A work visa is one foreign national must apply for when they want to move to the United States for work purposes. A work visa allows a foreign national to work and live in the US temporarily or to help them become permanent residents. Hiring an immigration attorney in Corpus Christi, TX, will help you better prepare for your work visa application.
A work visa comes in different forms. It can be temporary or for a long time. An immigrant visa allows you to become a permanent resident by granting you a green card. Temporary ones will enable you to work in the US for a limited time. A permanent visa permits an applicant to remain in the US indefinitely.
Contacting an immigration attorney in Corpus Christi, TX, will help determine which work visa is proper for you. An immigration attorney in Corpu
s Christi, TX, will tell you temporary visas are more accessible. In any event, your US employer must file a petition and get the approval of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) before you can apply for a visa.
When you or your family member is applying for an American work visa, you need an experienced immigration attorney in Corpus Christi, TX. When you talk to the immigration lawyers of Gehi and Associates, you can be sure your case will go smoothly. Get in touch with us today!