
Wingstop.com/survey – Win a $50 Gift Card – Wingstop Survey

In a bold move to further strengthen its connection with loyal customers, Wingstop has launched an extensive new survey aimed at gathering comprehensive feedback on every facet of the brand experience.

The Wingstop Customer Experience Survey

Accessible through the Wingstop mobile app and website, the in-depth survey covers a wide range of topics - from food quality and menu innovation to service, operations, and the overall restaurant environment. The company says it is leaving no stone unturned in its quest to better understand the evolving needs and preferences of its patrons.

"Listening to our customers and continuously improving based on their direct feedback is absolutely critical to our ongoing success," said Wingstop CEO Michael Skipworth. "This new survey represents our most comprehensive effort yet to gather granular, actionable insights that will inform everything from product development to staff training to facility upgrades across our growing restaurant network."

At the core of the survey are detailed questions about Wingstop's signature menu items - its classic and boneless chicken wings. Customers provide in-depth ratings on a variety of factors, including flavor, juiciness, crispiness, portion size, and overall satisfaction. The survey also explores feedback on the brand's selection of dipping sauces, as well as the taste and quality of fries, veggies, and other complementary menu items.

Beyond the food itself, the survey collects extensive feedback on the service and operational aspects of the Wingstop experience. Customers rate their interactions with Wingstop staff, the speed of service, and the overall efficiency of the order fulfillment process. They also provide detailed input on the physical restaurant environment, including cleanliness, seating comfort, and overall ambiance.

"As Wingstop continues to grow our footprint and expand our off-premises capabilities, it's absolutely critical that we maintain a consistent, high-quality customer experience regardless of how guests choose to enjoy our food," said Skipworth. "The insights we gain from this survey will be invaluable as we work to perfect that experience across every Wingstop location."

Measuring Loyalty and Brand Advocacy

In addition to the core food and operations topics, the Wingstop customer survey also explores crucial questions around customer loyalty and brand advocacy. Respondents indicate the likelihood that they will return to Wingstop in the future and whether they would recommend the restaurant to friends and family.

The survey prompts customers to share the primary reasons they choose Wingstop, as well as any specific factors that could lead them to visit more often or try new menu items. This information will help the brand refine its marketing messaging and loyalty program strategies.

"Ultimately, we want Wingstop to be the go-to destination for chicken wing lovers everywhere," said Skipworth. "The loyalty and advocacy insights from this survey will be invaluable as we work to strengthen that deep, emotional connection between our brand and our customers."

To encourage broad participation, Wingstop is offering an enticing sweepstakes incentive. Customers who complete the survey will be entered into a monthly drawing to win free Wingstop for a year.

Beyond the one-time survey, Wingstop also plans to regularly solicit customer feedback through shorter, more focused surveys throughout the year. This ongoing dialogue will allow the brand to quickly identify and address any emerging issues or changing customer preferences.

"We see this comprehensive customer survey as just the starting point of a much deeper, more continuous feedback loop with our guests," said Skipworth. "Their voice will be central to all of our key business decisions going forward."

The company says it will share key findings and insights from the survey in the coming months as it works to enhance the overall Wingstop experience for its loyal customers.

Leveraging Customer Insights for Continuous Improvement

For Wingstop, gathering in-depth customer feedback is nothing new. The brand has long relied on surveys, focus groups, and other research methods to stay closely connected with its patrons. But Skipworth says this latest survey represents a major step forward in the company's ongoing efforts to deeply understand and respond to evolving customer needs.

"We've always been a data-driven organization, but this survey really takes that to the next level," he said. "The level of granularity and specificity we're capturing on everything from food quality to service interactions to the physical environment - it's going to give us unparalleled visibility into the Wingstop customer experience."

Armed with these rich customer insights, Wingstop plans to launch a series of targeted initiatives aimed at further enhancing the brand's appeal. On the product side, the survey feedback will inform new menu item development, ingredient sourcing decisions, and adjustments to portion sizes and pricing.

The operations and service data, meanwhile, will drive improvements to training programs for Wingstop team members, with a focus on elevating the consistency and quality of the in-restaurant experience. Facility upgrades, including refreshes to dining rooms and the introduction of new technology-enabled features, will also be priorities.

Wingstop will even leverage the survey's loyalty and advocacy metrics to refine its marketing strategy and loyalty program structure, with the goal of driving higher visitation frequency and stronger brand advocacy among its most devoted customers.

"We're not just looking to incrementally improve the Wingstop experience - we want to completely reinvent it," said Skipworth. "And the only way to do that is by putting the customer at the absolute center of our decision-making process."

The comprehensive nature of Wingstop's new customer survey is a reflection of the brand's high ambitions. Rather than settling for surface-level feedback, the company is seeking a deep, 360-degree understanding of its patrons' evolving needs, preferences, and pain points.

Skipworth believes this level of insight will give Wingstop a critical competitive advantage in an increasingly crowded and dynamic quick-service restaurant landscape.

"The chicken wing category is hotter than ever, and customers have more options than ever before," he said. "But we're confident that by truly listening to our customers and rapidly adapting to meet their needs, Wingstop will cement its position as the undisputed leader in this space."

The new Wingstop customer experience survey is available now through the brand's mobile app and website. The company encourages all of its loyal customers to participate, with the promise of exciting product innovations and service enhancements to come.