The candidate’s ability to meet the minimal level of knowledge required by the EBCOG Examination Committee is assessed using the EFOG-EBOG exam.The test evaluates the candidates’ understanding of general obstetrics and gynaecology as acquired during their training. The exam is based on the EBCOG training syllabus and goes beyond applying this knowledge to clinical problems.
The EFOG-EBCOG Examination consists of 2 parts:
– EFOG Part 1 is a Knowledge Bases Assessment (KBA)
– EFOG Part 2 is a Clinical Skills Assessment (OSCE)
– Participation is subject to eligibility
– Part 2 of the examination can only be taken after Part 1 has been passed
– When both parts of the examination have been passed the certificate of the EFOG-EBCOG will be awarded.
The title of European Fellow of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EFOG) — EBCOG will be awarded to the successful candidates, and they are permitted to use it. In any nation in Europe or beyond, passing the exam alone does not grant or indicate a licence to practise obstetrics or gynaecology. On the other hand, those who are accepted become EBCOG Fellows in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EFOG-EBCOG) and receive a fellowship certificate.
Both European and non-European candidates may take the exam, which will be administered in English. Nonetheless, the EBCOG Examination Standing Committee makes the ultimate determination about a candidate’s suitability following the evaluation of their qualifications.
Guidance Before and During the Exam
Regulations of Part 1 (KBA)
EFOG In the examination room, all applicants will take the two computer-based papers that make up Part 1 of the test online.
Before the examination
A “test-exam” will be given to each candidate approximately one week prior to the examination day. Before the exam, it is required of all enrolled applicants to visit the website and do this “test-exam.” They will each receive a personal email with all the instructions at the same time.
To experience the test, candidates will have access to a link to a demonstrator model. This accomplishes numerous goals. The candidates have the ability to confirm if the specifications of the exam are compatible with their computer. Using tablets during the exam is not permitted. Additionally, students can learn how to open the exam, submit their answers, and close the exam paper. Finally, they can acquaint themselves with the MCQ, EMQ, and SBA question types that are included in the papers.
Four weeks before to the examination, the schedule will be posted on the EBCOG website.
On the day of the Examination
Before the Exam Begins
It is expected of candidates to bring their own laptops that have been verified to be compatible. Tablets are prohibited, as was previously stated. It is required of candidates to bring a power cable together with the necessary power outlets and adapters (European).
Candidates will receive a power supply from the organisers to connect their PCs in the exam room. In the event that applicants forget to bring their own, EBCOG will not furnish them with computers or adapters.
One hour before to the exam’s start time, candidates are expected to appear at the testing location. Candidates will register for the exam at the registration counter upon arrival at the location. They must present their identity card or passport that has their name and picture on it.
Verify that it matches the one that was sent in with the application. It’s also required to print off the email that ORZONE provided confirming the candidate’s acceptance for the KBA exam. The invigilator will provide “Candidate’s unique Log-in ID” as soon as the candidate’s identity is verified.
After that, the applicant will be shown to their exam room seat and given instructions to log in right away. The hallway will not be open to cell phone use. Before entering the examination venue, mobile phones must be turned off and given to the exam personnel. The phones will be put in a name-labeled, lockable envelope. As the applicants exit the exam room, they can pick up their phones.
In the examination hall, no text books, papers, documents, calculators, or other devices are permitted. If necessary, paper sheets and pencils will be available for use during the exam.
During the Examination
On request, identification with a name, photo, and other details should always be given. Before beginning the exam, candidates should wait for the invigilator to give them instructions. Additionally, candidates will not be allowed to reenter the test hall after the allotted 30 minutes have passed.
Upon entering the exam hall, candidates will not be permitted to exit until one hour has elapsed since the examination began. During the final fifteen minutes of the exam, they will not be permitted to exit the examination venue. They are also prohibited from copying any exam materials.
Until they leave the test room, candidates are not allowed to communicate with each other in any way. They will be disqualified and prohibited from taking the test again for two years if they don’t comply.
An invigilator (male or female) will be present at all times if a candidate needs to leave the exam room for any reason during the procedure. Additionally, a candidate should raise his or her hand to speak with the invigilator. It is not permitted to discuss questions with the invigilators.
Twice, thirty minutes and fifteen minutes prior to the exam’s conclusion, there will be a time warning. It is very prohibited to take pictures in the exam room at any point. Any applicant who is found to have cheated on the exam will be eliminated. All keystrokes are continuously recorded during the test.
At End of The Examination
Upon the conclusion of the exam, participants will be requested to put down their laptops and turn in their paper online. They are expected to be sitting and silent. If the invigilator gives permission, candidates are permitted to exit the test room permanently. The loss of personal property is not the examination team’s fault.
The applicants will receive an email with the exam results fifteen days following the exam date.
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