
Effective Treatment of Diaper Rashes


Rashes can be avoided if mothers use their breastmilk or baking soda. Other hacks include giving regular baths and changing diapers frequently.


Diaper rashes occur in infants and are an uncomfortable skin rash that develops in moist and warm environments. Diaper rashes are bumpy and raw and occur frequently in diaper-wearing babies. There are various causes of developing a diaper rash including stool diaper rash, bacterial diaper rash, irritant diaper rash, etc. Mild skin rashes are pink and dry in nature whereas severe rashes are of red colour. Because of the occurrence of rashes, babies are unable to sleep and might end up crying most of the time since the raw rashes can also cause pain. Below are a few tips and tricks parents should adopt to prevent rashes from occurring:


  • Change diapers frequently


Parents should change the diapers vigilantly when the baby is suffering from a diaper rash so that the bottom area does not remain wet for a long period of time. If the bottom area remains wet for a longer period of time, the rashes can become worse.


  • Use unscented soaps


Unscented soaps and detergents are also the cause of diaper rashes in babies. Using laundry detergents, baby soaps and bubble baths of some brands can also lead to the occurrence and worsening of diaper rashes.


  • Avoid scrubbing


Gently cleaning the skin is best because scrubbing can irritate the rashes and the skin. Keeping the area clean from heat and wetness will prevent the worsening of rashes.


  • Use baby wipes


Wipes are perfect for bottom cleaning and do not cause any irritation or dryness on the sensitive skin. Using wipes without alcohol helps in keep the bottoms soft, cleans the impurities and helps in retaining moisture. Certain brands have fragrant wipes which gives a feeling of freshness after usage.


  • Give regular baths


Giving more than one bath to babies on a single day might lead to sky dryness and irritation. Also, using warm water rather than cold to bathe babies is suggested. Avoid the usage of harsh soaps and prefer giving birth to your baby oatmeal or baking soda bath.


  • Breastmilk


Dabbing breastmilk over the rashes helps in treating the problem. It is an inexpensive method for treating rashes. Mothers can even use cotton to apply the breastmilk in the affected area.


  • Use Baking Soda


When changing the diaper, wash the bottoms of the baby with a mixture of warm water and baking soda. Use a washcloth to dip in a solution of baking soda and water and apply it on the area covered with rashes. After cleaning, rub the washed area but do not make it very dry since the presence of baking soda will prevent acidity on the skin. 


Purchasing soft diaper pants to prevent the occurrence of rashes is recommended. The best diapers are good absorbents of leakage and allow breathability because of which rashes do not occur. To buy baby diapers, check prices online and offline and then decide which platform to purchase from. Baby diapers online are of different prices and support all the features required.