
Love That Seeks To Give Rather Than Receive

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@anonymous · Jan 24, 2024

January 23


Straight from the Pastor’s Heart by Dr.Hernes Abante 


Song of Solomon 6:3 - “I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies.”

The Song of Solomon is a poetic masterpiece that exalts the deep love between a husband and wife. The poem is divinely inspired and stresses the importance of marriage as God's perfect plan. It underlines the significance of a man and woman living together in matrimony, supporting each other's spiritual, emotional, and physical needs with unwavering love and devotion.

Moreover, the poem aims to balance two opposing perspectives - asceticism, which abstains from all forms of pleasure, and hedonism, which seeks only pleasure. The Song of Solomon depicts an ideal marriage as a model of care, commitment, and joy, where the husband and wife enjoy each other and value their intimate bond. It serves as an example for all couples to emulate, demonstrating the beauty and satisfaction found in a relationship centered on God, love, and mutual respect.

Marriage has become a topic of confusion in our modern world. The increasing rate of divorce and the ongoing attempts to redefine the institution of marriage are in stark contrast to the beautiful picture of marriage depicted in Solomon's Song. According to this biblical poet, marriage is a sacred bond that deserves to be celebrated, enjoyed, and respected. 

If you wish to strengthen your marriage, there are some practical guidelines you can follow:

Firstly, give your spouse the attention they need. Invest time and effort in getting to know your partner better. Listen to them, understand their needs, and make them feel heard and valued.

Secondly, remember that encouragement and praise go a long way in building a successful relationship. Avoid criticism and instead focus on the positive aspects of your partner and your relationship.

Thirdly, make time to enjoy each other's company. Plan trips and outings that allow you to relax and have fun together. Be creative and playful with each other, and cherish the gift of married love that God has bestowed upon you.

Fourthly, do whatever it takes to ensure your commitment to your spouse. Renew your vows, work through challenges and disagreements, and never consider divorce an option. Remember that God intends for you both to live in a deeply peaceful and secure love.

Finally, expressing the love of God to each other is what marriage is all about. Rather than seeking love, it is important to prioritize showing love to one another. As God's children, love should be at the center of our relationships. We have the greatest love from God. Give it.

The Song of Solomon beautifully portrays the love between Jesus Christ and His coming Bride, the Church. This love story represents the deep connection that God desires to have with His people. As we read it, let's also remember to apply this same level of commitment to our relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Song of Solomon is a poetic depiction of the various emotions and events between courtship and marriage, providing a source of encouragement to those seeking to maintain a lasting love amidst the small jealousies and fears that often arise in relationships. 

We must take to heart the profound words of the Song by continuing to value marriage as a cornerstone of society, recognizing and appreciating the goodness and beauty that arises from the union of two individuals in holy matrimony.

Do you believe that your marriage reflects the goodness and beauty of God in your life, or has it lost its significance over time? According to the Song of Solomon, both marriage and the physical union that follows are God's creations. Hence, we should acknowledge them as manifesting His grace in the world.

Our prayer for today:

Dear God, thank you for your abundant and unconditional love that enables us to love others just as you love us. Please guide us to avoid searching for different kinds of love or seeking more love than we already have. Instead, help us always to share and give the love that you have given us. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen!