Real estate has always been at the center of digital event environments. Images on landing pages, widgets on event app home pages, banner in speaker listings has always attracted people and made a firm position. But today, the medium has changed. Virtual events center on video content. Customers have also changed with the new technology. Now, they can’t wait for long looking at the ads. This shows the need for interesting takeaways and actionable advice. So let us look at them.
How to ensure the delivery of real value to your sponsors?
Luckily, today we have battalions of professionals from event design firm who can create attractive content that will attract people.Building directly into the content? For this, you must have top-quality virtual event production, dynamic live streaming capabilities and a tech provider. Here are six strategies that can be followed to get brand stakeholders.
Sponsor-Led Talks
Producing it with an event design firm is one of the most straightforward ways. This will work when the sponsors showcase their product in the context of an editorial led-session to maintain the target of the audience. In addition, they often have something valuable to share. You can select a topic about your audience's problems and deliver solutions that are compelling yet concise.
Dynamic Video and Live Streaming
Instead of adding a static video that causes staring at the same screen for an extended period, allow a dynamic live stream that creates speaker placements and informative graphics to add visual variety to your event content. For better results, use displays and video layouts that support the session’s narrative and cadence.
Video Interstitials
It opens up a wide range of opportunities for product placements and branded messages. For better results, take help of Event Planner Texas and keep the video ad less than 30 seconds to avoid the attendees dozing off. If the audience remains till the end of the session, you can conclude that the topic resonated with them.
Overlays and Lower Third Graphics
They can show vital functions like indicating session titles, speaker names and company affiliations or upcoming sessions. Typically, video interstitials appear between sessions and other event components; overlays and lower thirds appear directly on top of the feed.
Timely and Contextual Calls-to-Action
The moment of delivery of content plays a crucial role in leaving a powerful and lasting impression. And, if you take advantage of intelligent calls-to-action can lead to a high conversion rate. Make it simple and absorbing for the audience.
Tangible Content Extensions
Hybrid events organized by Event Planner Texas open up new opportunities. However, branding-only sponsorship opportunities like banners and swags will not work for long. You must provide high-quality swag desired by the audience.