If you are a book lover and you have a noble collection of books, termites may be a horror for you because they can destroy your valuable book. Termites eat books due to their high cellulose content. If they have the chance, the silent destroyer can eat your whole book collection, no matter how big. If the bookshelf is built of wood, this is a delight for the termites. The termites are attracted to and feed on the wood. If you find out about termite infestation in your house, then the first question that arises in your mind is how to get rid of termites in books. In this blog, we will suggest a few steps to save your beautiful library.
There are a few procedures you may take into account to protect your books before calling the termite treatment expert.
Examine Books to Check the Signs of Termite Infestation
You can quickly eliminate the infection if you are able to identify it in the initial stage. Although termite infestation in furniture may take a while to show symptoms, in the case of books, it is relatively easy to find out the signs.
When termites start attacking your books, there are a few telltale indicators you may look out for.
Mild: The page edges begin to fray, and the pages become dry and greyish, with discarded wings around your book.
Medium: The pages start to develop little holes and a film of dust like wood shaving.
Severe: The book’s cover, pages, and veins all have tunnel-like holes in them.
Clean the Whole Bookcase and Spray Termiticide
Efficient Bookcase Cleaning and Termite Protection: A Step-by-Step Guide
When you confirm a termite infestation, taking necessary steps as early as possible is the best option to get rid of them. First, you need to empty and thoroughly clean the bookshelf. Look for any access points or holes since termites often have them when living in colonies. If any holes or bumps are discovered, apply termiticide, seal the area, and repeat the process once a week.
Additionally, clutter gives termites a chance to hide while they make their way towards your books. Furthermore, keep your book moisture-free because mold grows on a wet book, which makes the book more delicious and convenient for termites to eat.
You have a greater chance of preventing an infestation if you make sure none of these circumstances occur. To prevent insects and termites from building their nests on your bookshelf, start cleaning and dusting it on a regular basis. You may use steel or plastic bookshelves rather than wooden bookshelves because they are vulnerable to termite infestation.
Take Care of Your Book
After vacuuming the bookshelf, you must spray termiticide on it. In the next step, it is also crucial to keep the bookshelf dry for a bit (ideally in the sun). The process will help you to eradicate any termites that may still be present and stop further infestation.
It is also important to take care of your books as well to keep them termite-free. It’s necessary to clean the book although termites may be found within it. After giving the books a thorough dusting, let them outside in the sun. While it is the best technique to kill termites, keep the book in the sunlight for two to three hours for the heat to permeate every part of the book.
Arrange Your Library
Organizing Your Collection: Sorting and Categorizing
Sorting your books is another important step in preventing termites from accessing them. Termites, along with other insects like bed bugs and cockroaches, love to hide under books that are strewn all over the floor.
A well-organized shelf also enhances the value of your living area, but it’s not a good idea to keep the bookshelf near your sleeping space or on headboards. The bugs can quickly get into your bed and move on to other parts of your room.
Don’t put a shelf in your bedroom. If you have an infestation, the termites will go to other parts of your bedroom, and it is inconvenient to share your sleeping space with them. If the shelf is close to the wall, move it away and don’t forget to inspect the backside of the book cabinet.
Termites are stubborn insects, and permanently removing them is a challenging task. The likelihood of a return is considerable, even after you have eliminated them once. If termites are infesting your books and you are worried about how to get rid of termites in books? It is preferable to leave termite removal to an experienced termite control professional. The expert team uses cutting-edge technology and strategic approaches to eradicate termites from your book. Additionally, it will protect your book, furniture, and, ultimately, your dream home.