list of all you or your friends need to start gaming!

Play Video Games

Take A Day Off From Tech

In today's world, staying completely away from the internet, phone and TV could be difficult. Take a walk in your nearest forest, enjoy a calm day at the lake or take any other respite from the 21st century - it really helps!