
Types of Urinary diseases



Before you can locate a successful urinary issue treatment, the condition must be thoroughly identified. These are the most prevalent types of urological issues.


Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic hyperplasia, often known as prostate enlargement, is quite frequent in elderly men. When this disease develops, the enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra, causing a frequent need to pee and the persistent sensation that the bladder is not empty.


Kidney stones : Kidney stones arise when tiny particles bind to crystals in urine and grow until they can significantly affect urinary function. These stones can also move from the kidneys into the ureter. Kidney/ureter stones are one of the most prevalent causes of urinary obstruction. Acute discomfort when passing pee is one of the most obvious urine obstruction symptoms caused by kidney stones.


Urinary incontinence: is defined as a loss of bladder control that leads to urine leaking. This is a fairly frequent condition that can have a negative impact on your lifestyle and daily routine. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including weak bladder muscles, overactive bladder, weak sphincter muscles, infections, and illnesses such as Parkinson's, among others. Some urine incontinence reasons can be managed with lifestyle modifications, while others may necessitate surgery


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by a bacterial or viral infection of the urinary system. UTIs, while more common in women, cannot be completely eradicated in men. One of the most obvious signs of a UTI is a burning feeling when urinating. You may also feel unable to properly empty your bladder, even after passing pee, and you may experience repeated urges to urinate throughout the day. When it comes to disorders that affect the urinary system, the last two are far and away the most frequent.