

Yaşar GÜLER: ..I mean, are we never going to be united on any matter? As long as we don't have any national security we will never be united against anything. Nothing.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: We didn't do it in 2012 or 2011. Had we made brave decisions in the summer of 2012..

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: They were their weakest back then (talking about the Syrian Government)

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: ..there would be a comeback inside. It was like Libya there, this guy gone, that guy left (probably implying the Syrian officials who left their posts)...

Yaşar GÜLER: Mister Minister, unquestionably, what we needed back in 2011 as we do now were weapons and ammunition. 2012, 2013 and today. We are here at the same point. We absolutely need to find these and remedy it.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: You don't need that much weapons and ammunition for there. We couldn't get the human factor in order there.


Hakan FİDAN: We've sent 2000 trucks (Original word: "TIR", meaning Transport Internationaux Routies, basically huge trucks that carry ship-carried containers) full of provisions.

Yaşar GÜLER: I don't think weapons are needed there. That's my personal opinion. What's needed over there is ammunition. Yes indeed. Mister Minister, Mr Fidan here knows, we offered to give them a General. Mr. Fidan here requested it himself, personally. We approved it. We chose the General and the General went over there.

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: To be practical, our Minister of Defense needs to sign whatever that is necessary for the sake of this nation. Our Prime Minister needs to order it quite clearly.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: Actually, tonight..

Yaşar GÜLER: Tonight, sir, we have no problems.

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: An order for an operation tonight was given.

Yaşar GÜLER: We've issued a "blitzkrieg" message. Mr. Fidan may know it himself.


Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: Hakan, what are the complications that might happen if we send tanks?

Hakan FİDAN: Now, without proper coordination, when we envisage the balance of forces..

Yaşar GÜLER: That's why we need the MİT's (the Turkish Intelligence) coordination, Mr. Minister.

Hakan FİDAN: ..it's not possible with the number of the armed people and their capacities.

Yaşar GÜLER: That's why we've set the coordination of the MİT an absolute prequisite. Mr Minister, you have nothing to worry about tonight. Not tonight, not later. But we have something to deal with on the long term.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: I'm considering this as an option but we couldn't convince people. We'll send tanks and make fortifications. From thereon we need to consider a state of war and by doing that, entering a war. We are doing a military operation.


Yaşar GÜLER: It's a direct act of war. What we are going to do is a direct act of war.

Hakan FİDAN: Not with Syria.

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: It's not an act of war against Syria.

Yaşar GÜLER: No, the guys..

Hakan FİDAN: But hear me out, we know how to put two and to together (translator's note: it's quite ironic to hear this from a bunch of false flagging warmongers). Now, we know that what happens there has no real strategic value for us, besides the political outward appearance and whatever. Now, if we are going to enter a war, let us plan this beforehand and do it. Now, I..

Yaşar GÜLER: That's what we've been saying since the beginning.


Hakan FİDAN: Now, what I can't accept is this: we are accepting the risk of using weapons for the sake of the Tomb of Suleiman Shah. It's 10 acres of our country's land and we are accepting to risk a war for it, for the *thing* of our 22-28 soldiers over there, for God's sake, how many kilometers of this country's land lie on the Syrian border? And we don't risk a war for for thousands of kilometers of land and the lives of millions of people? That's not logical! If we are going to use weapons, let's do it from the beginning. If these guys pose a threat..

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: Now there's an excuse for that..

Hakan FİDAN: It's different, having an excuse and justification.

Yaşar GÜLER: Now, our Foreign Ministry could never find an excuse for that..but they can for this.

Hakan FİDAN: Let me tell you something..


Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: Keep this between us, but the Prime Minister told me on the phone that in this conjuncture, we count this (the proposed false flag attack on the Tomb of Suleiman Shah) amongst our options.

Hakan FİDAN: Commander, if we really need a reason, I'll send 4 guys to the other side, I'll get them to launch 8 rockets at empty places. That's no problem! If we need a reason, we can produce it. The thing is to show a mutual will for that. We are exerting a will for war here, and nevertheless we are making the same mistake as we always do, the mistake of not being able to think properly.

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: I'll tell you this, it's 10 acres of land. 10 acres of land is a very strong casus belli in the international jurisprudence, also for justification if we do this operation against the ISIL, we'll have the entire world behind us. Have no worries about that.

Yaşar GÜLER: We have none.


Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: I'm telling you all about this..

Yaşar GÜLER: Mr Minister, our forces there have been waiting at the ready for a year now. It's not something we've done yesterday, they've been waiting for a year.

Hakan FİDAN: I don't get why we are waiting for (the proposed false flag attack on the Tomb of) Suleiman Shah at all.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: We did everything we could in diplomatic terms.

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: We need justification, justification.

Hakan FİDAN: I told you, I can produce justification if need be. Justification is no problem.

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: Producing it is an another matter. We already have a pretty strong one.

Hakan FİDAN: If need be, we'll make an attack take place over there (the Tomb of Suleiman Shah), we'll get them to attack it. We'll do it, what I'm trying to understand is..


Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: All this can be done, we'll get everything done if need be..

Hakan FİDAN: I mean if we are prepared to use all these, we should do this with a time and a place.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: Hakan, like you said, like you were implying, you're right if it's about making justification for the lack of a strategy. I mean, to these guys..

Attendant: Sir, before it.. (no, it doesn't make any sense in Turkish either)

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: Okay, we'll go over there, I'll be there in a bit. What I'm trying to say is that we couldn't tell the American Foreign Minister to take strong precautions ever again.

Hakan FİDAN: What I'm trying to say is..

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: They'd say, "well, you didn't even defend your own land". Many a times I've had amicable conversations with Kerry, he asked me precisely about whether we've agreed on a final decision on this strike..


Yaşar GÜLER: Sir, we have, a hundred times. With the United States..

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: Now listen to me, 3 days ago something happened in the General Staff (of the Military), they had a crisis coordination meeting. I saw it for the first time. The Americans..

Yaşar GÜLER: No, we do that sort of thing all the time!

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: No no, the Americans distributed the plans of the NO FLY ZONE in that meeting. For the first time. Did you know about that?

Hakan FİDAN: What I am trying to underline is that if we are prepared to make such a serious decision stemming from such a reason as the Tomb of Suleiman Shah, if we are prepared for this..

Feridun SİNİRLİOĞLU: Not only the Tomb..


Hakan FİDAN: What I'm saying is this: if we are prepared to make such a decision, we should've already done it. Because of the threats and our best interests, that's what I'm trying to say. The impotence of the Government, the strategic decision...

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: Yes, if we made the call earlier on a smaller scale we wouldn't have to face this choice now.

Yaşar GÜLER: But we already made the call!

Hakan FİDAN: It wasn't executed.

Yaşar GÜLER: We can't execute the plan, for a number of reasons we are paralysed. The instruments of the State do not work at the moment.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: I can't wrap my head around that, because of the legacy of this State which I have been taught. Would you accept something like this, what if, because of political arguments, things didn't work properly at the Foreign Ministry?


Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: That sort of thing wouldn't be legitimate! Everyone should do what they are tasked to do. What if the consulate says, mister minister, they can take me out, they are taking everyone out, what would you do? Wouldn't we say, "well, it's about time for you to get retired, we'll replace you"? That's how you do it. That's how it works in a democracy..

Yaşar GÜLER: Mister Minister, you are right.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: From what I can understand, this State survives on the shoulders of a couple of people and institutions who can still make proper decisions.

Yaşar GÜLER: Absolutely, sir, absolutely..

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: And are we going to back down from this?

Yaşar GÜLER: No, Mister Minister, we are not.

Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU: Okay, let's switch to the other place.


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This is translated by Doğukan Piyale. I am probably putting my life at risk, but the State never runs out of assassins, so if I'm going to die, I'm going to die anyway. I just wanted to serve the international community and my people by letting everyone know about these warmongering bastards.