
5 Truths of Being Your Own Boss in 2024

The Struggle, Excitement, Benefits, and Woes of Being a Home-Based Business Owner Are Real. How Do You Wear All of the Hats?




Written By: Andy Ogg, CTIE – FindaHostTravelAgency.com 


Working for yourself can be one of the most liberating, freeing, and amazing experiences in a professional’s life, and while it can be all of these things, it can also be one of the most frustrating, challenging, and overwhelming things.

How do you manage the business when you do it all? How do you find the time to focus on growth and not just on the tasks? How do you balance your personal life and your business life to be effective and happy in both?

As many of you may know, our family has been an entrepreneurial family for as long as I can remember. From owning storefront travel agencies, running a tour operator, heading a major association and now running a multitude of tools and resources for Travel Professionals, the Ogg family has and most likely will always be, an entrepreneurial family. Before I joined my parents in their business some 5 years ago, I worked as an employee for some fantastic companies in a totally different industry. While being an employee has some benefits, it’s really is just as challenging in a much different way. 

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