Deep (1995)(Jast)(Jp)
DE JAII (1992)(Elf)(Jp)
Alone In The Dark (19xx)(Infogrames)(Jp)
GohII Towns Special (1993)(Wolf Team)(Jp)
Schwarzschild (1991)(Kogado)(Jp)
ElmKnight (1992)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc B - The Arctic Ocean]
Queen Of Duellist, The (199x)(Agumix)(Jp-En)[UserDisk]
Shadow of the Beast (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Elfish(req.HD Install) (1994)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Ayumichan Monogatari (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Toushin Toshi II Soshite Sorekara(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Record of Lodoss War (1991)(Humming Bird)(Jp)
Lesser Mern (1992)(Panther Software)(Jp)
LibbleRabble (1993)(Namco)(Jp-En)
Vain Dream (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Inju Gakuen (1994)(Dez Soft Network)(Jp)
Deep (1995)(Jast)(Jp)
Mubile Suit Gundam Hyper Desert Operation (1992)(FamilySoft)(Jp)
Might and Magic - Clouds of Xeen (1992)(New World Computing)(Jp)
Gun Blaze (1994)(Active)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Jyoukan (1992)(Datawest)(Jp)
Pro Student -G- (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Mandarake Ichizoku (1995)(Foresight)(Jp)
Derby Stallion (1994)(Ascii)(Jp)
Moon Light Chan Rin Shan (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Rayxanber (1990)(Datawest)(Jp-En)
LibbleRabble (1993)(Namco)(Jp-En)
Date,The (1990)(Jamp)(Jp)
Hana no Kioku (1995)(Foster)(Jp)
GohII Towns Special (1993)(Wolf Team)(Jp)
Kyukyoku Tiger (aka Twin Cobra) (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Burai Jyoukan (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Regional Power2 (1992)(Cosmos)(Jp)
Doki Doki Disk CDban Vol.1 (1994)(D.O.)(Jp)
Castles (1992)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Final Blow (1990)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Viper V10 Turbo RS (1995)(Sogna)(Jp)
Atlas,The (1991)(Artdink)(Jp)
Dungeon Master (1987)(FTL)(Jp-En)
Super Real Mahjong PII+PIII (Jp)(1992)(Ving)
Power Monger (1992)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)
Sim City (1990)(Maxis)(Jp-En)
Zenith (1995)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny (1988)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Mad Stalker (1994)(Family Soft)(Jp-En)
Mahjong Houteiraoyui (1995)(Queen Soft)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari (1992)(D.O.)(Jp)
Uchu Kaitou Funny Bee (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Dead of the Brain (1993)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Air Combat II Special (1993)(Victor Musical)(Jp)
Zak McKracken and The Alien Mindbenders (1990)(Lucasarts)(Jp-En)
De.FaNa (1995)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Can Can Bunny Extra (1993)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Gekan (1993)(Datawest)(Jp)
Free Will -Knight of Argent- (1992)(Sofcom)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 5 - Nightmare (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)
Dalk (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Angel Halo (1996)(Active)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Doki Doki Disk CDban Vol.1 (1994)(D.O.)(Jp)
Ishido (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Alshark (1991)(Right Stuff Corp)(Jp)
Kings Bounty (1994)(Star Craft)(Jp)
Rejection Denno Syoujyo (1992)(Takeru)(Jp)
Provvidenza - Legenda la spada di Alfa (1991)(Sofcom Corp)(Jp)
Cal Towns (1992)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Dragon Knight4 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Legend of Kyrandia 2, The (1993)(Westwood Studios)(Jp)
Joshua (1992)(Panther Software)(Jp)
4D Sports Tennis (1993)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Rance4.1(Req.Hd Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Sim Farm (1994)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
De.FaNa (1995)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Digital Pinup Girls Vol.1 (1993)(Transpegasus Limited)(Jp-En)
Deep (1995)(Jast)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Die Gekirin (1995)(NAC)(Jp)
Ultima Trilogy 1-3 (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)[UserDisk]
Kigen (19xx)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
DOR Special Edition Sakigake (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Lunatic Dawn II (1994)(Artdink)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Jyoukan (1992)(Datawest)(Jp)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc A]
Ikazuchi no Sensi Laidi (1994)(ZyX)(Jp)
Mahjong Houteiraoyui (1995)(Queen Soft)(Jp)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Trigger (1994)(ZyX)(Jp)
Jan Jaka Jan (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Tiny Step (1993)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Crescent Moon (1989)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Blue (1992)(Kinpukurin)(Jp)
Tatsujin Ou (aka Truxton II) (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Mirrors (1992)(Views)(Jp)
Castles (1992)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Uchu Kaitou Funny Bee (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Youju Senki AD2048 (Adult)(19xx)(DO)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Bacta1+2 (1996)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Ponkan (1994)(Ponytail Soft)(Jp)
Return to Zork(req.HD Install) (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari (1992)(D.O.)(Jp)
Queen Of Duellist, The (199x)(Agumix)(Jp-En)
Dalk (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Provvidenza - Legenda la spada di Alfa (1991)(Sofcom Corp)(Jp)
Wing Commander II and Special Operations (1991)(Origin)(Jp)
Princess Maker 2 (1994)(Gainax)(Jp)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Muscle Bomber (1994)(CapCom)
IgoII (1989)(Ascii)(Jp)
Drakkhen (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
De.FaNa (1995)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Mega Morph (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp)
Dead of the Brain (1993)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Blandia (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Etsuraku no Gakuen (1994)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Mahjong Houteiraoyui (1995)(Queen Soft)(Jp)
Dragon Half (1994)(MicroCabin)(Jp)
Lunatic Dawn II (1994)(Artdink)(Jp)
Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom (1988)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Shinc (1993)(Libido)(Jp)
Burai Jyoukan (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny (1988)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Take the A-Train IV (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)
Ayumichan Monogatari Jissyaban (1995)(Byakuya Shobou)(Jp)
Power Monger (1992)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)
Can Can Bunny Extra (1993)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)
Metal Eye (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny (1988)(Origins)(Jp-En)[UserDisk]
Operation Wolf (1990)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
AtlasII,The (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)
Galaxy Wars - Regional Power II (1992)(Cosmos)(Jp)
Star CruserII (1994)(JHV)(Jp)
Wing Commander+Secret Missions (1990)(Origin)(Jp-En)
Queen Of Duellist, The (199x)(Agumix)(Jp-En)
Hanahuda de Pon! (1996)(Active)(Jp)
Afterburner 2 (1989)(Sega)(Jp-En)
New Zealand Story, The (1989)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Afterburner (1987)(Sega)(Jp-En)
Blue (1992)(Kinpukurin)(Jp)
Ponkan (1994)(Ponytail Soft)(Jp)
GohII Towns Special (1993)(Wolf Team)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Jyoukan (1992)(Datawest)(Jp)
Vain DreamII (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)
Princess Maker 2 (1994)(Gainax)(Jp)
Towns Hyakunin Issyu (1989)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Best Play Baseball,The (1992)(Ascii)(Jp)
Jyoshikousei Shoujyohatsunetsu (1993)(Byakuya Shobou)(Jp)
Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny (1988)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Ultima VI - The False Prophet (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Deep (1995)(Jast)(Jp)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1991)(Sierra)(Jp)
3x3 Eyes (1993)(Nihon Create)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Take the A-Train III (1991)(Artdink)(Jp)
Mubile Suit Gundam Hyper Classic Operation (1992)(FamilySoft)(Jp)
Mahjong de Pon! (1994)(Active)(Jp)
Libido7 (1994)(Libido)(Jp)
Castles (1992)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Might and Magic - Clouds of Xeen (1992)(New World Computing)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Legend of Kyrandia 2, The (1993)(Westwood Studios)(Jp)
Vastness (1993)(CD Bros)(Jp)
Mahjong de Pon! (1994)(Active)(Jp)
Sim Earth (1993)(Maxis)(Jp)
Schwarzschild (1991)(Kogado)(Jp)[GameDisk]
Branmarker2 (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)[GameDisc]
Afterburner 3 (1992)(Sega)(Jp)
Wakoku Seiha Den (1994)(Mic)(Jp)
Hana no Kioku (1995)(Foster)(Jp)
Bubble Bobble (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Kyan Kyan Collection (1989)(Icell)(Jp)
RanceIV (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Wing Commander+Secret Missions (1990)(Origin)(Jp-En)
Dungeon Master Chaos Strikes Back (1990)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Vain Dream (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)
Schwarzschild (1991)(Kogado)(Jp)
Aokiohkami to Sirokimejika Genchohishi (1993)(Koei)(Jp)
T.D,F (1990)(Datawest)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari2 (1992)(D.O.)(Jp)
Jealousy (1995)(InterHeart)(Jp)
Might and Magic - Darkside of Xeen (1993)(New World Computing)(Jp)
Shinc (1993)(Libido)(Jp)
Wrestle Angels Special (1994)(Great)(Jp)
Wrestle Angels Special (1994)(Great)(Jp)
Rance4.1(Req.Hd Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Pro Student -G- (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Amaranth 3 (1994)(Fuga Systems)(Jp)
Pro Student -G- (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Aeternam (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
GohII Towns Special (1993)(Wolf Team)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Dalk (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Free Will -Knight of Argent- (1992)(Sofcom)(Jp)
Derby Stallion (1994)(Ascii)(Jp)
Shadow of the Beast (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Scavenger 4 (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Uwaki na Anata (1994)(HOP)(Jp)
Mubile Suit Gundam Hyper Classic Operation (1992)(FamilySoft)(Jp)
Afterburner 3 (1992)(Sega)(Jp)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc C]
Gekirin (1994)(NAC)(Jp)
RAC Rally (1995)(Victor)(En)
Necronomicon (1994)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Ultima Underworld - The Stygian Abyss (1993)(Origins)(Jp)
Eye Of The Beholder II (1991)(SSI)(Jp)
Yuwaku (1996)(T2)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Madoh Gakuin R (19xx)(Foresight)(Jp)
Syndicate (1994)(Bullfrog)(US)
Moon Light Chan Rin Shan (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Words Worth (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Muscle Bomber (1994)(CapCom)
Nova (1993)(Cats Pro)(Jp)
Power Dolls2 (1995)(Kogado)(Jp)
Jankirou (1994)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Power Dolls2 (1995)(Kogado)(Jp)
Murder ClubDX (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Super Real Mahjong PIV (1994)(Ving)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 3 - Aya (1990)(Datawest)(Jp)
ElmKnight (1992)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 5 - Nightmare (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Ikazuchi no Sensi Laidi (1994)(ZyX)(Jp)
Schwarzschild IV (1993)(Kogado)(Jp)
Giga Motion (1995)(InterHeart)(Jp)
Populous & The Promised Lands (1990)(Imagineer)(Jp)
Syndicate (1994)(Bullfrog)(US)
Ayumichan Monogatari Jissyaban (1995)(Byakuya Shobou)(Jp)
Ultima Trilogy 1-3 (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Evolution (1989)(System Sacom)(Jp-En)
Youju Senki AD2048 (Adult)(19xx)(DO)(Jp)
Dungeon Master Chaos Strikes Back (1990)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Incredible Machine,The (1994)(Cybelle)(Jp)
Ravenloft (1995)(Ving)(Jp)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1993)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Psychic Detective Vol. 1 - Invitation (1992)(Datawest)(Jp)
Legend of Kyrandia 2, The (1993)(Westwood Studios)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Burai Kanketuhen (1991)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Wrestle Angels Special (1994)(Great)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Alshark (1991)(Right Stuff Corp)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Vain Dream (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)
Super Shooting Towns (199x)(-)(Jp-En)
Sim City (1990)(Maxis)(Jp-En)
Super Shanghai II Dragons Eye (1991)(Hot B)(Jp)
Desire (1994)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Galaxy Force II (1990)(CSK)(Jp-En)
Horde,The(req.HD Install) (1995)(AMT)(Jp)
Atlas,The (1991)(Artdink)(Jp)
Mega Spectre (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
DPS Zenbu(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Scholar Movie Magazine (1994)(King Video)(Jp)
Vastness (1993)(CD Bros)(Jp)
Centurion (1993)(Victor)(Jp)
Digital Pinup Girls Vol.1 (1993)(Transpegasus Limited)(Jp-En)
Burai Jyoukan (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Ravenloft (1995)(Ving)(Jp)
Tatsujin Ou (aka Truxton II) (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Maria ni Sasageru Ballade (1995)(Fairytale)(Jp)[UserDisk]
ElmKnight (1992)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)
Rance4.2(Req.Hd Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Power Dolls2 (1995)(Kogado)(Jp)
Scavenger 4 (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Yumimi Mix (1993)(CRI)(Jp)
Youju Senki AD2048 (Adult)(19xx)(DO)(Jp)
Etsuraku no Gakuen (1994)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Ms. Detective (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)(Disc 1 of 2)
My Eyes (1992)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Ultima Underworld - The Stygian Abyss (1993)(Origins)(Jp)
Mad Paradox (1994)(Queen Soft)(Jp)
4th Unit Act 1+2 Towns Linkage, The (1989)(Datawest)(Jp)
Sim Farm (1994)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Rance4.1(Req.Hd Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Might and Magic - Clouds of Xeen (1992)(New World Computing)(Jp)
Image Fight (1990)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Splatterhouse (1992)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Libido7 (1994)(Libido)(Jp)
Pro Student -G- (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
De.FaNa (1995)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Wrestle Angels3 (1994)(Great)(Jp)
Life & Death (1992)(Ving)(Jp)
Ravenloft (1995)(Ving)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc C - The Fortress]
Doukyusei (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Branmarker (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Elfish(req.HD Install) (1994)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Heart de Ron (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenshouki (1994)(Koei)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Secret of the Monkey Island (1992)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Mad Stalker (1994)(Family Soft)(Jp-En)
Date,The (1990)(Jamp)(Jp)
Samurai Spirits (1995)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Psychic Detective Vol. 2 - Memories (1989)(Datawest)(Jp)
My Eyes (1992)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
KiwameII (1994)(Log)(Jp)
Lesser Mern (1992)(Panther Software)(Jp)
Jealousy (1995)(InterHeart)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari (1992)(D.O.)(Jp)
KiwameII (1994)(Log)(Jp)
Strong Hold (1994)(Ving)(Jp)
Eimmy to Yobanaide (1995)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Deep (1995)(Jast)(Jp)
Bubble Bobble (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Gakuen King(req.Hd Install) (1996)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Shounen Magazine History (1992)(Datt Japan)(Jp)
Scholar Movie Magazine (1994)(King Video)(Jp)
Rance4.2(Req.Hd Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Lunatic Dawn II (1994)(Artdink)(Jp)
Xak III - The Eternal Recurrence (1993)(MicroCabin-Nec)(Jp)
RAC Rally (1995)(Victor)(En)
Yumimi Mix (1993)(CRI)(Jp)
Kings Quest V (1991)(Sierra)(Jp)
Uwaki na Anata (1994)(HOP)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Prince of Persia (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Wing Commander+Secret Missions (1990)(Origin)(Jp-En)
Raiden Densetsu (1991)(Kid Corp)(Jp-En)
Micro Cosm (1993)(Psygnosis)(Jp)
Idol Project (1995)(KSS)(Jp)
AtlasII,The (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)
Maria ni Sasageru Ballade (1995)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Sherlock Holmes no Tantei Kouza (1991)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Vastness (1993)(CD Bros)(Jp)
Etsuraku no Gakuen (1994)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Vain DreamII (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Alone in the Dark2(req.HD Install) (1994)(AMT)(Jp)
Branmarker2 (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)[GameDisc]
Take the A-Train III (1991)(Artdink)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc B - The Arctic Ocean]
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc B]
Aokiohkami to Sirokimejika Genchohishi (1993)(Koei)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Metal Eye2 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Wrestle Angels3 (1994)(Great)(Jp)
Sayaka (1994)(Ides)(Jp)
4D Sports Tennis (1993)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Game Technopolis Super Collection1 (1992)(Tokuma Shoten)(Jp)
Atlas,The (1991)(Artdink)(Jp)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1991)(Sierra)(Jp)
Evolution (1989)(System Sacom)(Jp-En)
Psychic Detective Vol. 5 - Nightmare (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)
Dungeon Master II Skull Keep (1993)(Victor)(Jp)
Might and Magic - World of Xeen (1993)(New World Computing)(Jp)[Install Disk]
Mubile Suit Gundam Hyper Desert Operation (1992)(FamilySoft)(Jp)
Prince of Persia (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Afterburner 2 (1989)(Sega)(Jp-En)
Ravenloft (1995)(Ving)(Jp)
Raiden Densetsu (1991)(Kid Corp)(Jp-En)
Dalk (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Sim City (1990)(Maxis)(Jp-En)
Populous (1990)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)
Dai Koukai Jidai (1990)(Koei)(Jp)[UserDisk]
RAC Rally (1995)(Victor)(En)
Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom (1988)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)
Lesser Mern (1992)(Panther Software)(Jp)
Ultima Underworld - The Stygian Abyss (1993)(Origins)(Jp)
Star CruserII (1994)(JHV)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Mirrors (1992)(Views)(Jp)
Shounen Magazine History (1992)(Datt Japan)(Jp)
Dragon Knight III (1991)(Elf)(Jp)
Emerald Dragon (1992)(Glodia)(Jp)
Record of Lodoss War (1991)(Humming Bird)(Jp)
Wizardry VII - Crusaders of the Dark Savant (1993)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)
Last Survivor (1990)(CRI)(Jp)
Custom Mate2 + Itsuka Dokokade (1995)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)
Morita ShougiII (1989)(Enix)(Jp)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1991)(Sierra)(Jp)
Uchu Kaitou Funny Bee (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Viewpoint (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Shinc (1993)(Libido)(Jp)
4D Sports Tennis (1993)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Trigger (1994)(ZyX)(Jp)
Inju Gakuen (1994)(Dez Soft Network)(Jp)
Zenith (1995)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Strike Commander Plus (1994)(Origin)(Jp-En)
Desire (1994)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 2 - Memories (1989)(Datawest)(Jp)
Rance 3 v1.21 (Adult)(1991)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Idol Project (1995)(KSS)(Jp)
DE JAII (1992)(Elf)(Jp)
Kyan Kyan Collection (1989)(Icell)(Jp)
Aeternam (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Star CruserII (1994)(JHV)(Jp)
Ultima VI - The False Prophet (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)[UserDisk]
Psychic Detective Vol. 1 - Invitation (1992)(Datawest)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Game Technopolis Super Collection1 (1992)(Tokuma Shoten)(Jp)
Dungeon Master Chaos Strikes Back (1990)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Libido7 (1994)(Libido)(Jp)
Moon Light Chan Rin Shan (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Schwarzschild IV (1993)(Kogado)(Jp)
Zak McKracken and The Alien Mindbenders (1990)(Lucasarts)(Jp-En)
IgoII (1989)(Ascii)(Jp)
Dead Force (1995)(Fuga System)(Jp)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Toushin Toshi II Soshite Sorekara(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Power Monger (1992)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)
Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom (1988)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)
Genocide Squared (1993)(Zoom)(Jp-En)
Eimmy to Yobanaide (1995)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Sim Earth (1993)(Maxis)(Jp)
Mirage (1993)(Intergalactic Development)
Zenith (1995)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Vastness (1993)(CD Bros)(Jp)
Tatsujin Ou (aka Truxton II) (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Dead of the Brain (1993)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Mirage (1993)(Intergalactic Development)
Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge (1991)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Life & Death (1992)(Ving)(Jp)
Zatsuon Ryouiki (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Emerald Dragon (1992)(Glodia)(Jp)
Scholar Movie Magazine (1994)(King Video)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Take the A-Train III (1991)(Artdink)(Jp)
Words Worth (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny (1988)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Afterburner 2 (1989)(Sega)(Jp-En)
Last Survivor (1990)(CRI)(Jp)
FMTOWNS Super Technology Demo 1993 (Demo)(1993)(Fujitsu)[Game Previews]
Wrestle Angels Special (1994)(Great)(Jp)
Life & Death II (1992)(Ving)(Jp)
Yami no Ketsuzoku Special (1991)(System Sacom)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Wizardry VII - Crusaders of the Dark Savant (1993)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)
RanceIV (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Genocide Squared (1993)(Zoom)(Jp-En)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc C - The Fortress]
Life & Death (1992)(Ving)(Jp)
Turbo Outrun (1988)(Sega)(Jp)
Super Real Mahjong PII+PIII (Jp)(1992)(Ving)
Angel Halo (1996)(Active)(Jp)
Strike Commander Plus (1994)(Origin)(Jp-En)[100MB HDD]
Dungeon Master (1987)(FTL)(Jp-En)
Can Can Bunny Extra (1993)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)
A 1-2-3 (19xx)(-)(Jp)
Legend of Kyrandia, The (1992)(Westwood Studios)(Jp)
AD&D Dragons of Flame (1992)(PonyCanyon)(Jp-En)
Mirrors (1992)(Views)(Jp)
Advantage Tennis (1992)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc B - The Arctic Ocean]
Advantage Tennis (1992)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Legend of Kyrandia, The (1992)(Westwood Studios)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Gekan (1993)(Datawest)(Jp)
Uwaki na Anata (1994)(HOP)(Jp)
Takamizawa Kyousuke Nekketsu!! Kyouikukenshu (1995)(ZyX)(Jp)
Vain Dream (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)
Rance 3 v1.21 (Adult)(1991)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Branmarker2 (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)[GameDisc]
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc A]
Power Monger (1992)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)[BootDisk-En]
Rayxanber (1990)(Datawest)(Jp-En)
Cal Towns (1992)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Angel Halo (1996)(Active)(Jp)
Scavenger 4 (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
4th Unit Act 1+2 Towns Linkage, The (1989)(Datawest)(Jp)
Loom (1991)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Ayumichan Monogatari (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Ikazuchi no Sensi Laidi (1994)(ZyX)(Jp)
Jyoshikousei Shoujyohatsunetsu (1993)(Byakuya Shobou)(Jp)
Free Will -Knight of Argent- (1992)(Sofcom)(Jp)
Uwaki na Anata (1994)(HOP)(Jp)
Ishido (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Nova (1993)(Cats Pro)(Jp)
Sotsugyou'93 Graduation (1993)(-)(Jp)
Horde,The(req.HD Install) (1995)(AMT)(Jp)
Kikou Shidan (1990)(Artdink)(Jp)
Rance4.2(Req.Hd Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Mad Stalker (1994)(Family Soft)(Jp-En)
Horde,The(req.HD Install) (1995)(AMT)(Jp)
Ambivalenz (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Mega Spectre (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Legends of Valour (1993)(US Gold)(Jp)
Return to Zork(req.HD Install) (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)
Dragon Half (1994)(MicroCabin)(Jp)
Toushin Toshi II Soshite Sorekara(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
RanceIV (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Date,The (1990)(Jamp)(Jp)
Super Street Fighter II (1993)(Capcom)(Jp-En)
Centurion (1993)(Victor)(Jp)
Giga Motion (1995)(InterHeart)(Jp)
Murder ClubDX (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Metal Eye2 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Tatsujin Ou (aka Truxton II) (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Xak III - The Eternal Recurrence (1993)(MicroCabin-Nec)(Jp)
Atlas,The (1991)(Artdink)(Jp)
Cyberia(req.HD Install) (1995)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Scavenger 4 (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Lemmings (1991)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Life & Death II (1992)(Ving)(Jp)
GohII Towns Special (1993)(Wolf Team)(Jp)
Pu-Li-Ru-La (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Jankirou (1994)(Fairytale)(Jp)
AtlasII,The (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)
Ms. Detective (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)(Disc 2 of 2)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Eye Of The Beholder II (1991)(SSI)(Jp)
Viper V10 Turbo RS (1995)(Sogna)(Jp)
Super Real Mahjong PIV (1994)(Ving)(Jp)
Jyoshikousei Shoujyohatsunetsu (1993)(Byakuya Shobou)(Jp)
Centurion (1993)(Victor)(Jp)
F29 Retaliator (1993)(Imagineer)(Jp)
Ambivalenz (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
4th Unit Act 1+2 Towns Linkage, The (1989)(Datawest)(Jp)
DOR Special Edition Sakigake (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Populous (1990)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)
Custom Mate2 + Itsuka Dokokade (1995)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)[SaveDisk]
Ultima VI - The False Prophet (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)
DE JAII (1992)(Elf)(Jp)
Super Real Mahjong PII+PIII (Jp)(1992)(Ving)
Sim City 2000 (1993)(Maxis)(Jp)
Uchu Kaitou Funny Bee (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Wizardry VI - Bane of the Cosmic Forge (1990)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)
Railroad Tycoon (19xx)(Microprose)(Jp)[missing bootdisk]
Incredible Machine,The (1994)(Cybelle)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Gekan (1993)(Datawest)(Jp)
Strike Commander Plus (1994)(Origin)(Jp-En)
Doukyusei2 (1995)(Elf)(Jp)
Takamizawa Kyousuke Nekketsu!! Kyouikukenshu (1995)(ZyX)(Jp)
DPS Zenbu(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Mugenhouyou(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Sim Earth (1993)(Maxis)(Jp)
Wing Commander+Secret Missions (1990)(Origin)(Jp-En)[UserDisk]
Psychic Detective Vol. 4 - Olgel (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Jyoukan (1992)(Datawest)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc A - Unidentified Noise]
Rejection Denno Syoujyo (1992)(Takeru)(Jp)
Super Shooting Towns (199x)(-)(Jp-En)
Micro Cosm (1993)(Psygnosis)(Jp)
Railroad Tycoon (19xx)(Microprose)(Jp)[missing bootdisk]
Nova (1993)(Cats Pro)(Jp)
Yuwaku (1996)(T2)(Jp)
Scholar Movie Magazine (1994)(King Video)(Jp)
A 1-2-3 (19xx)(-)(Jp)
Mega Morph (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp)
Galaxy Force II (1990)(CSK)(Jp-En)
Rance4.1(Req.Hd Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Cal Towns (1992)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Wing Commander II and Special Operations (1991)(Origin)(Jp)[50MB HDD]
Legend of Kyrandia, The (1992)(Westwood Studios)(Jp)
AtlasII,The (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Dai Koukai Jidai (1990)(Koei)(Jp)
Jan Jaka Jan (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Morita ShougiII (1989)(Enix)(Jp)
Silent Mobius (1991)(Gainax)(Jp)
Kikou Shidan (1990)(Artdink)(Jp)
Kyukyoku Tiger (aka Twin Cobra) (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)[UserDisk]
Kings Bounty (1994)(Star Craft)(Jp)
Wrestle Angels3 (1994)(Great)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Record of Lodoss War (1991)(Humming Bird)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Branmarker (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
DOR Special Edition Sakigake (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
RanceIV (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Wing Commander+Secret Missions (1990)(Origin)(Jp-En)
Ultima VI - The False Prophet (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Kigen (19xx)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Mega Morph (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp)
Mad Paradox (1994)(Queen Soft)(Jp)
Dai Koukai Jidai (1990)(Koei)(Jp)
FMTOWNS Super Technology Demo 1993 (Demo)(1993)(Fujitsu)[Game Previews]
Take the A-Train III (1991)(Artdink)(Jp)
Micro Cosm (1993)(Psygnosis)(Jp)
Shangrlia2 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Takamizawa Kyousuke Nekketsu!! Kyouikukenshu (1995)(ZyX)(Jp)
Chase HQ (1991)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Towns Hyakunin Issyu (1989)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Gekan (1993)(Datawest)(Jp)
Mega Spectre (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Game Technopolis Super Collection1 (1992)(Tokuma Shoten)(Jp)
Jyoshikousei Shoujyohatsunetsu (1993)(Byakuya Shobou)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc C - The Fortress]
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1993)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Prince of Persia (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Last Survivor (1990)(CRI)(Jp)
Silent Mobius (1991)(Gainax)(Jp)
Trigger (1994)(ZyX)(Jp)
Schwarzschild (1991)(Kogado)(Jp)
Pro Student -G- (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Psychic Detective Vol. 2 - Memories (1989)(Datawest)(Jp)
Ring Out!! (1995)(ZyX)(Jp)
Drakkhen (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Burai Kanketuhen (1991)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Branmarker (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc C - The Fortress]
Mubile Suit Gundam Hyper Desert Operation (1992)(FamilySoft)(Jp)
Return to Zork(req.HD Install) (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)
Mahou Daisakusen (aka Sorcerer Striker) (1993)(Electronic Arts)(Jp)
Uwaki na Anata (1994)(HOP)(Jp)
Ayumichan Monogatari (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Galaxy Wars - Regional Power II (1992)(Cosmos)(Jp)
Power Dolls2 (1995)(Kogado)(Jp)
Yami no Ketsuzoku Special (1991)(System Sacom)(Jp)
Ishido (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Best Play Baseball,The (1992)(Ascii)(Jp)
T.D,F (1990)(Datawest)(Jp)
Mirage (1993)(Intergalactic Development)
Doukyusei2 (1995)(Elf)(Jp)
Ikazuchi no Sensi Laidi (1994)(ZyX)(Jp)
Elfish(req.HD Install) (1994)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Manhole,The (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc C]
IgoII (1989)(Ascii)(Jp)
Dead Force (1995)(Fuga System)(Jp)
Final Blow (1990)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Record of Lodoss War (1991)(Humming Bird)(Jp)
Sim Earth (1993)(Maxis)(Jp)
Sim Farm (1994)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Doukyusei (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Ultima Underworld - The Stygian Abyss (1993)(Origins)(Jp)
4th Unit Act 1+2 Towns Linkage, The (1989)(Datawest)(Jp)
Power Monger (1992)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)
Zatsuon Ryouiki (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Sotsugyou'93 Graduation (1993)(-)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Flying Shark (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Idol Project (1995)(KSS)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Wizardry VI - Bane of the Cosmic Forge (1990)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)
Ms. Detective (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)(Disc 1 of 2)
Manhole,The (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Maria ni Sasageru Ballade (1995)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Raiden Densetsu (1991)(Kid Corp)(Jp-En)
Mahjong de Pon! (1994)(Active)(Jp)
Lunatic Dawn II (1994)(Artdink)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Dai Koukai Jidai (1990)(Koei)(Jp)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Doukyusei (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Ring Out!! (1995)(ZyX)(Jp)
Gekirin (1994)(NAC)(Jp)
Aeternam (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Ultima Trilogy 1-3 (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Xak II (1991)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)
Crescent Moon (1989)(Alice Soft)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Metal Eye (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Blue (1992)(Kinpukurin)(Jp)
Bubble Bobble (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Railroad Tycoon (19xx)(Microprose)(Jp)[missing bootdisk]
Jealousy (1995)(InterHeart)(Jp)
Evolution (1989)(System Sacom)(Jp-En)
Chase HQ (1991)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Moon Light Chan Rin Shan (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Bacta1+2 (1996)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Doll Using (19xx)(Forest)(Jp)
Mirrors (1992)(Views)(Jp)
Zan 2 (19xx)(-)(Jp)
Ultima Underworld - The Stygian Abyss (1993)(Origins)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Murder ClubDX (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Mahjong Houteiraoyui (1995)(Queen Soft)(Jp)
Bacta1+2 (1996)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Advantage Tennis (1992)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Shangrlia2 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Strike Commander Plus (1994)(Origin)(Jp-En)
Angel Halo (1996)(Active)(Jp)
Gakuen King(req.Hd Install) (1996)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
F29 Retaliator (1993)(Imagineer)(Jp)
Morita ShougiII (1989)(Enix)(Jp)
Mirage (1993)(Intergalactic Development)
Kings Quest V (1991)(Sierra)(Jp)
Branmarker (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Eimmy to Yobanaide (1995)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Genocide Squared (1993)(Zoom)(Jp-En)
Inju Gakuen (1994)(Dez Soft Network)(Jp)
Strong Hold (1994)(Ving)(Jp)
Zatsuon Ryouiki (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Dragon Knight4 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari2 (1992)(D.O.)(Jp)
Image Fight (1990)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Chase HQ (1991)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Rance 3 v1.21 (Adult)(1991)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Marble Madness (1991)(Homedata)(Jp-En)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari (1992)(D.O.)(Jp)
AtlasII,The (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)
Dragon Knight III (1991)(Elf)(Jp)
Cyberia(req.HD Install) (1995)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Dead Force (1995)(Fuga System)(Jp)
Toushin Toshi II Soshite Sorekara(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Mandarake Ichizoku (1995)(Foresight)(Jp)
Angel Halo (1996)(Active)(Jp)
Game Technopolis Super Collection1 (1992)(Tokuma Shoten)(Jp)
Kyan Kyan Collection (1989)(Icell)(Jp)
Wizardry VI - Bane of the Cosmic Forge (1990)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)
Alone In The Dark (19xx)(Infogrames)(Jp)
Micro Cosm (1993)(Psygnosis)(Jp)
Zan 2 (19xx)(-)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Yami no Ketsuzoku Special (1991)(System Sacom)(Jp)
Yami no Ketsuzoku Special (1991)(System Sacom)(Jp)
Blandia (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Super Shanghai II Dragons Eye (1991)(Hot B)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari2 (1992)(D.O.)(Jp)
T.D,F (1990)(Datawest)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Gekan (1993)(Datawest)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Yuwaku (1996)(T2)(Jp)
Eye Of The Beholder II (1991)(SSI)(Jp)
Yuwaku (1996)(T2)(Jp)
Nova (1993)(Cats Pro)(Jp)
Air Combat II Special (1993)(Victor Musical)(Jp)
Death Brade (1992)(Kid Corp)(Jp)
LibbleRabble (1993)(Namco)(Jp-En)
Schwarzschild (1991)(Kogado)(Jp)
Vain DreamII (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)
Jankirou (1994)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Afterburner (1987)(Sega)(Jp-En)
Strong Hold (1994)(Ving)(Jp)
Cyberia(req.HD Install) (1995)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Burai Jyoukan (1990)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Uchu Kaitou Funny Bee (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Ms. Detective (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)(Disc 1 of 2)
Aokiohkami to Sirokimejika Genchohishi (1993)(Koei)(Jp)
Mandarake Ichizoku (1995)(Foresight)(Jp)
Mad Paradox (1994)(Queen Soft)(Jp)
Trigger (1994)(ZyX)(Jp)
Rejection Denno Syoujyo (1992)(Takeru)(Jp)
KiwameII (1994)(Log)(Jp)
Drakkhen (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Dragon Knight4 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Rayxanber (1990)(Datawest)(Jp-En)
Ayumichan Monogatari Jissyaban (1995)(Byakuya Shobou)(Jp)
Mahjong de Pon! (1994)(Active)(Jp)
Kyukyoku Tiger (aka Twin Cobra) (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Shangrlia2 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Rance4.2(Req.Hd Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Sotsugyou'93 Graduation (1993)(-)(Jp)
Kikou Shidan (1990)(Artdink)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc A - Unidentified Noise]
Psychic Detective Vol. 4 - Olgel (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari3 (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc C]
Cyberia(req.HD Install) (1995)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Tiny Step (1993)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Blue (1992)(Kinpukurin)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 5 - Nightmare (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)
Lemmings (1991)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Kikou Shidan (1990)(Artdink)(Jp)
Kings Bounty (1994)(Star Craft)(Jp)
Alshark (1991)(Right Stuff Corp)(Jp)
4D Sports Tennis (1993)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Metal Eye2 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Doukyusei2 (1995)(Elf)(Jp)
3x3 Eyes (1993)(Nihon Create)(Jp)
Regional Power2 (1992)(Cosmos)(Jp)
Flying Shark (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Elfish(req.HD Install) (1994)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Emerald Dragon (1992)(Glodia)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Madoh Gakuin R (19xx)(Foresight)(Jp)
Yami no Ketsuzoku Special (1991)(System Sacom)(Jp)
DPS Zenbu(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Ultima Trilogy 1-3 (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Psychic Detective Vol. 4 - Olgel (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)
Ambivalenz (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Dragon Knight4 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Volfied (1991)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Super Shanghai II Dragons Eye (1991)(Hot B)(Jp)
Might and Magic - Darkside of Xeen (1993)(New World Computing)(Jp)
Sotsugyou'93 Graduation (1993)(-)(Jp)
Zan 2 (19xx)(-)(Jp)
Regional Power2 (1992)(Cosmos)(Jp)
Etsuraku no Gakuen (1994)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Life & Death (1992)(Ving)(Jp)
Wrestle Angels3 (1994)(Great)(Jp)
Sim City 2000 (1993)(Maxis)(Jp)
Splatterhouse (1992)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Idol Project (1995)(KSS)(Jp)
Volfied (1991)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Super Street Fighter II (1993)(Capcom)(Jp-En)
Digital Pinup Girls Vol.1 (1993)(Transpegasus Limited)(Jp-En)
Emerald Dragon (1992)(Glodia)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari3 (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 3 - Aya (1990)(Datawest)(Jp)
Towns Hyakunin Issyu (1989)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Hanahuda de Pon! (1996)(Active)(Jp)
Madoh Gakuin R (19xx)(Foresight)(Jp)
Madoh Gakuin R (19xx)(Foresight)(Jp)
Populous (1990)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)
Take the A-Train IV (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)[SystemDisk]
Gakuen King(req.Hd Install) (1996)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Burai Kanketuhen (1991)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Vain DreamII (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)
Splatterhouse (1992)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Psychic Detective Vol. 2 - Memories (1989)(Datawest)(Jp)
Mad Stalker (1994)(Family Soft)(Jp-En)
Best Play Baseball,The (1992)(Ascii)(Jp)
Regional Power2 (1992)(Cosmos)(Jp)
Mugenhouyou(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Mugenhouyou(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Joshua (1992)(Panther Software)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 1 - Invitation (1992)(Datawest)(Jp)
Rayxanber (1990)(Datawest)(Jp-En)
Hanahuda de Pon! (1996)(Active)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc B - The Arctic Ocean]
Incredible Machine,The (1994)(Cybelle)(Jp)
Splatterhouse (1992)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Psychic Detective Final - Solitude Jyoukan (1992)(Datawest)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Wakoku Seiha Den (1994)(Mic)(Jp)
Sherlock Holmes no Tantei Kouza (1991)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Maria ni Sasageru Ballade (1995)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Horde,The(req.HD Install) (1995)(AMT)(Jp)
Lemmings (1991)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Youju Senki AD2048 (Adult)(19xx)(DO)(Jp)
Death Brade (1992)(Kid Corp)(Jp)
Alone in the Dark2(req.HD Install) (1994)(AMT)(Jp)
Loom (1991)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Dalk (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Schwarzschild IV (1993)(Kogado)(Jp)
Rainbow Islands Extra (1992)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Sherlock Holmes no Tantei Kouza (1991)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
F29 Retaliator (1993)(Imagineer)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc A - Unidentified Noise]
Mandarake Ichizoku (1995)(Foresight)(Jp)
Branmarker2 (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)[GameDisc]
Heart de Ron (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Murder ClubDX (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Last Survivor (1990)(CRI)(Jp)
Strike Commander Plus (1994)(Origin)(Jp-En)
Death Brade (1992)(Kid Corp)(Jp)
Mubile Suit Gundam Hyper Desert Operation (1992)(FamilySoft)(Jp)
Ambivalenz (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Princess Maker 2 (1994)(Gainax)(Jp)
DE JAII (1992)(Elf)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 4 - Olgel (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)
Sim City (1990)(Maxis)(Jp-En)
Provvidenza - Legenda la spada di Alfa (1991)(Sofcom Corp)(Jp)[UserDisk]
F29 Retaliator (1993)(Imagineer)(Jp)
Desire (1994)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Legend of Kyrandia, The (1992)(Westwood Studios)(Jp)[UserDisk]
Kings Bounty (1994)(Star Craft)(Jp)
Can Can Bunny Extra (1993)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)
Towns Hyakunin Issyu (1989)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Words Worth (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Yumimi Mix (1993)(CRI)(Jp)
Wakoku Seiha Den (1994)(Mic)(Jp)
Shangrlia2 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc B]
Dead of the Brain (1993)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Pu-Li-Ru-La (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Populous (1990)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)
Hana no Kioku (1995)(Foster)(Jp)
Scholar Movie Magazine (1994)(King Video)(Jp)
Free Will -Knight of Argent- (1992)(Sofcom)(Jp)
Mega Morph (1994)(Psygnosis)(Jp)
Life & Death II (1992)(Ving)(Jp)
Ishido (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Burai Kanketuhen (1991)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Necronomicon (1994)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Final Blow (1990)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Bubble Bobble (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Jealousy (1995)(InterHeart)(Jp)
Star CruserII (1994)(JHV)(Jp)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc A]
FMTOWNS Super Technology Demo 1993 (Demo)(1993)(Fujitsu)[Game Previews]
Puyo Puyo (1994)(CRI)(Jp)
Xak II (1991)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)
Populous & The Promised Lands (1990)(Imagineer)(Jp)
Rance 3 v1.21 (Adult)(1991)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Silent Mobius (1991)(Gainax)(Jp)
Puyo Puyo (1994)(CRI)(Jp)
T.D,F (1990)(Datawest)(Jp)
Date,The (1990)(Jamp)(Jp)
Vain Dream (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari3 (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Puyo Puyo (1994)(CRI)(Jp)
Provvidenza - Legenda la spada di Alfa (1991)(Sofcom Corp)(Jp)
Take the A-Train IV (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)
Super Shooting Towns (199x)(-)(Jp-En)
KiwameII (1994)(Log)(Jp)
LibbleRabble (1993)(Namco)(Jp-En)
Dragon Half (1994)(MicroCabin)(Jp)
Secret of the Monkey Island (1992)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)[BootDisk]
Wakoku Seiha Den (1994)(Mic)(Jp)
Wrestle Angels Special (1994)(Great)(Jp)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1991)(Sierra)(Jp)
Libido7 (1994)(Libido)(Jp)
Ms. Detective (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)(Disc 2 of 2)
Shounen Magazine History (1992)(Datt Japan)(Jp)
Operation Wolf (1990)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Mad Paradox (1994)(Queen Soft)(Jp)
Metal Eye (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Flying Shark (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Jan Jaka Jan (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
4D Sports Driving (1992)(Distinctive Software)(Jp-En)
Final Blow (1990)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Joshua (1992)(Panther Software)(Jp)
Rejection Denno Syoujyo (1992)(Takeru)(Jp)
Raiden Densetsu (1991)(Kid Corp)(Jp-En)
Ring Out!! (1995)(ZyX)(Jp)
Derby Stallion (1994)(Ascii)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 4 - Olgel (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari2 (1992)(D.O.)(Jp)
Necronomicon (1994)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Pu-Li-Ru-La (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Rainbow Islands Extra (1992)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Xenon (19xx)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Dai Koukai Jidai (1990)(Koei)(Jp)
Giga Motion (1995)(InterHeart)(Jp)
Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenshouki (1994)(Koei)(Jp)[mp3 source]
Gakuen King(req.Hd Install) (1996)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Super Street Fighter II (1993)(Capcom)(Jp-En)
ElmKnight (1992)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)
Take the A-Train IV (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)
Advantage Tennis (1992)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Xak II (1991)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)
Mubile Suit Gundam Hyper Classic Operation (1992)(FamilySoft)(Jp)
My Eyes (1992)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
RanceIV (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Dungeon Master II Skull Keep (1993)(Victor)(Jp)
4D Sports Boxing (1991)(Distinctive Software)(Jp-En)
Desire (1994)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Alone in the Dark2(req.HD Install) (1994)(AMT)(Jp)
Sim Farm (1994)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc A]
Marble Madness (1991)(Homedata)(Jp-En)
Alshark (1991)(Right Stuff Corp)(Jp)
Jan Jaka Jan (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Super Real Mahjong PII+PIII (Jp)(1992)(Ving)
Wrestle Angels3 (1994)(Great)(Jp)
Schwarzschild IV (1993)(Kogado)(Jp)
Doukyusei (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Doll Using (19xx)(Forest)(Jp)
IgoII (1989)(Ascii)(Jp)
Castles (1992)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Manhole,The (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Ms. Detective (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)(Disc 1 of 2)
Alshark (1991)(Right Stuff Corp)(Jp)
Xak III - The Eternal Recurrence (1993)(MicroCabin-Nec)(Jp)
Digital Pinup Girls Vol.1 (1993)(Transpegasus Limited)(Jp-En)
RAC Rally (1995)(Victor)(En)
Ms. Detective (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)(Disc 2 of 2)
Rainbow Islands Extra (1992)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Aokiohkami to Sirokimejika Genchohishi (1993)(Koei)(Jp)
Lemmings (1991)(Psygnosis)(Jp-En)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc B]
Xak II (1991)(Micro Cabin)(Jp)
Hanahuda de Pon! (1996)(Active)(Jp)
Ms. Detective (1991)(Datawest)(Jp)(Disc 2 of 2)
Tiny Step (1993)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Bacta1+2 (1996)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
AD&D Dragons of Flame (1992)(PonyCanyon)(Jp-En)
Centurion (1993)(Victor)(Jp)
Ayumichan Monogatari (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Tiny Step (1993)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Ambivalenz (1994)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Turbo Outrun (1988)(Sega)(Jp)
Might and Magic - Darkside of Xeen (1993)(New World Computing)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Eye Of The Beholder II (1991)(SSI)(Jp)
Kyan Kyan Collection (1989)(Icell)(Jp)
Star CruserII (1994)(JHV)(Jp)
Viewpoint (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Samurai Spirits (1995)(Ving)(Jp-En)[mp3 source]
Morita ShougiII (1989)(Enix)(Jp)
Ultima VI - The False Prophet (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Genocide Squared (1993)(Zoom)(Jp-En)
Railroad Tycoon (19xx)(Microprose)(Jp)[missing bootdisk]
Silent Mobius (1991)(Gainax)(Jp)
Dungeon Master II Skull Keep (1993)(Victor)(Jp)
Princess Maker 2 (1994)(Gainax)(Jp)
AD&D Dragons of Flame (1992)(PonyCanyon)(Jp-En)
Psychic Detective Vol. 3 - Aya (1990)(Datawest)(Jp)
Gun Blaze (1994)(Active)(Jp)
Ponkan (1994)(Ponytail Soft)(Jp)
Ultima Trilogy 1-3 (1990)(Origins)(Jp-En)
Sherlock Holmes no Tantei Kouza (1991)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
My Eyes (1992)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Viper V10 Turbo RS (1995)(Sogna)(Jp)
Yumimi Mix (1993)(CRI)(Jp)
Inju Gakuen (1994)(Dez Soft Network)(Jp)
Dragon Half (1994)(MicroCabin)(Jp)
Return to Zork(req.HD Install) (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)
4D Sports Driving (1992)(Distinctive Software)(Jp-En)
Dungeon Master Chaos Strikes Back (1990)(Victor)(Jp-En)
Custom Mate2 + Itsuka Dokokade (1995)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)
Death Brade (1992)(Kid Corp)(Jp)
Power Monger (1992)(Imagineer)(Jp-En)[BootDisk-Jp]
Super Shooting Towns (199x)(-)(Jp-En)
Giga Motion (1995)(InterHeart)(Jp)
Best Play Baseball,The (1992)(Ascii)(Jp)
FMTOWNS Super Technology Demo 1993 (Demo)(1993)(Fujitsu)[Game Previews]
Zenith (1995)(Himeya Soft)(Jp)
Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge (1991)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Hoshi no Suna Monogatari3 (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Maria ni Sasageru Ballade (1995)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenshouki (1994)(Koei)(Jp)[mp3 source]
Yuwaku (1996)(T2)(Jp)
Emerald Dragon (1992)(Glodia)(Jp)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Prince of Persia (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Super Real Mahjong PIV (1994)(Ving)(Jp)
Custom Mate2 + Itsuka Dokokade (1995)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)
Murder ClubDX (1992)(Riverhill Soft)(Jp)
Record of Lodoss War (1991)(Humming Bird)(Jp)
Eimmy to Yobanaide (1995)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Puyo Puyo (1994)(CRI)(Jp)
DPS Zenbu(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Dead Force (1995)(Fuga System)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 5 - Nightmare (1994)(Datawest)(Jp)
American Oudan Ultra Quizz - King of Quiz (1994)(NTV)(Jp)
Rainbow Islands Extra (1992)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Mubile Suit Gundam Hyper Classic Operation (1992)(FamilySoft)(Jp)
Super Street Fighter II (1993)(Capcom)(Jp-En)
Incredible Machine,The (1994)(Cybelle)(Jp)
Psychic Detective Vol. 3 - Aya (1990)(Datawest)(Jp)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc C]
Zatsuon Ryouiki (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Sayaka (1994)(Ides)(Jp)
DOR Special Edition Sakigake (1993)(D.O.)(Jp)
Super Real Mahjong PIV (1994)(Ving)(Jp)
4D Sports Boxing (1991)(Distinctive Software)(Jp-En)
Viper V10 Turbo RS (1995)(Sogna)(Jp)
Secret of the Blue Water, The (1991)(Toho)(Jp)[Disc A - Unidentified Noise]
Hana no Kioku (1995)(Foster)(Jp)
Die Gekirin (1995)(NAC)(Jp)
Secret of the Monkey Island (1992)(LucasFilm)(Jp-En)
Derby Stallion (1994)(Ascii)(Jp)
Doki Doki Disk CDban Vol.1 (1994)(D.O.)(Jp)
Ring Out!! (1995)(ZyX)(Jp)
Aeternam (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Lunatic Dawn II (1994)(Artdink)(Jp)
Ayumichan Monogatari (1993)(Alice Soft)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Xak III - The Eternal Recurrence (1993)(MicroCabin-Nec)(Jp)
Mega Spectre (1993)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Dungeon Master II Skull Keep (1993)(Victor)(Jp)
Custom Mate2 + Itsuka Dokokade (1995)(Cocktail Soft)(Jp)
Wing Commander II and Special Operations (1991)(Origin)(Jp)
Necronomicon (1994)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Chase HQ (1991)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Vain DreamII (1993)(Glodia)(Jp)
Jankirou (1994)(Fairytale)(Jp)
Ayumichan Monogatari Jissyaban (1995)(Byakuya Shobou)(Jp)
Pu-Li-Ru-La (1994)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Gun Blaze (1994)(Active)(Jp)
Mugenhouyou(req.HD Install) (1995)(Alice Soft)(Jp)
Take the A-Train IV (1993)(Artdink)(Jp)
Samurai Spirits (1995)(Ving)(Jp-En)[BootDisk]
Flying Shark (1993)(Ving)(Jp-En)
Super Shanghai II Dragons Eye (1991)(Hot B)(Jp)
Lesser Mern (1992)(Panther Software)(Jp)
Mahou Daisakusen (aka Sorcerer Striker) (1993)(Electronic Arts)(Jp)
Gun Blaze (1994)(Active)(Jp)
Doki Doki Disk CDban Vol.1 (1994)(D.O.)(Jp)
Shounen Magazine History (1992)(Datt Japan)(Jp)
Hanahuda de Pon! (1996)(Active)(Jp)[BootDisk]
Metal Eye (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Words Worth (1993)(Elf)(Jp)
Cal Towns (1992)(Birdie Soft)(Jp)
Xenon (19xx)(Cs Ware)(Jp)
Manhole,The (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp)
Sotsugyou'93 Graduation (1993)(-)(Jp)
Metal Eye2 (1994)(Elf)(Jp)
Legends of Valour (1993)(US Gold)(Jp)
Joshua (1992)(Panther Software)(Jp)
Doukyusei2 (1995)(Elf)(Jp)
Evolution (1989)(System Sacom)(Jp-En)
Last Armageddon CD Special (1989)(Brain Grey)(Jp)[Disc B]
Drakkhen (1990)(Fujitsu)(Jp-En)
Legend of Kyrandia, The (1992)(Westwood Studios)(Jp)
Provvidenza - Legenda la spada di Alfa (1991)(Sofcom Corp)(Jp)
Heart de Ron (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Wizardry VI - Bane of the Cosmic Forge (1990)(Sir-Tech Software)(Jp)
Heart de Ron (1995)(D.O.)(Jp)
Takamizawa Kyousuke Nekketsu!! Kyouikukenshu (1995)(ZyX)(Jp)
Shinc (1993)(Libido)(Jp)
Strong Hold (1994)(Ving)(Jp)
Life & Death II (1992)(Ving)(Jp)
AD&D Dragons of Flame (1992)(PonyCanyon)(Jp-En)
Afterburner 2 (1989)(Sega)(Jp-En)
Intruder (1989)(AliceSoft)
Aokiohkami to Sirokimejika Genchohishi (1993)(Koei)(Jp)
Idol Project (1995)(KSS)(Jp)
Intruder (1989)(AliceSoft)[UserDisk]
Alone in the Dark2(req.HD Install) (1994)(AMT)(Jp)
Ponkan (1994)(Ponytail Soft)(Jp)