This is the third task of the PTE reading section that is often frightening to test takers -- the reorder paragraph task. With the questions we provide at Edutrainex, you will not only learn the correct answers, but will also learn why the answers are correct. There are two sections on the actual exam, one with a jumbled paragraph and another with an empty box that must be filled in with sentences in the correct sequence to form a paragraph. You need only the right amount of guidance and practice to succeed here. This task has no set time, so you will have to learn to manage your time yourself. We recommend that you spend no more than 2 minutes on each reorder paragraph question.
In order to reorder a paragraph, you must understand the concepts of paragraph coherence and paragraph structure. Each sentence in the paragraph is linked to the others in some way. Only one sentence in the paragraph may be independent and will serve as the topic sentence. The first thing you should do is identify the topic sentence, then you should use your expertise in grammar to find the supporting sentences. Repeating nouns, using transition words, and replacing nouns with pronouns are all examples of how you can demonstrate coherence in a paragraph. In order to be successful in the PTE reorder paragraph questions, you need to practice these two concepts, and you can do so with the help of a PTE export from Edutrainex. At Edutrainex, we are not only committed to helping you improve this task, but we are also committed to improving your overall English skills.