
Prostate Cancer and its symptoms:



What is the Prostate? The prostate gland is located directly below the urinary bladder in males. It supplies fluid that aids male reproductive activities.

The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the tube via which urine leaves the penis. A prostate gland disease might influence your urination and sexual function.


What is Prostate Cancer? Prostate cancer is the most frequent cancer among males. Globally, around 1.1 million men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, and more than 300,000 die from it each year. Prostate cancer is less frequent in men under the age of fifty. The usual age of diagnosis is 70 to 74 years. males with a family history of prostate cancer are at a higher risk, as are Indian males. Prostate cancer is more frequent in industrialized, western countries, implying a relationship with lifestyle variables such as food. Prostate cancer can progress very slowly or very rapidly. Slow-growing malignancies are prevalent; they may not produce symptoms or decrease life.


What Are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer? Many men who have prostate cancer do not have any symptoms. Those who do exhibit symptoms might include any of the following: Urinary issues may include a weak urine stream, difficulty initiating urination, frequent urination (particularly at night), and discomfort or burning during urination. These symptoms are frequently associated with noncancerous prostate enlargement, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Blood appears in urine and sperm. Pain in the hips, pelvis, back, or upper legs. Pain or discomfort during ejaculation.