
Staffing Process Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

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Staffing Process - Case Study Example

The main role of the staffing coordinator entails the presentation of the best employees to the managers for review ensuring that the right personnel is selected for a particular job. Finding the appropriate personnel for a task is a monumental task that needs extensive knowledge of the industry and resources to elicit the expected results. The coordinator is tasked with the responsibility of setting up interviews with the personnel as well as conducting reference and background checks. Other roles include making staff schedules, handling staffing emergencies, scheduling vacation times for the employees, ensuring employee and customer satisfaction as well as being involved in training and employees orientation. KSAOs skills include having organizational skills, human resource planning knowledge, interpersonal and analytical skills, as well as consultative and problem-solving skills. With this in mind, coordinators ought to be referred to as recruiters, retention specialist as well as managers (Cascio & Aguinis, 2008).

Effective reward systems are important to ensure that the organization is competitive, retains its employees thus reduce the employee’s turnover. It the source of motivation and enhances the organization brand name (Gong, 2003).

Individuals in this position are considered part of the management team since the coordinating is responsible for the staffing needs of the organization. Managers ought to trust their work to interview the candidates and make hiring decisions. Therefore, the coordinator needs to have a strong attention to details as well a good communication and computer skills. They also need to be flexible and patient since they help shape employees careers.

For cycle days, days to start and offer ratios, the order of the recruitment process is from the highest to the least effectiveness. I.e. employee’s referral followed by the employment agency and newspaper recruitment methods.