
Hotel hell


Aria, Lucas, and Johnny continue the ritual amidst the swirling energies in the haunted library. The malevolent force intensifies its resistance, manifesting shadows that contort and writhe, threatening to consume them.

ARIA (shouting over the chaos) We can't let the darkness prevail! Focus on breaking the ancestral ties!

As the trio channels their collective energy into the ritual, the ghostly figures, once tormented, begin to respond. Their agonized moans transform into a harmonic resonance, echoing through the hotel's haunted halls.

GHOSTLY FIGURES (whispers) Redemption... freedom...

The atmosphere shifts, and a blinding light envelops the library, dispelling the malevolent force. The apparition that haunted them dissipates, its vengeful cries fading into an ethereal wail.

LUCAS (awe-struck) Did we... did we do it?

ARIA (exhausted but relieved) The curse is weakened, but it's not over. We need to confront the source—the ancestral pact that binds us.

The ghostly figures guide them to a secret chamber hidden within the hotel. A mural on the chamber's walls depicts the ancestors sealing a dark covenant with malevolent entities.

JOHNNY (astounded) Our family's pact with darkness... it's hauntingly beautiful and terrifying.

ARIA (resolute) We must undo this pact, sever the ties that bind us to the malevolence.

The ritual takes them through a harrowing journey into the spectral realm. They encounter the spirits of their ancestors, reliving the moments that led to the cursed alliance.

ANCESTRAL SPIRIT (anguished) We sought power, but it led to our downfall. Break the chains, end the torment.

ARIA (pleading) Guide us to the heart of this pact, to undo what was done.

The ancestral spirits lead them to a focal point within the spectral realm, a nexus of energy symbolizing the dark covenant. Aria, Lucas, and Johnny confront the lingering malevolence, wielding the ancient talisman.

ARIA (chanting) By blood and bond, we sever the ties. Let the darkness be banished, and the spirits find peace.

The nexus trembles, and the malevolent energy dissipates, leaving the ancestral spirits in serene repose.

GHOSTLY FIGURES (whispers) Thank you...

The hotel, once shrouded in darkness, begins to transform. The faded wallpaper brightens, and the air loses its oppressive weight. The ghostly figures fade away, their expressions now serene.

ARIA (softly) It's over. The curse is lifted.

As they exit the hotel, the storm outside clears, revealing a starlit sky. The Hotel Desolation, no longer haunted, stands as a testament to the resilience of those who dared to confront the supernatural.