
FireWise Consulting & Learning Academy

Firewise Consulting

1022-2440 Old Okanagan Hwy,

West Kelowna, BC, V4T 3A3

Toll Free:- 1-877-322-7911


FireWise Consulting was founded to bring the fire safety professionals’ collective experience to the fire service community. Access to the knowledge that can save lives is the cornerstone on which FireWise delivers its services. Our management team knows what can happen to front-line personnel when adherence to public safety principles, procedures and protocols are not founded on comprehensive corporate due diligence by both the Authority Having Jurisdiction for a fire department and the fire department officers.


FireWise is a leading provider of emergency response training and consulting service solutions to emergency service responders, local governments and the business community. Founded in 2008, FireWise specializes in providing governing authorities with consulting services, fire protection surveys and operational and administrative reviews, all resulting in practical and attainable recommendations relating to the delivery and administration of fire and life safety services.


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