
First, what exactly Fever In Children?

Any parent with children worry about fever. Fever in children is very common, and in fact there are many different reasons for fever occurs in children.


First, what exactly Fever In Children?

Defining the threshold when a child has a fever can vary. Fever In Children is traditionally defined as a child with a "rectal" temperatures higher than 38 C (100.4 F), this can vary from child to child, because the body temperature can vary slightly.


Main Causes Of Fever In Children


Fever can actually be caused by many things. Although it can be caused by an underlying serious illness and problems, it is most often caused by infection with a common / general.


It could be a bacterial infection or a viral infection common that children are more vulnerable in the early age because they have not built antibodies to fight off colds and infections.



Fever in children is usually not life threatening. If the child's temperature is consistently and constantly high, or more than 41.6 C (107 F) then it could point to a more serious problem. This temperature is based on the "rectal temperature", and it is important to show that the temperature taken from another part may be lower.


Main Symptoms Of Fever In Children


When it comes to fever, the main symptoms to be observed are slightly different depending on your child's age.


If your child is old enough to speak, they may complain of feeling unwell, being sick hot and cold, body and headaches are symptoms of the common cold in children. They also may have trouble sleeping and meals can be met with a poor appetite.


If your child is still a baby or babies, the symptoms observed are warm / hot to the touch. Also, they may be lethargic and quieter than usual, irritability, crying, and also changes in sleeping or eating habits can be seen. Seizures can also occur as well!


Although most of the symptoms may be single, you will usually see more of the above symptoms when your child has a fever.


Fever In Children - What Should You Do?


Caring At Home


When it comes to fever in children, self-care at home is essential. Your main objective is to control the temperature of your child, keep them hydrated and to monitor the situation should it worse.


To Learn More About Care At Home


Looking for Medical Treatment - When?


When it comes to fever in children, usually, personal care at home have to deal with the problem.


One of the main jobs when self-care at home is to monitor the situation, and if it gets worse, act accordingly.

Calling The DoctorFever In Children


You should call your doctor or visit your doctor if your child is less than 6 months of age, even if born prematurely.


Fever in children over 6 months of age should be monitored carefully. If you can not control or reduce the temperature or you feel your child is becoming increasingly dehydrated from vomiting or diarrhea, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.


In Case of Emergency


If you have visited or talked to your family doctor and your child has deteriorated, fresh or developed symptoms, you should visit an emergency clinic.


The same thing goes for if you feel your child has deteriorated and you can not contact your doctor.

Other symptoms to look out for that will require emergency clinic visits

The rash that may appear red or purple in color

If seizures occur

Your children aged 2 months or younger

Persistent headache that will not go away

continuous sickness and vomiting

Concerns for dehydration

Your child's breathing worsens (becomes rapid, shallow or difficuly)

Suggestions for fever in children is to monitor the situation carefully. It is better to be safe than sorry with your kids and if you suspect or become seriously deteriorating situation, you should always consult your doctor or emergency clinic.

