
eGO Rules + Bind key's

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Illusion Baby @Illusion_Baby · Nov 10, 2022 · edited: Nov 27, 2022

This general set of rules must be followed on EdgeGamers Dust2 hosted server or related resources.


  • - No disrespect towards any admin or players on eGO servers.
  • - Harassment of other players is prohibited on eGO.
  • - No cheating, scripting or exploiting of any kind.
  • - Don't disrupt server functions through excessive swearing, spamming, trolling and purposeful grieving.
  • - Avoid political, religious, news, or societal conversations.
  • - Recruiting and advertising is prohibited.

“If you have an issue with how this was handled, you can contact a member of leadership via our forums or Discord.”


General key binds for Counter Strike Source =(eGO)= Dust 2 server.


bind "keynumber" "sm_say the line you want to add"
bind "keynumber" "sm_admin" <--- your bind to your admin menu


bind "6" "sm_say Please do not mic or radio spam, Thank you" 
bind "7" "sm_say This is your final warning." 
bind "8" "sm_say Server is full, all specs besides admins need to join a team." 


bind "-" "sm_say Please do not teamflash or team smoke a player on eGO servers, Thanks"
bind "=" "sm_say “If you have an issue with how this was handled, you can contact a member of leadership via our forums or Discord.” Enjoy your stay"

bind "F1" "sm_say T's need to be out of spawn by 1:30"
bind "F2" "sm_say Please respect all admins and players. No racism, homophabia or sexism allowed on eGO servers."
bind "F3" "sm_say Please keep chat appropriate on eGO servers. Thanks."
bind "F4" "sm_say Please avoid political, religious, news, or societal conversations on eGO servers"
bind "F5" "sm_say Please leave admining for the admins, Thank you"
bind "F6" "sm_say Please refrain from using racist comments while gaming on eGO servers... Thanks"
bind "F7" "sm_say Please be respectful to all players. At eGO we have a strict policy on comments that can be taken as racist"
bind "F8" "ping"
bind "F9" "sm_who"
bind "F10" "status"
bind "F11" "sm_statushist"
bind "F12" "condump"