Christmas is filled with joyous traditions, stories, and folklore, but not everything we believe about the holiday is based on fact. Some of the most beloved Christmas myths have been passed down for generations, while others have evolved from ancient customs and stories. In this blog, we’ll uncover the truth behind some of the most common Christmas myths and reveal the facts that you might not know.
Myth 1: Christmas Is on December 25th Because It’s Jesus’ Birthday
One of the most widespread Christmas myths is that December 25th is the actual birthday of Jesus Christ. While Christmas is celebrated on this date in honor of Christ’s birth, historians believe the exact date of Jesus' birth is unknown. Early Christians didn’t celebrate Christmas, and the date of December 25th was likely chosen to coincide with Roman pagan festivals, such as the Winter Solstice.
Fact: December 25th was selected as the date for Christmas by early Christians to align with the Roman festival of Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun) and to coincide with the Winter Solstice.
Myth 2: Santa Claus Is Based on a Real Person Named St. Nicholas
The modern-day figure of Santa Claus is often thought to be directly based on the historical St. Nicholas, a 4th-century bishop known for his generosity. While St. Nicholas' kindness and gift-giving did inspire the modern Santa, many aspects of Santa’s image—like his red suit, jolly laugh, and flying reindeer—come from various folk tales and traditions that have evolved over time.
Fact: Santa Claus as we know him today was influenced by St. Nicholas, but also by other figures like Father Christmas, Sinterklaas, and the legendary illustrations from the 19th century, particularly those by Thomas Nast.
Myth 3: The Christmas Tree Tradition Is 100% Christian
While Christmas trees are now associated with the Christian holiday, the tradition of decorating trees long predates Christianity. Ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians and Romans, used evergreen plants in their winter celebrations. The modern Christmas tree tradition has its roots in medieval Germany, where people brought trees into their homes to celebrate the winter solstice.
Fact: The Christmas tree tradition is believed to have originated in Germany during the 16th century and was popularized in other parts of Europe and the U.S. in the 19th century, though its origins trace back to much older pagan traditions.
Myth 4: Mistletoe Is Only for Kissing
Mistletoe has long been a symbol of love and romance during the Christmas season, but its history and meaning go much deeper than just kissing. The ancient Celts believed mistletoe had mystical healing properties, and the Norse considered it sacred, associating it with peace and friendship. Kissing under the mistletoe came later as a more modern Christmas tradition.
Fact: Mistletoe’s association with love and kissing comes from 18th-century England, where it was believed that couples who kissed under the mistletoe would enjoy good luck and harmony in their relationship.
Myth 5: “Jingle Bells” Is a Christmas Song
While “Jingle Bells” is now a popular Christmas carol, it was not originally written as a Christmas song. It was composed in 1857 by James Lord Pierpont as a song for Thanksgiving. The tune was so catchy that it became associated with Christmas over time.
Fact: “Jingle Bells” was first performed for Thanksgiving, not Christmas, and it became a Christmas favorite due to its cheerful melody and festive sound.
Myth 6: Christmas Lights Were Originally Created for Christmas Trees
The use of Christmas lights on trees is now a staple of holiday décor, but the first use of electric Christmas lights dates back to 1882 when Thomas Edison’s assistant, Edward H. Johnson, created the first string of lights. Prior to that, candles were used to light up trees, which posed a significant fire hazard. However, Christmas lights were initially used more for decorating homes and streets rather than just trees.
Fact: The use of electric Christmas lights began as a way to decorate homes and public spaces, and it wasn’t until later that they became a key part of tree decorations.
Myth 7: Christmas Cards Started in the U.S.
While it's true that Christmas cards gained popularity in the United States during the 19th century, the tradition of sending holiday greetings actually originated in England. The first Christmas card was created in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole, a British civil servant, who wanted to send a more personal greeting than just a written message.
Fact: The first Christmas card was designed by John Calcott Horsley in England, and it depicted a family celebration with the phrase “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You.”
Myth 8: The Twelve Days of Christmas Begin on Christmas Day
The famous song “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is often misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, the twelve days of Christmas actually begin on December 25th (Christmas Day) and continue until January 5th, which is known as Twelfth Night. This period marks the celebration of the birth of Jesus and the lead-up to the Epiphany on January 6th.
Fact: The Twelve Days of Christmas span from December 25th to January 5th, not starting on Christmas Eve or ending on New Year’s Day.
Myth 9: Christmas Was Always Celebrated on December 25th
As mentioned earlier, Christmas wasn't always celebrated on December 25th. The decision to mark Christ's birth on this date was made centuries after his death. Early Christians didn’t celebrate Christmas at all, and the focus was on Easter. It wasn’t until the 4th century that December 25th was chosen to celebrate Jesus' birth, likely influenced by the Roman festival of Sol Invictus.
Fact: The December 25th date was chosen for Christmas centuries after Christ’s death, and it coincided with pagan solstice celebrations.
Myth 10: Santa Claus Lives at the North Pole
The idea of Santa Claus living at the North Pole has become widely accepted, but its origins are a bit unclear. The North Pole connection became popularized in the late 19th century, particularly in a poem titled “A Visit from St. Nicholas” (commonly known as "The Night Before Christmas"). Prior to that, Santa was often said to live in places like the North Pole, Lapland, or the Arctic Circle.
Fact: Santa’s North Pole residence was solidified in the 19th century, particularly by the 1823 poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” but earlier versions of the Santa legend were more varied in his location.
Christmas is full of magical myths, but understanding the truth behind these traditions adds depth and appreciation to the holiday season. While some stories may be grounded in centuries-old customs, others have evolved over time to become the beloved symbols we recognize today. Whether you're looking to debunk some myths or deepen your understanding of holiday traditions, Christmas offers a wonderful blend of history, folklore, and festive fun.