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yasioda @yasioda · Jul 10, 2007
 Finally free day! Morning is rainy and cloudy. Diamond raindrops pave a way on a window pane, taking, due to the law of gravitation, short cuts on a window sill. I hear behind door quick steps of Eric heading for morning wash. As I feel he has wake up too early and too early he "belts" to school.

He is 16 years old and he feels very grownup. I respect his freedom of choice, don't object to this incomprehensible for me morning madness (when I was in his age I came to this "sanctuary of human knowledge" equally with a bell and sometimes closely after it).

After a longer while my tall 180cm boy leans on my head. "Hi mum! - I hear close to my ear - I will be at 2 p.m." Bang of the door and again a silence.

I dive in myself. I saturate each my molecule with Energy of life-giving Source. I feel like countless energetic channels are changing into rivers of flowing, hot lava.

Deep calm is filling me up giving me a feeling of blissfulness. I love this dimension and I think that I could last in this endlessly. Suddenly flash. Thoughts speed and collocate into answers for questions asked before. There are also others pictures. They are not originated from my mind, but I receive them very clearly on account of a power of human Heart warmth saturation. This is for me a real miracle, unimaginable beauty flowing on a wave of deep feeling. Basking in a sun of Energy I am coming to a daily grind. Each day batch of post in my mail-box, review of a press, fast prepared meal and at least a visit of my girlfriend. She is embittered. A conflict with her boss is overflowing with a stream of bitter words. I try to signalize a point of view of mine. She doesn't like to understand that the problem is sticking in a different reception of reality. She is looking for objective truth, the truth which doesn't exist. My great friend, who is looking at the world through the glasses of love doesn't comprehend that this priceless gift filling her life and acting is not popular. People prosthesis lack of feelings with mind speculations and creation with love treat with a great forbearance, don't say with lamentable for handicap called naivety. Wanting continue a journey of our life

From a level of heart wisdom, we have to understand, that human creativity is flowing from numerous levels of Ocean of Silence. That is why there is diversity of manifestation and problems with the communication. If we don't understand this phenomena and "instead last in a silence", we hang on identification with evinced in material world variety of personality, as a result we will certainly experience many times emotional pain.

Go into yourself and in the Silence last, last, last. Feel Yourself. Pictures of the world, which is so realistic for senses slowly, zoom out. But You last. You Are even when you don't perceive anything. Here live your might and bliss. Here, in don't disturbed Emptiness is vibrating don't manifested life. You choose, materialize and experience. If you love deeper, you "higher reach", and you have more beautiful visions and after "dropping into the life whirl" greater self-experiencing. We all do it. Knowingly or not from variety of levels we create a multi coloured rainbow of experiencing of Unity in Diversity...

Let choose, create and feel that You are a lucky chap on the way to your highest on this stage of journey of self-expressing. I wish it to You from my Heart. I wish You a great happiness in experience.

Teresa Maria Zalewska