Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application that allows users to store, edit, and manipulate data in a table-like structure of the group known as the workbook. A workbook uses worksheets to arrange the collection of data within a system of rows and columns are divided into cells. For more information regarding Microsoft Excel visit
Users can enter data or numbers into these cells to create a simple way to calculate simple or complicated formulas. Users can insert objects such as charts and graphs in their workbooks to graphically represent the data they enter in many ways unique.
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Microsoft Excel was created by Microsoft Corporation in 1984. It is designed to make users more efficient way for the user-friendly spreadsheet to compute data without worrying about having to deal with the DOS command line. It was originally created for use with Apple computers.
When Microsoft Windows was first launched in 1987, Microsoft Excel is one of the first programs created for Microsoft Windows. Until 1992 the only Windows-based spreadsheet application.
Microsoft Excel has created a lot of features for Excel users to take advantage of since the program was first created. Features such as formulas, tables, graphs, sorting, and filtering have made the process to enter, manipulate, and display data in Excel a useful tool for a variety of purposes.
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Microsoft Excel also has created a useful tool and a menu to allow Excel users more customization in their own specific Excel application and workbook. A quick access toolbar was created to allow users to make a quick way to access commonly used commands.
This toolbar can be customized per application Excel or a specific workbook. Ribbon created by Excel to replace earlier versions of the Excel menu. With the ribbon comes the ability for users of Excel to adjust the tape to meet their specific needs.
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Microsoft Excel also has created a new kind of way to save the workbook and various other files Excel. With the creation of a new type save Excel files created the import and export features that allow Excel users to easily import a workbook that has been made or export files and workbooks or files to be used at a later time. If you want complete information click here.