
Flutter 3.0 Release : The Latest Features & Updates


Finally, the wait for new technology in development is over. The new Flutter 3.0 is released and every developer is excited to use this latest technology feature in their mobile app development projects. Many exciting features have been added in Flutter 3.0 & support for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and web apps are extended. 

Since Flutter is a widely used, most popular mobile app development framework. It is useful to know what Flutter 3.0 has brought for developers and business persons who want to create powerful apps. 

If you are trying to hire flutter app developers or use flutter in your tech field you must understand what is Flutter 3. Here is a blog that provides a complete guide about the features and updates of the latest release Flutter 3.0

What is  Flutter 3.0? 

 Flutter 3.0 is the latest version of Flutter. It is a framework or a google UI SDK for developing cross-platform mobile apps. Using the flutter framework developers can create a unique mobile experience for up to 6 OS platforms with a single code base. It provides unbeaten productivity to developers and empowers startups to turn their innovative app ideas into fully-functional mobile applications at ease. 

The previous version of Flutter 2.10 supported Android, iOS, and Windows. But the Flutter 3.0 provide stable and extensive support for Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux desktop apps, and web apps.

It has features like compilation and builds support, input and interaction models, platform-specific integration,  better accessibility, and multi-lingual support. Flutter 3 is an enhanced version that has come with many improvements to existing features.

Latest features in Flutter 3.0

Support for Foldable Phones

The latest version of  Flutter 3.0 provides support for folded mobile devices. It has the latest features and widgets which allow developers to build responsive and dynamic mobile apps for folder mobile phones. This feature is added after the collaboration with Microsoft.

Flutter 3 has a list of MediaQuery which consists of a range of DisplayFeatures that tells the bounds and states of device elements. It has a widget called DisplayfeatureS subScreen, it displays the positions of screens without overlapping the bounds of DisplayFeatures. 

These were not available in the previous version of flutter. Now it is very interesting to see how developers will use this feature in developing apps for foldable phones that are still evolving.

Menu Cascading & Support for MacOS System

It has fresh inputs for platform-specific integration. It provides better accessibility and interactive models for compilation. The purpose of this update is it allows better flexibility to developers so they can efficiently utilize the operating system. 

Improvements in Firebase Integration

In the latest version of Flutter 3.0, there is a new widget called [FlutterFire UI] it provides developers a reusable user interface for profile screens and authentications. This feature of improvement in Firebase support with flutter was already in demand for a long time. 


Web and mobile application services are provided by Firebase. Around 62% of Flutter app developers use Firebase in their mobile app development projects. This integration of a new feature in the form of the widget will give more capability for user interface reusability.

Flutter Casual Games Toolkit 

Flusteris one of the most popular cross-platform mobile app development frameworks. Developers use Flutter for creating business and customer-centric features. But now they can create mobile games using flutter technology.

Flutter 3 has a casual games toolkit.  This kit has a wide range of templates, best practices, and dedicated support for creating lightweight mobile games for multiple operating systems. However, this games toolkit allows developers to build high-power or 3D games like PUBG. For casual game lovers, there is an option of creating game-like paintball or angry bird.

Dart 2.17

Flutter 3 has a new Dart SDK called version 2.17with some new updates and add-ons. The Dart 2.17 offers new language features which contain [enums], better flexibility for defined parameters, and enhanced parameters forwarding to superclasses. 

It has updated tools with a new version of the [package:lints]. This tool offers to check Dart code against Flutter’s conventional development practices and also it comes with many updates in its core tools focusing on improving the productivity and speed of the flutter developers.

Material 3 Support in Material You

Flutter 3 provides n new support in the [Material You] feature with the enhanced version of material 3.0. It has new visual effects and design elements that offer developers and flutter app development companies to take good advantage of the Material You feature of Flutter.

using Flutter 3 developers can get better adaptability and a cross-platform design system that provides them with dynamic color schemes and improved visual components. 

Enhanced Performance in Flutter 3.0

The performance speed of Flutter 3 is faster than the previous version. It has suitable changes in opacity animation performance for simple case scenarios which will be used in creating simple animation-based UI elements. These updates give advantages for both developers and businesses. 

For instance, when an Opacity gadget contains a solitary delivering crude, its save layer technique is rejected.

This capacity was not accessible in the past Flutter version. However, in the most recent version, there is a component that predicts the delivery trouble of pictures according to the executed tasks.

Aside from this, the Flutter group is planning to execute this streamlining technique in more case situations in the forthcoming deliveries. It implies it will additionally work on the speed and execution of Flutter application advancement in not so distant future.

Variable refresh rate support for IOS

It has improved rendering capacity. It provides support for variable refresh rates and ProMotion displays on iOS platforms with improved refresh rates. In the previous version, Flutter 2.10 has a 60Hz refresh rate, But in Flutter 3, the rendering capacity has increased up to 120Hz. This update help developer with a seamless scrolling experience while watching fast animations.

Web Image Decoding

Flutter 3 includes new APIs that automatically detect images from the main thread asynchronously. It is executed through the in-constructed picture codecs of the program which improves the picture translating speed by 2x and furthermore guarantees the fundamental string is rarely obstructed and eliminates all garbage documents made up before.

Exciting Features in Flutter 3.0

Theme Extension

Flutter 3 comes with rich theme extensions. Allows developers to combine anything with the ThemeData material library using theme extensions. If you have custom widgets outside of the [MatrialThemeDat] property that require custom attributes, you can use this updated feature to simplify the complexities of creating custom theme attributes for your widgets.

Material You 3.0

Material You is one of Flutter’s best features. Now offers more visual effects and design elements for text and typography. The Flutter development team has tried to provide an adaptive cross-platform theme system that can help you turn a simple-looking Flutter application into an attractive Flutter application.

Flutter Casual Mobile Game Toolkit

In previous versions of Flutter, there was no support for developing mobile games in the Flutter app. In addition to this latest version, Google has provided special support for the creation of mobile games. The Flutter Casual Mobile Game Toolkit provides many templates and techniques for developing mobile games and useful tutorials for creating the next generation of everyday games with Flutter app development.