
Being the mean kitty I amπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜› and judging Mapleshade and co

Helloooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Today I will be talking about Mapleshade, Ravenwing, Frecklewish, Appledusk, Reedshine and Oakstar! I will judge whether they should be in StarClan or the Dark Forest, and Ikr, this is done many times before, but I felt like it so here we goooooooooo!!!


My opinion: Dark Forest

My reasons: So, Mapleshade killed: Ravenwing, Frecklewish, Appledusk, and tried to kill Reedshine. Wow gurl, chillπŸ˜› But it was clear that she was completely crazy. Still, in real life psychopaths can't just be free, even though they don't really did anything wrong. What if Mapleshade met one of her victims in StarClan? They would be in great danger, also cats like Crookedstar who are related to them. I feel sorry for Mapleshade, but it's just not safe for the other StarClan cats to have her close to them. Sorry Mapleshadelovers, I think I can better send her to the Dark Forest.


My opinion: Dark Forest

My reasons: