
Track Free Golf Handicap Online Right On Your Smartphone

Have you been a golfer? Well, the pandemic might have added a gap, and now you want to resume the game. However, it would help if you had an improvement that works. Don't worry, as now you can use the free golf handicap online tracker and know your results.


What is a handicap?


It is the numerical measure of how much potential does the golfer has. Further, it includes the abilities where players can compete with one another. Your goal should be to have the lowest handicap in the game of golf. With the free golf handicap tracker, you can learn many things using the smartphone app.



In addition to this, with the smartphone app, you can play your game, track the goals, practice to make yourself perfect, thereby competing with others.


Talking about the free golf handicap tracker, now you can become smarter with the digital caddy. From wind speeds, elevation, and weather, you can know the actual status. There is no guesswork involved, so you don't have to take any stress.


Benefits of the smartphone app


  • Play, track and measure your performance with the scores and stats. Further, the app suggests where you can improve.
  • Don't wait for results as the smartphone app tracks your game automatically. You can also play different games with your friends.
  • Games such as Sixes, Matchplay, points, Nassau, and much more can be played with your friends
  • Practice and improve with the built-in AI coach. Further, the free golf handicap tracker gives you insight into practicing to the next level.
  • You can also take a swing practice test that includes analysis with the AI-powered coach.
  • Don't stay in one place. With the smartphone app, you can practice a game of golf anytime, anywhere. You also get to know more about personalized drills. Further, do check the game improvement videos to make yourself a pro.
  • Review and compete with other players; meanwhile, you can benchmark the scores against them. Whatever courses you play in the game of golf, the smartphone app helps you.


In addition to these benefits, one can also opt for premium membership. You can download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple store. Further, do use the accessible golf handicap online for tracking the scores.