
Chapter 2

Xavier proudly stood on the large rock.

Everyone gathered around, yawning and stretching their paws. It was past nighttime, and they were supposed to be hunting earlier. However, Xavier didn’t seem to mind too much.
Daisy uncertainty glanced around at everyone. How would they react to her becoming the second-in-command? How would Alex react? Would they accept her? She couldn’t imagine telling Scarlet what to do. Would they listen? She tried to break free of her thoughts, but the more she tried, the more she failed.
“Is everyone here?” Xavier scanned the group, who crowded around the giant but flat rock which the leader stood on.
“I believe so,” Willow replied with a nod. She gave Daisy a quick smile that said, Don’t be nervous, it’ll be fine! 

Daisy flashed her a forced smile, wishing she could believe her. She was so lost in thought that Alex nearly gave her a heart attack

“Hey, Daisy!” Her best friend yawned, settling next to her, “When did you leave the cave? I thought you left off to night hunting without me!”
Daisy gave a little shrug, avoiding her cheerful gaze.
“Time to begin!” Barked Xavier, “We will go straight to night hunting after this meeting, for those of you wondering,” He let his gaze travel across the group.

“Daisy, step forward.”

Daisy froze as everyone stared at her. She wouldn’t look at Alex, let alone glance at her. Slowly, she forced herself to stand next to the rock, eventually standing on top of it with Xavier’s gesturing.

“I’ve never had a second-in-command before,” he began quickly, “But today is when that will be changed.”
The pack blinked at each other in confusion. Their eyes’ betrayed their curiosity, but their tails’ twitched in excitement. What is he talking about? They asked silently. Daisy wondered if Xavier was doing this quickly because the pack was late for night hunting or because he wanted to get it over with. However, Xavier flashed Daisy a warm smile; one that she had never seen in months.

“From this day forward, Daisy will be my second-in-command!” Howled the leader.

Silence. No one moved a muscle.

Then suddenly, Alex began a chant.

“Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!” She called.

Soon, everyone joined in, “Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!”

Daisy smiled softly, full of great joy. If only she knew about the days ahead…