Beauty is all around us in tangible as well as intangible forms. It is inherent in every aspect of the nature, it is also visible and experienced in loving, kind interactions around us. Research has shown that experiencing aesthetics, tuning into beauty can help us in creating and nurturing wellbeing. It is also seen to be instrumental in lowering frustration and stress among other things. It was observed at a preschool in Pune that even at such a young age, children pay attention towards aesthetics. This is where our preschool realized that a uncomfortable situation for the child can be shown aesthetically. This would help in easing the difficulty for the child. Caring about such small things is what makes Aajol one of the best preschool in Pune.
What we focus on in any experience can determine our perception of the experience. Eg. exercise can be seen as something painful where we have to push ourselves into uncomfortable actions or it can be seen as a powerful instrument for health and wellbeing. When our mind has the habit of paying attention to aspects of beauty regularly, it helps us with healthy perspectives, resilience and wellbeing.
In our daily interactions with our child, when we bring the child’s attention to beauty regularly, we help our child build this habit and we also help ourselves build the same habit.
- What are all the beautiful aspects you come across in your daily life?
- It could be the beauty of trees or clouds, or the beauty of sounds of the nature- flowing water, birds or the beauty of the experience when gentle wind blows or the beauty of steam coming out of a hot cup of tea or light streaming through branches of a tree, or the colours of a flower or a butterfly or the sky at sunset or sunrise or a tree bathing in the rain or a child smiling heartily so on and so forth.
- Whenever you notice beauty, point it out to your child, help the child notice and appreciate it.