
Mechanical Engineering – ANZSCO Code: 233512


Mechanical Engineering (ANZSCO Code: 233512): Skills Assessment, Qualification, and Visa Options

Migrating to Australia as a Mechanical Engineer (ANZSCO Code: 233512) is not just a career move; it’s a gateway to a world of opportunities. With the profession currently in high demand, Australia offers a multitude of pathways for Mechanical Engineers. From top-notch career prospects to dedicated visas for engineering graduates, the Australian Government is committed to supporting your professional growth. So, arm yourself with the full information on skills assessment, qualifications, and visa options for your career as a mechanical engineer.


We have meticulously compiled all the essential aspects you need to know about migrating to Australia as a Mechanical Engineer. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the Skills Assessment process and required qualifications to the various visa options available. By following this guide, you can be well-prepared to build a top-notch career in Australia.


Understanding the ANZSCO System and Specialisations for Mechanical Engineers

The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) is a crucial part of the migration process. It assigns a unique code to each skilled occupation, providing detailed information about the minimum qualifications, tasks and responsibilities, skill level, and/or minimum work experience required.


Understanding the ANZSCO system is key to navigating the migration process as a Mechanical Engineer.

Mechanical Engineering is listed as a Major Group 2 Professional in ANZSCO, then narrowed down to sub-major Group 23 Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals, specifically on the minor group 233 Engineering Professionals.


The specialisations of Mechanical Engineer include:

  • Airconditioning Engineer
  • Building Services Engineer
  • Heating and Ventilation Engineer


Minimum Required Qualifications and Responsibilities for Mechanical Engineer

The minimum required qualifications for a Mechanical Engineer is a Bachelor’s degree or higher with relevant work experience and/or on-the-job training. Registration or licensing is also necessary to build a career as a Mechanical Engineer in Australia.


The responsibilities of a Mechanical Engineer in Australia include planning, designing, arranging, supervising, and maintaining mechanical and process plant and installations, including assembly, erection, commissioning, operation, and maintenance. 


Skills Assessment & English Requirement for Mechanical Engineer

To build your career as a Mechanical Engineer in Australia, you must undergo a Skills Assessment with Engineers Australia and obtain a positive result. This may seem daunting, but remember, you’re not alone in this process.


ONEderland Consulting is here to guide you every step of the way. We can help you with the Skills Assessment application and provide a clear picture of the financial requirements. With our support, you can approach this process with confidence.


Be noted that most Australian work visas have different English requirements. So, about the English requirement for Mechanical Engineer, you have to check it with the visa subclass that suits you! But, in general, the Australian Government set 5 levels of English competency: Functional English, Vocational English, Competent English, Proficient English and Superior English. You can find the details here


Read more: Skill Assessment Australia – Complete Information


Skilled Occupation Lists that have Mechanical Engineering (ANZSCO 233512)

Mechanical Engineering (ANZSCO Code: 233512) is listed on the Medium and Long Term Specialisation Skill List (MLTSSL). Other than that, you will find Mechanical Engineering listed on the following state occupation list:


These occupations list shows a broad opportunity to migrate to Australia, and wait until you see the visa options!



Visa Options to Build Mechanical Engineer Careers in Australia

As a Mechanical Engineer, you have a range of visa options to choose from. These include the Training Visa (subclass 407), the Employer-Sponsored Scheme Visa (such as the 482 Visa, 494 Visa, 186 Visa, and 187 Visa), and the Skilled Point Test Visa (including the 189 Visa, 190 Visa, and 491 Visa). Each visa has its own requirements and benefits, so it’s important to consider your career goals and personal circumstances when making your choice.


All of these visa options are explained below.


1. Temporary Work Visa – 407 Visa and 485 Visa

The first visa option to consider for building your mechanical engineering career is a Training Visa (subclass 407). A Training Visa or 407 Visa allows you to join a training programme in Australia, which is held and sponsored by Australian government organisations and businesses. The 407 Visa is valid for up to two years, allowing you to obtain on-the-job training experience necessary for building your Mechanical Engineering career.


Meanwhile, the requirements that you should fulfil as an applicant are:

  • Have an approved sponsor;
  • Be nominated;
  • Be 18 years or older at the time a decision is made on your visa;
  • Hold a valid substantive visa (not a Subclass 403, Subclass 771 or a Special Purpose Visa);
  • Meet health & character requirements;
  • Have adequate health insurance;
  • Be a genuine temporary entrant;
  • Have functional English;
  • Not had a visa cancelled or a previous visa application refused.

The following is a Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485), specifically the Graduate Work stream. The 485 Visa Graduate Work stream is valid for up to 18 months, and you can work full-time during the visa’s validity period. It allows you to gain professional experience to support your career as a Mechanical Engineer.


Though both 407 Visa and 485 Visa are temporary, these visas are famous for being a good stepping stone to the following visa application. 407 Visa and 485 Visa would be the best solution if you’re fresh to the Mechanical Engineer field and need more experience before diving deeper into the career.


Read more: Visa 407: Training visa – Gain the Work Experience for a Visa 482


2. Employer Sponsored Scheme Visa – 482 Visa, 494 Visa, 186 Visa, and 187 Visa

The following visa option to migrate as a Mechanical Engineer is Employer Sponsored Scheme Visa, which derives:


These visas suit you if you have a sponsorship and have obtained the required qualifications and work experience. The basic requirements for Employer-Sponsored Scheme Visa are:


  • Be sponsored and nominated by an approved sponsor;
  • Be under 45 years old (except for the 482 Visa that doesn’t have age restrictions);
  • Have a positive Skills Assessment from Engineers Australia;
  • Meet the minimum English requirement;
  • Meet the health and character requirements.

Read more: Guidelines from 482 Visa to PR in 2024: How Much Does It Costs and What Are the Pathways?


3. Skilled Point Test Visa – 189 Visa, 190 Visa, and 491 Visa

The last visa option that you may consider to begin your journey to Australia as a Mechanical Engineer is the Skilled Point Test Visa, which includes the following:


The main requirements for the Skilled Point Test Visa are:

  • Be invited to apply for the visa;
  • Be under 45 years old;
  • Passed the minimum score of 65 points in EOI;
  • Have a positive Skills Assessment from Engineers Australia;
  • Meet the English requirement;
  • Meet the health and character requirements.

These visas don’t require you to have a potential sponsor. However, you must have the necessary qualifications and work experience and pass the minimum band score of 65 points in your Expression of Interest (EOI) application.


189 Visa and 190 Visa are permanent visas, so you can directly work and live indefinitely in Australia once the visa is granted. Meanwhile, 491 Visa is a temporary visa valid for 5 years. Before the 491 Visa expires, you can apply for a 191 Visa to obtain permanent residency if you’ve met the requirements.


In addition, you must note that both 190 Visa and 491 Visa require state nomination. So, you must ensure that Mechanical Engineer is listed on the state occupation list (which you can check above). You must also meet the state nomination requirements.


If you need suggestions in choosing the best visa option, feel free to contact us! Our team will guide you thoroughly on all available options!


There are many options here; which one is the best for me?

A private consultation session with our Registered Migration Agent will help you find the best PR option as a Mechanical Engineer for your situation. Our Registered Migration Agent will take the following actions to make sure you apply for the appropriate and best visa option:


  • thorough evaluation of your background, including your age, education, employment history, and skill level;
  • expert guidance on challenging circumstances that could cause delays in the process;
  • provide all of the visa options based on your background and circumstances;
  • give a written report of your meeting with our Registered Migration Agent, outlining your options for obtaining a visa and the associated costs.

If you’re unhappy with our service, we guarantee a 100% refund for our consultation session. We are experts in complicated cases with a 98% success rate.