
Guide To Get A Green Card Through The H1-B Status

Transitioning from an H1-B visa to a green card involves several steps. It is crucial to thoroughly understand immigration law, eligibility requirements, and the paperwork to complete the process successfully. One key factor that makes the H1-B to green card transition possible is that H1-B visas are dual-intent visas, which means that they allow you to work towards obtaining permanent residency based on employment.
A green card from the United States government is a permanent resident card. It is also a mandatory document if you plan to become a naturalized American citizen. Whether or not you aspire to become a US citizen, obtaining a green card is the best option for remaining in the US after completing your 6-year H1-B visa period.
It is important to note that the H1-B visa alone does not automatically grant you green card permanent resident status in the US. In other words, a green card is only awarded to foreign nationals who meet specific criteria. While the employment-based pathway is commonly associated with H1-B visas, various other pathways are available to transition from an H1-B visa to green card status.
The entire process of transitioning from an H1-B visa to green card status is complex and time-consuming. At Gehi and Associates, we assist you at every step, from filing the necessary paperwork to liaising with the relevant authorities. Feel free to contact us today for more information on green card applications!
Read full article here; https://gehilaw.com/guide-to-get-a-green-card-through-the-h1-b-status/