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62 Authors Spot have already been filled.

 IMPORTANT DATES Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 July 2024

Abstract Acceptance Notification: 30 JulWriter slots are limited, so don’t miss out!Become a distinguished author in the prestigious ITM book and elevate your employment score. Act now before it’s too late The Academic Performance Indicator (API) score for faculty positions, such as that of an assistant professor, is typically calculated based on various academic and professional activities. The specific criteria and weightage can vary depending on the institution and the governing bodies (like UGC in India).                                                                                              

Research papers published in journals, books, or conference proceedings
Research projects, consultancy projects
Patents, technology transfer, product/process development
Research guidance (supervising M.Phil, Ph.D. students)
API score calculation: Based on publication type, impact factor, research grants, and guidance
Writing a Book:
Writing and publishing a book can significantly contribute to the API score, particularly under Category III. The score for book publication typically depends on:

Type of Publisher: Reputed international, national, or local publishers.
Role in Authorship: Sole author, co-author, or editor.
Impact and Recognition: Citations, reviews, and acceptance in academic circles.
Example API Score Calculation for Book Publication:
International Publishers: Higher score due to wider reach and recognition.
National Publishers: Moderate score.
Local Publishers: Lower score.
Authorship: Sole authorship might get full points, while co-authorship might get a fraction depending on the number of authors.
Illustrative Points for Book Publications:
Book Published by International Publisher: 30-50 points
Book Published by National Publisher: 20-30 points
Book Published by Local Publisher: 10-20 points

API Score Example:
Sole Author of a Book by International Publisher: 50 points
Co-Author of a Book by National Publisher: 15 points (if there are two authors)
Editor of a Book by Local Publisher: 10 points
Overall API Score Calculation:
The final API score is typically the sum of scores from all categories, taking into account the maximum limit set for each category. Institutions may also have a minimum API score requirement for eligibility for promotion or appointment as an assistant professor.

It’s essential to refer to the specific guidelines provided by the institution or the governing body to understand the exact calculation method and criteria.
Some institutions might use additional metrics or have different weightage for various activities.
Would you like more specific information based on a particular institution or governing body's guidelines? CALL FOR PAPERS/ARTICLES IN EDITED BOOK WITH ISBN 

"Innovation of Technology and Management"
Dear Authors/Faculty Members/ Research Scholar,

It gives us immense pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to contribute a book chapter in the book titled "Innovation of Technology and Management " to be published in an edited book with ISBN. Your quality research work would enrich scholarly content. Submission Link of Abstract and Full Length Manuscript: Email: editor-in-chief@hgu.ac.in
Whatsapp: +91 9837282318
Expected Publication Date: 15 September 2024 Note: Publication & processing charges, Rs. 750 for Single Author Rs. 600/- for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Author. Each Author will get Certificate and One Specimen Copy of the Book.