
A total of 1088 attacks took place during the fake elections

To disrupt the fake and predetermined elections set up by America, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate targeted the enemy polling stations throughout the country in the past 24 hours which has resulted in tens of hireling troops killed and wounded as well as the voting process disrupted or brought to a halt in most areas.

The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate closed roads in nearly most of the countryside as carried out armed attacks on polling stations, bases, security personnel, check posts which caused the enemy immense panic and headaches. Except for some parts of some fortified cities where ballots were cast and propaganda spread, nearly the entire country was closed down by Mujahideen where none of the people voted with most polling stations closed while in many districts of the country, no polling stations ever even existed.

The hireling elections officials fled from most stations either before or during voting sessions after which Mujahideen threw the ballot boxes into rivers or set them on fire, according to reports which add that many vehicles taking ballot boxes were also intercepted by Mujahideen and the boxes destroyed.

Despite the thousands of foreign invading troops along with nearly half a million hirelings setting up supposed security they were still unable to subdue the will of the people of Afghanistan who boycotted the sham process.

After the operation by Mujahideen throughout the country, we managed to get the number of attacks from each province that took place from morning till 10:00 pm at night which we present below:

Nangarhar – 123 // Khost – 57 // Paktika – 28 // Maidan Wardak – 31 // Kunar – 66 // Badakhshan – 25 // Parwan – 49 // Balkh – 4 // Samangan – 0 // Kunduz – 56 // Kapisa – 22 // Kabul – 21 // Panjshir – 0 // Nuristan – 38 // Baghlan – 25 // Laghaman – 87 // Paktia – 49 // Jawzjan – 11 // Ghazni – 76 // Bamyan – 2 // Takhar – 5 // Logar – 62 // Zabul – 42 // Kandahar – 18 // Helmand – 53 // Uruzgan – 34 ///

While attacks in Herat, Badghis, Faryab, Daikondi, Farah and Saripul total (103)

It must be stressed that these numbers have a high probability of increasing as there was communication problems in many provinces while the reports were quickly put together by 11:00 pm at night.