Choosing the right sleeping bag is probably one of the most complicated gear purchase decisions, for outdoor neophytes and seasoned backcountry veterans alike. There is actually a lot to consider- which includes weight, pack ability, warmth, comfort- and there are a lot of sleeping bags to choose from.
Continue reading this article to find out all you need to know to get the right sleeping bag for you.
The very first thing you need to decide is what activity you need one of the flyers sleeping bag for. Are you camping in the front-country, or are backpacking for a long period of time? Are you mountaineering, or packrafting? The weight, shape, and features of the various sleeping bags are often best-suited to specific end-uses, so it is very important to choose one on the basis of what you anticipate using it for the most.
Camping sleeping bags
A sleeping bag for camping is the one that you would want to haul around in your pack for any appreciable distance. They are much heavier, bulkier, and more geared towards comfort than the sleeping bags which are made for backpacking. It is this focus on the comfort that makes these sleeping bags the best choice for family car camping trips and other front country sojourns, and since they are less technical, they are also much less expensive.
Backpacking sleeping bags
With regard to the backpack sleeping bags, weight and compressibility must be your main considerations. Cramming a bulky sleeping bag into a stuff sack and having it take up a ton of space in your pack is never ideal, and as part of the ‘Big 3’ that determines your backpacking base weight, the lighter your bag is, the better.
The trick to picking out the right backpacking sleeping bag is balancing weight and compressibility with the correct level of warmth, so keeping an eye on the temperature ratings is crucial.
Alpine climbing/ mountaineering sleeping bags
Picking a sleeping bag for alpine climbing and mountaineering is similar to choosing a sleeping bag for backpacking, but with an additional focus on warmth and water resistance.
Moreover, in order to remain as light as possible and still have enough insulation to keep you warm in alpine environments, these kinds of sleeping bags happen to use some of the highest quality insulation available, and that is what makes them expensive. Their shell materials also often feature waterproof/ breathable membranes and water repellant coatings to deal with the increased moisture levels.
The sleeping bag temperature ratings are responsible for representing the lowest temperature at which a sleeping bag can be used. Firstly, the temperature ratings are created with the assumption that you are using a sleeping pad, so do not forget one! When you lay in a sleeping bag, you are basically compressing the fill material underneath you, which renders its insulating capabilities most. A sleeping pad is responsible for putting another couple of inches of insulation between you and the cold ground, and the same also increases the effectiveness of the bag you are in.
Author’s Bio: The author is an avid blogger. This article is about sleeping bags.