
Infinity Cube Chapter 21 (Patreon Early Release)



Her face.. It was one thing to see the rude mirror version of myself outside of the mirror, but this was… “You have really pretty eyes..” I muttered, unsure of what else to say.


“Thank you.. You too.” Elizabeth replied slowly. The girl was blushing profusely, though I wasn't sure if it was because of the compliment or because I was naked.


Carefully, without speaking anything more, the two of us began to slowly circle each other, examining the other as we thought to ourselves.


“Can I?..” Elizabeth whispered sheepishly.


“Of course.” I smiled back at her, knowing exactly what she meant. As far as history goes, I didn't actually know that much about Elizabeth, other than the details outlined in her profile within the cube. From what I could gather, it seemed the older woman was by all means, very reserved. 


I gasped and moaned a little from the soft squeeze of her hand on one of my tits. They were huge now, heavy as hell too but I could manage without a bra for long enough.. In fact, I didn't think I really needed one. My tits felt really… Really good. I easily lost myself in the sensation as usual, but I managed to bring my attention back to my.. Former self? “What do you think?” I asked, catching her off guard. 


Elizabeth didn't say anything at first. Slowly pulling her hand away from my massive orbs of perfection. The blush on her face had increased drastically and I struggled to hold back a laugh but I tried my best to be polite. I was genuinely curious, considering that we clearly shared many similarities, but still were drastically different from each other. Almost like sisters.


“They're.. Soft.. I like them.. But, I don't think I could handle that kind of body.. Everyone would be looking at me and-” 


“Elizabeth, you are adorable.” I chuckled with a warm smile while reaching out to pat her on the head. She nearly recoiled at first, but Elizabeth nodded and leaned into my hand. 


“Winston was the only person who knew I liked that..” 


“Winston.. You mean..” I racked my brain to put the pieces together. Timelines and history were so screwed up just in my own head, trying to sift through it all should've been difficult, at least I assumed so. However, the typical sensation of being overwhelmed by compounding information felt entirely absent for some reason.


“He's my boyfriend.. Or he was.. I-... I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you. To us..” Elizabeth visibly relaxed when I shook my head, we were both smart enough to understand each other despite our differences. Even if our mentalities weren't mostly congruent like with Mirror Alice, we were still the same person in many ways. 


“How is this possible? The cube is.. but wait, I shouldn't be able to think right? I'd been dumb my whole life..” I shivered. The new timeline created by Millie’s last ditch attempt to destroy me.. It wasn't as solid as the other timelines, but I could still remember it.


“Arc, he fixed you.” Elizabeth sighed. “He's the one who brought me here. Pulled me out of time or something, he's kind of like uh…”


“God?” Ryan said finally speaking up.


I was about to say something except my attention had been taken by an oddly palpable sensation pressing at me, like some kind of ethereal force.. It was overwhelming one second, and completely gone the next.


“Me.” A warm voice I'd never heard before called out from somewhere nearby without a clear source. Then just as suddenly, they appeared out of thin air, having stepped out from behind literally nothing as if turning a corner. The new stranger seemed.. Normal, like just a normal guy. He looked like he could be a bit younger than me, maybe early to mid-twenties? His eyes were as dark as his fluffy black hair which wasn't big enough to be an afro. In fact, it seemed rather messy, much like his olive green pants which were somewhat covered in fresh dirt around the knees. Other than that, he wore worn tennis shoes and a faded red sweater; the guy was handsome at least, but otherwise entirely ordinary.


“Sorry for the mud, I was just gardening before I noticed things going haywire over here.” Arc apologized rather unnecessarily while rubbing the back of his head. “Anyway, I know you're all really wanting answers; ask away-”


“Bring her back!!” I screamed after realizing that this.. This guy, was responsible for all of this, the universe was fucking GONE and he wanted to have a fucking Q&A!? I was pissed as hell, but mostly I just wanted Mei Lin.


Everyone else was visibly shook by my outburst. Arc most of all, given by how hard he jumped, though the man relaxed surprisingly quickly.


“I can assure you Alice, I am already working on it. Normally this would be a snap of the fingers, but an infinite amount of continuity errors is going to take a few minutes.” Arc explained patiently, I felt the gaze of his eyes reflecting genuine empathy at me.


“You better.” I grumbled like a pouty child, sniffling . Everything I've been through was because of him, he caused this.. Or was it Millie? Where did she even go? 


“Millie left this universe already. The Infinity Cube had two main void components which allowed it to function as it had. Including a small fraction of my own, of which was stolen by Heliya who took Millie with her.”


“So.. She's gone?” Elizabeth spoke up with a somewhat forlorn expression. It made me wonder just how close the two were before..


“Yes, and I can't track them down for now.” Arc sighed, putting his hands in his pockets and beginning to slowly walk around the empty space.


“Wait but you're like.. God right?” Ryan asked, looking about just as confused as I felt annoyed at the situation.


Arc shrugged, “If that's what works for you. In truth, I'm just a normal guy or at least I used to be. One day I ended up ascending to the highest form of existence. It's kind of a long story, but I can't maintain the local omniverse and exist as an individual simultaneously. Even after ascending my human consciousness still has its limits; spread myself too thin and I'd have nothing left to think with.”


“I don't really care, but I don't really have a choice do I.” I grumbled, folding my arms under my massive breasts. A casual motion that sent alarm bells in my head for being too effortless. My tits typically hung lower on my body without a custom bra to support them which made stuff like crossing my arms kind of awkward sometimes.. Right now, my breasts remained taught against my chest as if they didn't even need support. At the same time, my back felt astonishingly loose, shoulders dropping as all my usual benign aches magically alleviated. The relaxing release of tension in my body managed to soften my mood slightly, but I still wasn’t happy.

“This is important information, as you see-” Arc began until Elizabeth cut him off.

“You would have to subsidize a portion of your control of the universe with something else, that’s why you started PRIME.” The 32 year old woman spoke up, a gleam in her eyes as if she’d just completed a puzzle.

“Prime? I saw that before, maybe it was an electric car?” Ryan guessed, trying his best to just keep up with two geniuses and ‘god’.

“That’s correct, and yes Ryan you’ve probably seen it all over after the OS was installed into your universe. You can think of PRIME like a company if that makes it easier to understand. I employ various void beings, entities that exist outside of the bounds of existence to help keep everything running.”

“Oxymoron, you can’t exist outside of existence.” I shot back with a harsh glare, trying my best not to feel excited alongside Elizabeth. This kind of information was everything I… We had dreamed of. This was the dream that I had forgotten, this was my white rabbit.

“There are infinities larger than other forms of ‘infinity’, this too would seem impossible but you know it to be true. The true scope of the void is beyond mortal comprehension, but I have a proposal for you three.”

“What? Me too?” Ryan gasped pointing at himself in disbelief. The redhead had a goofy expression on his face that made it impossible for me not to giggle.

“You too Ryan, you are possibly one of the most unique beings in the entire omniverse. Your attribute has evolved into total immunity to basically all forms of void energy or reality manipulation.” Arc had stopped walking, turning his attention to me. “Also, congratulations on your ascension, that doesn't happen often.”


“Ascension? Like, what happened to you? Is that why I feel so..”


“Powerful? Euphoric? Auspicious? That's because you're no longer a mortal being, Alice.” He responded with a knowing grin.


“Her boobs made her a god? Seriously?” Elizabeth groaned. It kind of stung to hear my (former?) self talk about me like that, especially because of my tits.


Arc shrugged. “Bingo. It's because of a combination of multiple  factors but yes, her breasts are the reason for your ascension. There is a lot to explain but first, I'd like to hire all of you to work for me. What do you say?”



3 months later


“So, you're going to accept, right?” Mei Lin whispered to me as we waved politely to her mother who was leaving to go to a hotel for her business meeting.. And of course, the older woman with the biggest tits in her country didn't need to try very hard to convince Ryan to ‘accompany’ her while she was in the US. The dorky boy was grinning from ear to ear as he jumped into the back of their chauffeur. 


“I really don't know; everything has changed so much Mei.” I muttered before digging my phone out from the depths of the cavernous cleavage of my tank top. “Just got a text from Viv-.. Mom. She's going out to another club with her friends. Do you want to go?”


“No, not after last time. I like my ass being fisted but your mom is way too sadistic about it even for me, besides I have a stream later.” Mei sighed as she closed the door. 


I giggled at her statement but she had a point. “Mom is-  she can be intense sometimes but.. No, yeah you're probably right.” I admitted with a deep blush. Mom had always loved clubbing, but now that she had access to extradimensional venues, things had gotten a lot weirder.


Vivian Carter, apparently, wasn't my original mother, in fact she used to be our neighbor weirdly enough. There was an open invitation to learn about Elizabeth's mother, but I turned it down for reasons way too personal to think about now.


“How are things going with Elizabeth?” My fiancée asked nonchalantly as she hugged me, rubbing her face into my tits through my tight shirt as I leaned back against the door.


“We're getting along pretty well actually. She's opened up a lot more, especially after I (re-)introduced her to Winston. I think they're cute together though I still feel guilty for displacing her..”


Arc had returned reality back to before it completely shattered. Although with the complexities of everything that has happened, only some casual shifts could be ‘retconned’ safely. Though that meant Elizabeth and Ryan were both permanently untethered from our universe, neither of them existed here. Arc managed to pull some strings so that Ryan could go back home to his family via fake memories, since he himself couldn't be altered by cosmic power. He got along with his ‘twin sister’ Madeline a lot better than I expected given what I knew about her.. Mostly that she was a great kisser.


Mei Lin and I have finally started moving forward on our wedding plans, after we had a really important conversation about what that meant for us. 


We cheated on each other… A lot. Mei Lin more than me, but to both of our surprise it didn't really bother us that much. Our relationship was perfect regardless, and the cheating honestly turned me on way too much for me to care. So, we decided to be officially non-monogamous and have begun redefining things in a way that worked for us. In all likelihood, my acceptance and deep desire for being a cuckquean was a necessary condition for our relationship to remain ‘perfect'.


“What the fuck! Alice!” Mei Lin exclaimed, stepping back from my amazing rack to paw at her own pitiful chest. Her naturally large tits had deflated, absorbed into her body until her new C-cups settled down to about the size of tennis balls.


“Oh? Is there something wrong? What's the matter, Mei? I thought you liked being weak and inferior.” I grinned while stepping forward to intimidate the poor thing.


“Me? Inferior? You're the bimbo cow.” Mei Lin shot back, causing me to stop in my tracks. 


Millie had used to cube to try and make small breasts superior to big breasts, but that would have been a contradiction. Just like how me being dumb, meant the cube couldn't have been created in the first place. Which according to Arc, was the final straw that broke the device. So instead, the cube had made a workaround, the DD Hierarchy was still in full swing. It just became acceptable for tiny chested women to flip the script on occasion. Meaning that some hierarchical societies, relationships, and dynamics were reversed from the norm but still fully acceptable in society. Whoever falters first gains superiority over the other.


“Shut up, I'm a Goddess now you can't just-”


“I can't what? I'm not the one with oversized udders.” Now Mei Lin was the one smiling, not hesitating to press her hands into my tits. They had become so squishy that it was actually pretty easy to grab them from any angle..


“M-m-moo..” I whimpered as dark spots formed on my shirt from between her fingers. Even though I was a ‘Void Goddess’ now, most of the previous casual shifts from the cube still had an effect on me; the sticky notes too. Arc was able to circumvent some of them and even entirely nullify others, but most of the effects on the universe couldn't be undone. 


Not like it mattered all that much to me personally, things were the way they were. Mei Lin and I continued to push each other back and forth, we were going to get married, and our lives were moving forward.


“Good cow!” Mei Lin laughed maniacally while I-


“Moooo!” My face burned with embarrassment and lust; my girlfriend had.. Persuaded me to moo whenever she squeezed my tits while I felt submissive. Making it way harder to bluff my way out of her teasing. An ever escalating game of cat and mouse that functioned as a core of our relationship. “C-Claire! I could use some help!” I called out desperately but kept a playful tone. I could have used my new powers but I didn't want to cheat any more than I already had.


“That's cheating! Claire! Don't listen to her!” Mei Lin protested just as the blonde made her way up from the basement into the living room.


“Yes, of course Goddess.” Claire bowed politely, looking so far removed from the bitchy secret agent she used to be. Now outfitted in a custom fit maid dress, having fully taken on the role since we first ‘acquired’ her.


Apparently Arc had never heard of IDCB before, his interest seemed slightly peaked though when we told him they went around collecting void tech. Even interdimensional organizations were too inconsequential for the Void God to really care it seemed.


Claire quickly matched over to us, ignoring Mei Lin’s excuses before grabbing my fiancée and forcing the Korean girl to her knees.


“You will kneel before your superiors.” Claire growled while holding Mei to keep her from moving.


I giggled to myself as an interesting thought came to my head. Claire fell back into her ass in surprise when the pathetic loser’s tiny bug bites started expanding rapidly. Growing into two watermelon sized globes hanging naturally from her chest.


Claire was aghast, much to my amusement. “G-g-goddess! I-” the poor girl didn't know what to do. She had dedicated her life to worshiping women with huge tits. Even when we offered her a chance to go back to her old life at her organization, she declined. Now that I was an actual Goddess, specifically the Goddess of ‘boobs and related things’ as Arc put it. My tits had become so powerful alongside other factors that they alone had ascended to godly status and dragged me with them. God, I loved my tits.


“No fair! Give me my tits back! Why does she-!” 


A knock at the door stole all our attention. Claire sighed a breath of relief, and Mei Lin nearly fell over as I returned their breasts back to their normal sizes. Then I concentrated hard, using my powers to dry the milk soaking into my shirt before opening the door.


“Elizabeth! Oh, I'm sorry, I totally forgot you were coming today.” I smiled, the older woman bringing me into a slightly awkward hug. 


“It's ok, don't worry about it. Though, there is something rather important Arc wanted me to ask you.”